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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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  CatastrophicFailure said:
Intresting, intresting.... can I get a mod list?

Sure, here we go :)

Raster Prop Monitor

ASET ALCOR LanderCapsule + IVA Patch

ASET Avionics

ASET Props

Chatterer <-- pure immersion :sticktongue:

Community Resource Pack

Hull Camera VDS



KW Rocketry <-- Soyuz-style boosters, i love those

MapView Plus


Docking Port Allignment Indicator

Persistent Rotation





Umbra Space Industries Kontainers - golden tank for water, green crates for snacks

I'm playing on 32-Bit. DirectX 11 saves some ram for all those thingys. Bouncing somewhere around 3gb, mostly stable :P

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Well, courtesy of mission control focusing on the Laythe mission, the gals arrived at Jool. Lots of careful adjustments of the trajectory as Kronos_B got close, saw them on a splendid counter clockwise entrance, with slingshot potentials, towards Laythe.


(I played on the big screen, so I apologize if the lines don't show up so well)

Madly, Valentina and Kimene were of course delighted to arrive.


We got such a good approach and had such a decent fuel budget that I just said go ahead - brake. And Kronos_B went directly into a neat orbit around Laythe the conventional way. Just burning with the engines.


Everything's looking really good sofar.

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Midway through assembling my first Munar base in East Crater... landed a refinery and two tankers to join an existing drill rig. Next step: hook them together using KAS and run lines out to the planned landing zones for refuelling stations; then, land a command section, living quarters, a lab, and a rover. Probably the biggest single project I've attempted so far!

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Banished the Kraken from my career save, so I get to keep playing KSP!

Threw an asteroid out of the solar system.

Incinerated my Moho return probe in Kerbin's atmosphere. I could've saved it in theory, but I couldn't be arsed to send an intercept ship.

Arrived at Duna and Ike with my dual base, rover, satellite whatever thingy:


Turns out you don't need a heatshield for aerobraking at Duna, and I'm unable to bring it back to Kerbin to use it there, so that was a bit of a waste.

And I put too much fuel in the transfer stage, unless I was supposed to use it for something. Can't remember, it's been a while since I designed and launched this thing.

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Last night I launched the fully refueled Wildcat 7 with Theogel and Verise aboard to rendezvous with the Nahquadah 7 automated ore-hauler in Munar orbit. The rendezvous was a success and 450 units of ore were transferred to Nahquadah, which was then sent back to Kerbin. The plan is for Nahquadah to rendezvous with a Magpie 7 spaceplane in orbit of Kerbin to transfer its payload, then head on to a rendezvous with the Kerbinport space station to await its next delivery mission. The Magpie will haul the ore back down to Kerbin for contract. I'm concerned a bit about the plane - while she has had a successful orbit, I have yet to test what her flight characteristics will be like with a load of ore. For all I know, the bird won't fly...

Meanwhile, Theogel and Verise took their Wildcat and rendezvoused with the Munport 1 station. Docking was successful and conversion of the ore into fuel began. A refinery module for the Minmusport station also arrived last night and successfully rendezvoused, beginning a similar conversion operation (the Wildcat craft assigned to Minmus having made its first ore delivery three days ago). What has become obvious from the conversion operations aboard both space stations is that neither one has sufficient electrical power generation to run the converter unit full bore. I'll be looking into adding a truss structure to the stations for additional power generation in the near future. I'm kinda disappointed about this (though not really surprised), as I was hoping the arrival of Minmusport's refinery module would've been the final piece of mining infrastructure that needed to be established for Kerbin's moons.

Picked up a rescue contract for Kerbin. Since I've got an up-and-down tourist contract going on as well, I've thought about combining the two missions. I'm also still thinking about how I'm going to get Bob off the Mun; Theogel didn't have the KAS tools like I thought he would.

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Last night I played some French Vanilla KSP (Stock KSP + util plug-ins). Sadly I lost my Linux partition when I had to fix my HDD :(, so back to playing on OS X with minimal graphics settings and crossed fingers. Anyways, I built a semi-nuclear SSTO.

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Can you say, Retro Rocket?

Interestingly, the idea of a non spaceplane SSTO is somewhat effective and very entertaining to experiment with, despite the rather cold reception in the craft builder forums.

Before anyone even dared to daydream of spaceplanes, rocket ships were all sorts of cool!

This vertical takeoff, horizontal landing concept could be easily taken one step further to create Thunderbirds style VTOLs. It just needs to be scaled up to carry useful amounts of payload.




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Going to Duna


I find the singularity gravity turns you get then your Pe is close to the planet funny. Here I got an second one with the sun.

No do not try to use them. Remember doing it at Vall, the gravity turn was perfect except for the negative Pe :)

Half tank please:


This was the day before. Payload is an small satellite, and an three part farming and production extension for the ike base.

Will pick up an stranded kerbal and his pod and change crews.

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Last night's activities began with the design and launch of a power generation module. Probably one of the best booster designs I've built in a while; got the payload into orbit without too much fuel left in the final booster stage. The initial module is on its way to Munport now; I'll launch a companion module for the Minmusport station tonight.

I spent the rest of the night in an attempt to get Bob and his Fireball 7c craft off the surface of Mun by refueling it. Theogel and Verise were still aboard Munport at the beginning of the night, so I left Verise at the station and had Theogel grab the KAS tools out of the Project Peacock craft still docked at the station. He then departed in the Wildcat craft, which already had the necessary hardware for the repairs incorporated into its design. Theogel affected a successful landing and refuel of Fireball 7c, but in the process was left out of fuel in Munar orbit forty degrees off the plane of Munport. So now he's out of fuel - and since his Wildcat craft is the only ore hauling lander I've got at Mun, my Munar mining operations are on hold until I can get his craft refueled. I don't see an alternative but to send a fuel module to dock with him - I had hoped to not have to send another one of those up to Mun (the mining ops were supposed to render those obsolete, they're expensive as hell and tricky to launch).

So the lesson there kiddos - If you don't think you can pull off a landing and get back into orbit safely, you probably can't. So don't land. Otherwise you too might ruin your mining operations.

Things didn't exactly go peachy for Bob after the refuel either. He pulled a reorientation roll a bit too quickly during his launch from Mun and managed to rip his solar panels right off due to centrifugal force. He is heading back to Kerbin now and should make it, but I've had to lock his batteries down so that he'll have some juice left for opening up the chutes at the end. Just one more damn thing, right?

Hopefully tonight I'll have better luck with things in general.

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The first vehicle was originally a space station in Minmus orbit (which doubled as fulfilling a contract), which I then used KIS/KAS to make it essentially a VTOL with 4 Thuds and 6 small wheels. Second vehicle was a resupply ship that carried a few KIS containers so I could make the VTOL, to which I then added some Gigantors so it kept some usefulness after fulfilling its job. Third vehicle was my original miner ship that had only 1 drill and 1 ore container and shuttled the ore to the space station in Minmus orbit (the one that's now on the ground), until I realized that's horribly inefficient and didn't give any profit. Fourth vehicle is my second miner, which has 9 large ore containers and 4 drills. These were all docked originally to the former "space station" in low minmus orbit until I took them down one by one to an area with ~8.5% ore average. Planning on bringing some fuel shuttles once I unlock larger fuel containers (orange tanks are currently my biggest; waiting until I get Kerbodyne) and engines and making a minmus/LKO shuttle so my interplanetary trips can be topped off once they hit LKO.

Special thanks to KIS/KAS for making the VTOL possible, and reducing the tedium that would have been required from manually attaching every single ship together.

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  pandoras kitten said:
Since my non-spaceplane SSTO thread got downvoted immediately after it got posted (for being different??), I thought to reply that in a world filled with hate and despair, daring to dream is what we should all do. Because we can.

Yeah I don't get it either. It's an SSTO with, what I think, some pizaaz. KSP isn't about building what everyone else is building. It's about approaching the same problem, differently.

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  McFarnsworth said:
VTOL miner that fits in an mk3 cargo bay:



Not quite happy with it yet though, the fuel budget is pretty small.

If you need more fuel or dV sacrifice one of the ore tanks for fuel. for special missions you can dock an 2.5 meter pancake tank on each end.

I assume you can not make it longer

And very compact design.

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