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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Drove this little rover over seven kilometers from its lander can, starting in the highlands, passing through lowlands and craters, and ending in the poles. Grabbed a bunch of science to transmit back at each change in biome, as well as refined the ore resource data provided by the scanner aboard its transition module (still active and parked in polar orbit.)


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Practised helicopter building and flying. Great practise for finesse flying. Landings are still tricky, but once you get used to them, they are great fun!



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Finally learned to fly my "Claymore", the powerful asteroid tug. Nope, the ISRUs can only keep up with the engines by throttling them down to their production levels (a nasty bug). If I switch the ISRUs off, the acceleration is really respectable; yesterday in 4 hours I did three times the work of my past week, bringing a Class E from a speedy flyby on a highly inclined retrograde direction into prograde LKO.

(the past week was based on multiple nukes, bringing into LKO one that was passing Kerbin really close in prograde equatorial orbit direction, barely inclined. Just getting it below Mun orbit was three days of work.)

Now I'll try to land it. I sent the landing assembly rig but the computer cries foul under the number of parts (160 airbrakes, 64 drogues, 136 parachutes plus structure to hold it together and attach it all around the asteroid.)

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Not actually today, but these days

I brought back my orbital Mun Science Lab from high mun orbit, gently aerobroke it and than circularised at 90km. It was a long and tedious process. Also managed to correct more than 1° inclination by only using the station's lift.

But not as tedious as breaking the first 10km of atmosphere with the reentry pod I used to bring more scientist up there. It was a Dreamchaser-style launch but the rocket kept on flipping: then I added Vernors and bigger wings on the bottom and carefully managed to orbit. It also was probably my fastest rendezvous and docking ever. You can see the pod in the last pic

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Edited by Agost
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I had a rescue mission since like 130 (game-) days that i refused to do. So today i finally decided it's time to free that poor Mike Kerman from his odyssey and return him to Kerbin. Launched a vessel to rescue him but then noticed i can't target Mike's vessels anymore. Only thing i get is a 'view in tracking station'-button, but no 'set target to'-button. Oh oh. No tricks worked, so i decided to do a free-handed approach and finally got close enough so that Mike could fly over. My first non-targeted approach. Later i learned that you can target something in game by just double clicking it when it's close enough. Doh.

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Last night I made the mistake of trying to build a craft that would fulfill a whole bunch of missions all at once. It was going well until I tried to pick up Kilessa from the Munar surface. I now have two crews stranded on Mun...and though at least Jeb's bunch is all KSC staff and can EVA out to a rescue ship, that craft tipped due to the grade of the landing zone. Rescue mission tonight if I can manage it. In the meantime, I did get a fair amount of contracts done. Still no Minmus Exploration contract - with only three days until Bob arrives, I don't think I'm going to make it...

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Aside from the fact that by letting Weyland-Yutani into the Kerbal Space Program you have created the most terrifying thing ever, did you find some kind of flag fix? Have a link maybe?

Well I thought it was permanent, Just over the past 3 times I've played it was still there, until last night I saw the white flag back. But what I did was removed all the stock flags from the Squad folder and left just my flag. There must be another folder with them in it. But in essence when I get in game if i've noticed it not there on launchpad, i go to space center and click the flag pole in front of Admin. Building and change it.

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Well I thought it was permanent, Just over the past 3 times I've played it was still there, until last night I saw the white flag back. But what I did was removed all the stock flags from the Squad folder and left just my flag. There must be another folder with them in it. But in essence when I get in game if i've noticed it not there on launchpad, i go to space center and click the flag pole in front of Admin. Building and change it.

I think it's a bug with KSC initialization. If you exit to KSC and then switch back to your craft it's usually fixed, but first time you launch a craft after starting the game these flags are white.

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I played the role of The Stig in testing BlueCanary's all-new 2016 model year K-150 Kraptor truck, developing a street performance oriented suspension tune, a new aero kit and did some interior decoration too!

But, let's call it Kerbal Truck Simulator 2 :D




And yes there was Kerbal Truck Simulator!

Edited by pandoras kitten
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Finally decided to bring home one of the asteroids I have circling the Mun, the 0.4 ton class A with no ore left.

I think I'll need to send up a rescue vehicle though, as the ship currently hauling it around was designed in 1.0.2 and those don't usually survive reentry well.(need more chutes)

My two Duna mission ships got fully loaded at Ike and headed home. The first one(cruise ship with large ore and small fuel) managed to get a ~97 day rendezvous with Kerbin, and after a couple SOI changes I managed to adjust it for a Minmus orbital capture(With Ike->Duna->Kerbol->Kerbin-> Minmus transits, it did not want to let me see the trajectory through the Minmus SOI until after I left the Ike SOI)

Then a good hour in-game later, the Mission ship(high fuel low ore) followed suit but found an 80 day transit by attempting to follow in the footsteps of the cruise ship. It should actually arrive shortly before my Grand Tour ship gets to Duna. After leaving Ike, I was also able to schedule a Minmus orbital capture.

Oddly enough, neither of these ships counts as having a Minmus fly-by in-spite of having landed and refueled there, and the mission ship also seems to be missing an Ike fly-by. In any case, I'll make sure they classify as having a Minmus fly-by before returning to Kerbol with their science loads to make sure I get my two Tour missions fulfilled.

I also launched an attempted Jool scansat probe, but I am not sure if it will be able to do more than have a reasonably stable orbit in the Jool system without a refuel by the Grand Tour ship(once it gets there). Kept loosing my Jool rendezvous while thrusting so I probably wasted a lot of fuel. If I can get some gravity assists I may be able to have enough fuel to start some scans, but not at all sure about that.

(Similar to the eve probe launch, I had about 600m/s left in the ascent stage after getting to orbit, but a lot of that extra speed probably ended up getting wasted)

I am speculating about using the asteroid miner to deorbit those two over-successful launch stages after the asteroid gets transferred to a lander.

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Decided to build an exploration fighter and one particular part caught my eye; the Tricoupler!


Thus The Peninsula was born! I was unsure whether to bring along Bill (Who could reset the parachutes) or Bob (Who could reset the experiments), so I added two cockpits underneath the main cockpit and both of them could come along for the ride!

To my surprise, this thing actually flies pretty well! The only down side was that Bill and Bob, couldn't actually EVA...

But that was solved with Mark 2!


This upgraded added some science to the mix, plus electricity and parachutes!

Now Jebediah, Bill and Bob are ready for their trip to Antarctica (It was easier to go in a straight line!)!

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Today I built this... um... thing.



After I finished the Swordfish I started experimenting with ring-shaped tails, which lead me further to create whatever this thing is. Considering how weird it looks, it actually flies surprisingly well. It stalls out very easily, but it recovers so fast that it doesn't really make a difference. It's a good way of taking sharp turns, really.

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