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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Killed my entire 32 kerbal colony on the Mun by accident.

I wanted screenshots for this thread, but I'm at work, and KSP is at home. I realized that if all I wanted was screenshots, not to actually play KSP, I could probably use the "LogMeIn" app on my phone to connect to my home machine, start up KSP, and get the screenshots I need using the phone's built-in screenshot functionality.

Great plan, right?

I went to the space center, switched to my colony and... WHY IS IT TAKING OFF? NOOOOOOooooooo.... this is going to end badly.

I forgot that I have a joystick plugged in at home... and that I left the throttle on the joystick set to max, from when I was testing a jet last night. Since the colony has an engine, with fuel left still, and I hadn't deactivated the engine, it took off, without SAS, without arrow keys to control it, and with the graphics streaming sssslllloooowwwlllllyyyy over the internet to my phone. And the LogMeIn app has no escape key, so I couldn't even bring up the menu to pause, and deal with it later, attempting to land it.

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I've finished making a small Mün station called Selene 2.


It has a docked reusable lander and all together it holds enough fuel to allow 7 one-Kerbal Münar landings at the equator. It's quite satisfactory because it's so easy to land and liftoff to reach the station. There are 3 Kerbals onboard. Two of them are quite stupid, and one is quite smart, so their faces on the main screen are fun to watch. The smart guy is all "wow wow wow" and the other two are on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

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Tested my Kerbal Mass Driver on Duna today. Still had to do a power landing as my chutes disconnected beefore touching ground. At least nothing broke. Still a bad angle for the test shot. But, at least you can see Nelvey happy to test it out:


Nice little shot of the still happy Kerbal going up to what would have been a 79 k high altitude. But, Since I could see Ike. Decided to try and make him orbit using Ike as the referance I wanted for the orbit direction:


Still it was work a shot. Need to build a rover to position it as I have already made it possable to do. Wonder how well it would have worked if I could face it towards 90 degrees East and 45 degrees up:


I realize the linkmight not work. Was getting errors too. Will try and correct later if possable.

Edit: Also need to send more Kerbals over.

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I was able to land on The Mun for the second time and actually plant a flag (last time I forgot to put a ladder on my lander...whoops!)


almost didn't get home, tried to dock with my second stage still in orbit around The Mun but couldn't get it right. When I gave up I only had enough fuel to get back into orbit around Kerbin.

Had to use my RCS thrusters to kill my orbit and land on/splash down on Kerbin!

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Seeing as I just finished Ascension Station last night, I spent my free time today shipping supplies, hardware, and Kerbals to it.


All the fuel tanks are filled up and it's (mostly) filled up with Kerbals, roughly 25 of them. Also there's two of Lack's tugs in the garage, each one being able to move between objects in orbit carrying fuel, monoprop, and a pair of passengers. The first interplanetary stage is also docked up to the underside now, and I plan to ship two others up there. That way when putting a payload into orbit, I don't have to launch a new transfer stage, I just have to undock one from the station and send it over.

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I sent 5 probes to Duna today. The first probe, Shoemaker 01, will arrive at duna in 55 days. It carries a high gain antenna for communication with Kerbin. It also carries the Eirs 01 probe.

Eirs 01 will detach from Shoemaker 01 and enter Duna's atmosphere to land. It will send back the recorded data to Shoemaker 01 which will send it back to Kerbin.

5 days later, Armstrong 01 and 02 will arrive at Duna. They will orbit Duna and study it's surface for a suitable place for Eris 02 to land.

The next day, Eris 02 will arrive at duna and land at any interesting location found by Armstrong 01 and 02.

Finally, Shoemaker 01 will use it's thrusters to enter Ike orbit and study it's surface.

Shoemaker 01 and Eris 01 carried by the centaur 05 kicker:


Armstrong 01 and 02:


Eris 02:


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I expanded my normal "heavy" lifter (14 jumbo 64 orange tanks at launch => 2 full in orbit) into a "super-heavy" lifter (38 jumbo 64 orange tanks at launch lifting 6 full jumbo 64 tanks into orbit.)

It's over 240 tons in orbit.

Knowing what an absurd abundance of fuel I can put in orbit I think it's time to put a better tug/lander on top of the rocket and visit all the planets.

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Today during testing on Kerbin I have expanded the problems that face my Laythe base that is currently on route.

As well as having a "tear itself apart on parachute deployment" issue, it appears that like SteevyT above it also has a "Hatch obstructed" problem for the hitchhiker container.

The base currently on route to Jool is therefore gonna have to become a flyby and I will try to return it to Kerbin Orbit.

I can then rescue one of the kerbals aboard in orbit, the 2 with the obstructed hatch may have to take their chances with those chutes. . . .

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I did some Testflights with manned Vessels. Due tu a little... misconception, one got lost in an very low Orbit around Kerbin.

The next few hours were spent in building a spaceship with enough fuel and power to performe multiple orbit changes, for saving the poor Kerbal out there in Space.

The rescue mission was not really a great success. In fact, the rescue vessel crashed several times on Kerbin. First, the carrier rocket didn't have enough power to bring the vessel into space - I lost 4 Kerbans due to this. The next two attempts failed, because I re-entered atmosphere too soon.

The actual state of the rescue mission is: 7 deaths, and now 2 Kerbans orbiting around Kerbin. At least one vessel returned to Kerbin without crashing on it's surface. This - somehow - reminds me of my hundreds of glorious hours playing dwarf fortress.

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Started farting around with designs for an entry in the Doing it Gemini Style challenge. Still haven't picked out what set of nuclear weapons tests I'm going to name the various craft after; probably going to go after the Ivy tests though. Also still haven't finalized the mission profile. KER decided to take a break from helping me design ships with sufficient delta-V, which was a bite; I'm hoping this is temporary. KSP has been acting up a lot on my box lately and I'm hoping a re-install is not in the cards for the near future.

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Landed a Kerbal on Minmus. However, the lander lag broke off. The ship was still functional enough to stage and return back to Kerbal. As I have reverted from the save, I will land again and pay better attention to killing lateral movement.


The other flight to Mun set up a flyby. Tedious to do but the secret is do so slowly. Once in sight slowly match up speed. Next time, I will set up the one ship with a dual thruster set balanced at COG so lateral thrust can be used to speed up the matching process.



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Redesigned my Moho Tug to handle engine overheating and also reduce some weight with the large RCS tank (as opposed to multiple smaller tanks). Launch to 150km x 150km was still rock solid and I got a hair more delta-V out of the bargain. Here it is pushing a (19-ton) mining control shack on its first actual Moho burn that went beyond engine explosion.


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I did a massive mission with 6 propes and a Laythe lander to the Jool system, the entire thing has taken atleast 12 hours, and now when I arrive after the massive interplanetary burn, the ladder on my Laythe lander is too short and the Pol prope is out of electricity, facing its solar panels away from the sun. Atleast I have 5 more propes for the rest of the moons!

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