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[0.90] Procedural Dynamics - Procedural Wing 0.9.3 Dec 24


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I'm trying to install Procedural Dynamics Procedural Wing with ckan and I get the following:

About to remove:


About to install...

* ProceduralWings v0.9.3 (cached)

The following inconsistecies were found:
ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwing2/model.mu, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwing2/model000.png, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwing2/part.cfg, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwing2/Thumbs.db, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwing2endcap/model.mu, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwing2endcap/model000.png, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwing2endcap/part.cfg, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwing2endcap/Thumbs.db, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwing3/model.mu, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwing3/part.cfg, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwingAllMovingSurface/model.mu, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwingAllMovingSurface/model000.png, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwingAllMovingSurface/part.cfg, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwingAllMovingSurface/Thumbs.db, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwingB9/model.mu, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwingB9/model000.png, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwingB9/part.cfg, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwingB9/Thumbs.db, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwingSPP/part.cfg, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwingSPP/procWings.png, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwingSPP/pwingspp.mu, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/DYJproceduralwingSPP/Thumbs.db, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/procedural_ControlSurface_1/model.mu, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/procedural_ControlSurface_1/model000.png, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/procedural_ControlSurface_1/part.cfg, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/procedural_ControlSurface_1/Thumbs.db, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/procedural_ControlSurface_SH_4m/model.mu, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/procedural_ControlSurface_SH_4m/model000.png, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/procedural_ControlSurface_SH_4m/part.cfg, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/procedural_ControlSurface_SH_4m/Thumbs.db, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Parts/pWings-DRE.cfg, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/Plugins/pWings.dll, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics
* ProceduralWings wishes to install GameData/ProceduralDynamics/PWingsSettings.cfg, but this file is registered to ProceduralDynamics

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Eskandare: Wow, impressive? So you can play career mode and upgrade your buildings? Tell us the secret!

naturalbornidiot: posted an issue on the CKAN repo.

orangejuice: just because a module doesn't already have costDensity in its cfg doesn't mean you can't add it. :)

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I have no clue what is kicking all of my nullref errors, I uninstalled then reinstalled KSP and I am getting the exact same errors. The outputlog is posted previously, same errors so no need to post another one.

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I cannot imagine building planes without this mod. I have some weird issue with procedural wings. Sometimes when i pick an existing procedural wing(or proc. control surface) and try to attach it elsewhere it just won't attach to the surface and it still hangs at the cursor position, although each time i try to put a wing my cost counter increases. Also before this happens if I try to change the geometry of wings attached in symmetry mode only the shape of one wing changes. After that sometimes i have weird things happening in the editor and i have to load a previous stable version of my .craft file. Does anyone else have this?

Edited by Sparker
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Eskandare: Wow, impressive? So you can play career mode and upgrade your buildings? Tell us the secret!

Lol he just said he's not sure how he does it.

I'm in the same situation. When I heard about the facilities upgrade bug in x64 I decided to check on mine and I upgraded everything to level 2 (damn expensive btw...). It allowed me to launch heavier rockets and all that. Didn't test level 3 though, because I was satisfied with the test and I don't like to play career mode anyway.

So yeah, we don't know why it works for some people and it doesn't for others. Every computer environment is extremely unique.

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I cannot imagine building planes without this mod. I have some weird issue with procedural wings. Sometimes when i pick an existing procedural wing(or proc. control surface) and try to attach it elsewhere it just won't attach to the surface and it still hangs at the cursor position, although each time i try to put a wing my cost counter increases. Also before this happens if I try to change the geometry of wings attached in symmetry mode only the shape of one wing changes. After that sometimes i have weird things happening in the editor and i have to load a previous stable version of my .craft file. Does anyone else have this?

I installed KSP again and tested this plugin without any other mods and it worked fine. I could pick and place procedural wings as many times as i wanted and this problem never occured. Then i installed FAR and the problem started to happen. So I guess the problem is either with FAR incompatible with this plugin or this plugin incompatible with FAR.

In the log i get many messages like this:

[EXC 02:23:37.390] NullReferenceException
UnityEngine.Component.GetComponent[FARWingAerodynamicModel] ()
ferram4.FAREditorGUI.Update ()
ferram4.FAREditorGUI.OnGUI ()
RenderingManager.OnGUI ()

[EXC 02:23:32.898] ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.UInt32,PartCrewManifest].Add (UInt32 key, .PartCrewManifest value)
VesselCrewManifest.FromConfigNode (.ConfigNode craftNode)
KerbalRoster.UpdateCrewForVessel (.ConfigNode vesselNode, .VesselCrewManifest previous, System.Func`2 persistFilter)
EditorLogic.RefreshCrewAssignment (.ConfigNode craftNode, System.Func`2 persistFilter)
EditorLogic.<SetupFSM>m__B4 ()
KerbalFSM.RunEvent (.KFSMEvent evt)
KerbalFSM.updateFSM (KFSMUpdateMode mode)
KerbalFSM.UpdateFSM ()
EditorLogic.Update ()

I guess there's even more useful stuff in the log so i'll leave it attached here:



After reinstalling KSP and all mods this bug stopped happening. I don't know what was the problem. Maybe because there are two versions of pWings on CKAN?

Edited by Sparker
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i love this mod :D and have been using it for quite a few versions since, but now i am having difficulty putting procedural control surfaces on the ends of the wings near the wingtips where i never had issues in the past; basically during assembly it does not recognize the wings near the tips as a valid placement, whereas only the roots are recognized. is this a known issue?

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so iv d/l your mod today and i can not get it to work, and don't know how to get any info on whats going on so i will try to explain the best i can.

i have the B9 pack as well MJ, i also tried in vanilla with no luck. It did how ever work once then Kip crashed and iv had no luck sense.

ok so I'm building my space plane once i put on the wings and move them to the way i want them VIA T,G,B . i can not place any thing on the wings nothing will go on them on the out side along the leading edge on top or the bottom. the only place any thing will snap to is at the closest point to where the wing part was first placed, and it does not snap very well.

iv also tried it on a sandbox with and with out mods.

i hope this helps.

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I installed KSP again and tested this plugin without any other mods and it worked fine. I could pick and place procedural wings as many times as i wanted and this problem never occured. Then i installed FAR and the problem started to happen. So I guess the problem is either with FAR incompatible with this plugin or this plugin incompatible with FAR.

In the log i get many messages like this:

[EXC 02:23:37.390] NullReferenceException
UnityEngine.Component.GetComponent[FARWingAerodynamicModel] ()
ferram4.FAREditorGUI.Update ()
ferram4.FAREditorGUI.OnGUI ()
RenderingManager.OnGUI ()

[EXC 02:23:32.898] ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.UInt32,PartCrewManifest].Add (UInt32 key, .PartCrewManifest value)
VesselCrewManifest.FromConfigNode (.ConfigNode craftNode)
KerbalRoster.UpdateCrewForVessel (.ConfigNode vesselNode, .VesselCrewManifest previous, System.Func`2 persistFilter)
EditorLogic.RefreshCrewAssignment (.ConfigNode craftNode, System.Func`2 persistFilter)
EditorLogic.<SetupFSM>m__B4 ()
KerbalFSM.RunEvent (.KFSMEvent evt)
KerbalFSM.updateFSM (KFSMUpdateMode mode)
KerbalFSM.UpdateFSM ()
EditorLogic.Update ()

I guess there's even more useful stuff in the log so i'll leave it attached here:



After reinstalling KSP and all mods this bug stopped happening. I don't know what was the problem. Maybe because there are two versions of pWings on CKAN?

Sparker, I had this exact problem too except for me when it started freezing even the editor menu buttons didn't work i.e. load save; this issue basically entirely broke my game whenever I tried using proceedural wings. Gonna try getting the latest version of far and this to see if it fixes anything, fingers crossed :/

EDIT: Just retested with latest Procedural wings + FAR and no problems thus far :)

Edited by pingopete
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Sparker, I had this exact problem too except for me when it started freezing even the editor menu buttons didn't work i.e. load save; this issue basically entirely broke my game whenever I tried using proceedural wings. Gonna try getting the latest version of far and this to see if it fixes anything, fingers crossed :/

EDIT: Just retested with latest Procedural wings + FAR and no problems thus far :)

OK I've encountered another issue, though everything else works; it's simply that parts will only surface attach to procedural wings were the wings were originally shaped, so attaching control surfaces only works right at the base of the wing, as the rest of the wing was extended beyond were it was originally, the game doesn't 'see' the new area as an object I think :/

But as said, everything else is working great!

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OK I've encountered another issue, though everything else works; it's simply that parts will only surface attach to procedural wings were the wings were originally shaped, so attaching control surfaces only works right at the base of the wing, as the rest of the wing was extended beyond were it was originally, the game doesn't 'see' the new area as an object I think :/

But as said, everything else is working great!

Try to press C and place your control surfaces in precise mode.

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Hmm, based on the lack of reports I'd have to say I must be the only one suffering from pWing related crashes. I'll have to try reinstalling both FAR and pWings and see if they persist. I can place, shape and fly with them but my game becomes incredibly unstable. Of course, it could be responding poorly to something else like editor extensions since all the crashes happen when transitioning to/from the ship building scene, or when interacting with the wings themselves. The crash logs didn't show anything useful but if I get another crash (I removed pWings but I'll add them again) I'll put together the whole shebang.

Honestly I figured other people must have been suffering from crashes as well, but it's clearly something going on with my install then.

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Hmm, based on the lack of reports I'd have to say I must be the only one suffering from pWing related crashes. I'll have to try reinstalling both FAR and pWings and see if they persist. I can place, shape and fly with them but my game becomes incredibly unstable. Of course, it could be responding poorly to something else like editor extensions since all the crashes happen when transitioning to/from the ship building scene, or when interacting with the wings themselves. The crash logs didn't show anything useful but if I get another crash (I removed pWings but I'll add them again) I'll put together the whole shebang.

Honestly I figured other people must have been suffering from crashes as well, but it's clearly something going on with my install then.

I was having issues with craft that had wings from previous versions of Pwings, when I removed those wings and redid them under the new system the NULLREF errors went away.

Check your output.log

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Oddly, the logs didn't have a bunch of NULLREFs that I saw, the only thing I knew is the crashes began IMMEDIATELY after I placed my first pWing and went away entirely after I removed the mod. It wasn't a intermittent thing, KSP crashes occasionally, it was always during the editor when interacting with a pWing, or transitioning to and from. I always do a fresh save with each update of KSP so an outdated craft file isn't an issue. The same goes for installing mods, I always delete the old folders before updating so I must have made a mistake. One of my mods must have been an earlier version and I flubbed with the install since I haven't had any issues after deleting my mods and downloading the latest versions to replace them.

Thanks for the input, fortunately the old 'I did it wrong, try again' seems to have been the right action.

Edited by Hyomoto
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