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Are you going to start a fresh save file come 0.20?

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Definitely not. I have a save file from when 0.18 came out with around 40 different satellite missions, and in another save I have two decently sized space stations, one in-progress Mun base and, most importantly, big plans for the future. That probably won't be completed. =(

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starting from scratch.

1st time i played this i used that 'fueltastic' mod.. was way to easy to go everywhere

2nd time didn't use that mod and tried many other mods

3rd time... went with my fav mods - mechjeb, ORDA, quantum strut, protractor and mapsat

this time with 2.0, gonna try vanilla and see what I have learned

I know I can manually dock as that was my biggest hurdle as it took so damn long

injecting without protractor will be a big hurdle.. but will probably have a 2nd campaign to test shoot to give me an idea on phase angles

we'll see

Edited by miketheveeg
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Yes, I will be starting from scratch just like I did with .19.1

I will not be re-using /most/ of my craft, as /most/ of them don't even work.

I will be copying over anything that has proven itself to be a reliable and error-free craft when flown under proper circumstances. Things like my Yoonyte (Soyuz Replica), my only SSTO spaceplane that currently is pretty useless, my Mun lander, and probably some of the heavy lifters, though I do plan on re-making a set of lifters so I can use them over and over. Oh, also my Planet Trekker III rover. It's a rover that can pretty much handle any planet no problem.

Also, since the RAM usage should be taken care of, this should mean I'm able to install many more mods without worrying about crashing, so that's going to happen. I'll re-install NovaPunch and Kosmos SSPP, which I've been forgoing due to them not being absolutely essential (and some of NP being OP as hell) to my gameplay, but I'll bring them back in and hopefully have some fun. NovaPunch had a few really good sounding rocket engines...

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Nah, got such a huge set of achievements and infrastructure in place I doubt I'll ever start over unless I'm forced to (and if I am, that may be quitting point for me).

I may consider it when resources come along, but being as the only real 'game elements' in this patch are flags and seats I don't see the need to change my current game.

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I have 2 colonies on the Mün. I have a depot in LKO and another in geostationary(ish) orbit. There's one orbiting Mün and one at Duna and another at Laythe. I have a guy on the surface of Laythe to rescue, with a whole load of stuff currently en route there. There's a mission outbound to Eeloo that still has 2 years left of its flight time and Bill and Jeb are in a Kerbol orbit close to Duna with an intercept in 2-3 years, their ship running on vapours, coming home after landing on Dres. They will get to Duna Depot, even if I have to send a chase vehicle out from Duna to get them.

So no, I won't be nuking my same file any time soon.

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Yep, I usually do this with a new major (sub-)version and will do so with 0.20 as well ...

may be, however, that I transfer a few of my crafts (like my rover containing Borg-Kubus) between the versions ...

but this totally depends on the changes within the craft parts

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I don't know, but I expect probably. It's my understanding that the mod-system is undergoing some big changes here, and as such I expect any mod-equipped ships to be incompatible.

I urge people to remember: We've bought an Alpha-stage game here. We should totally expect certain levels of update to break our persistence files and force us to re-start. I would expect no less, as changes are made, optimizations, features added, etc etc.

So, you know .. Don't be upset when it happens, and don't just quit and give up because you have to start over.


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