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Please report here if you're having absolutely ZERO problems with 0.20


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I also don't have any issues with the new KSP, except form some lag when driving or at EVA at the planet's surface. I believe that at the next update these issues will be solved since they changed the memory loading procedures. During launch the lag at large part count is smaller than 0.19 and the launches are very beautiful. I like that they fixed the radial coupling and i hope that at a future update we will have back again (or as an option form the graphics menu) high resolution planets at the map view. Now i only need to wait to fix the mods so my mapsat mod will map properly the planets

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I've never encountered a single bug in all the time I've been playing. It helps that I run a purely vanilla game, but I seem to have been relatively lucky in comparison to some people.

Well, I've had the occasional framerate drop, but that's more of a matter of my hardware being less than stellar than anything else.

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Overall I'm doing good, but like others reporting in happy I have a clean install, stock parts, and new save game. While I need to get to the bugs area, two things I am researching to see if they are bugs are:

When trying to dock with another ship in space, the nav ball won't switch over to the 'target' mode without jumping to the command center and then hopping back in.

The turbojet engine does not appear the 'initiate launch' so the map veiw never calculates periapsis or appoapsis.


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I think a thread like this is a really good idea. I'd be interested in knowing how many of you are running linux. I am, and there is a problem (bug report filed and several other users have the same problem) with the scroll wheel on the mouse. What used to be zoom in now zooms out, and zooming in doesn't work. We're having to use keyboard commands for zooming (trandslating in VAB), which are very slow.

Is anyone here running linux and not having this issue? If so, please state your os.

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I've only had time to play for a couple of hours with the 0.20 windows version but so far it works good for me. I noticed a huge performance boost in general; loading the game and launchpad is much faster now. Also I experience a lot less lag even during time warping in LKO; warping in Mün orbit is super fast. I have to play some more to build up my opinion, but at first glance it looks smooth.

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  Peenvogel said:
I've only had time to play for a couple of hours with the 0.20 windows version but so far it works good for me. I noticed a huge performance boost in general; loading the game and launchpad is much faster now. Also I experience a lot less lag even during time warping in LKO; warping in Mün orbit is super fast. I have to play some more to build up my opinion, but at first glance it looks smooth.

Now that you mentioned it, warping seems much faster in .20. Probably because the game isn't bogging down as your spacecraft approaches a planet or moon the way it used to. I'll have to get used to this! :)

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Thanks to the OP for creating this thread!

It's very interesting how on a thread about people not having issues, I was able to pick out pretty much all the same bugs we had gleaned off the more uh, negative threads, and in a much less depressing way. :)

Hearing from those who AREN'T experiencing a bug is very often just as important as hearing from those that are.


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  TheCanadianVendingMachine said:
To be honest, the people complaining are all using mods it seams. Anyhow, I do notice a better in crease in speed and my computer not about to commit suicide. :D

Before I started playing, I manually added the mods one by one and started a new game each time. Those that gave me trouble (no more inflatable hab:( ) I threw out immediately. I think most popular mods will be made compatible rather sooner than later.

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  HarvesteR said:
Thanks to the OP for creating this thread!

It's very interesting how on a thread about people not having issues, I was able to pick out pretty much all the same bugs we had gleaned off the more uh, negative threads, and in a much less depressing way. :)

Hearing from those who AREN'T experiencing a bug is very often just as important as hearing from those that are.


You're welcome HarvesteR :) LOL your game has left me not being able to finish my New Brighton Beach addon (*whispers*, um, for that other space sim hehehe), because it rocks so much! Thanks for making it! Dream come true! LOL

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Playing all stock -- that's just what I like to do -- and have tried all the new parts, built and driven a few rovers, and launched things to and from orbit, to Mun and back, and to Minmus (not back yet... will try after traveling tonight). So far, it's all been slicker than snot on a doorknob. It runs much smoother and much faster than 0.19 did, even when I try to throw things with all kinds of parts onto the pad. I'll have to load it on my daughter's computer when we return.

There was one point where the editor seemed to get confused when I took out the two new probe cores to look at them side-by-side, but it's entirely possible that I got confused about which one I'd picked first. If I can manage to duplicate it, it's the only thing I'd classify as a bug, and it didn't even interrupt the software's execution.

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I've experienced zero new problems since 0.20.. It seems a load of bugs have been reported but none have affected me so far! I have a rather clean installation, only a couple of mods.

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Well, this is awful news. This will be a three day weekend for me, and it's supposed to rain for nearly all of it. All that yard work will have to wait until next week. Whatever shall I do to occupy the time? :D

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Loving the new update, especially the bugfixes, optimizations, and new part loader!

Notable among the fixed bugs are the repaired VAB/SPH name fields and the crew hatches have been fixed! (I'm on a Mac)

I can also use higher graphics settings when playing, I might even turn on antialiasing to see how well it performs!

Part loader is a ton faster, I can load the game in 0-2 minutes versus my 4+ in 0.19 and before.

New parts are great as well, I love the new wheels and the flags are killer!

I have to say this is my new favorite update with all of the great stuff that Squad added!

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No trouble at all here, good sir.

No wait, I did have trouble.. thanks to my derpy self. I didn't rotate the new wheels correctly when adding them in the SPH.. so when I tested the rover it would'nt drive.. I also thought they steered rather strangely.. then it dawned on me.. :P

I also always start with a fresh install/map, too. Adding mods when they're ready. That new cupola internal is great for Kerbin gazing on a station.

Also, definitely faster, something my pc (and myself) are very happy with.

It loads very fast, so I don't know, but has the old loading screen been totally removed? I really liked that one.

Thanks, squad, for all the work you put into it. Very (very) much appreciated.

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I haven't encountered any bugs at all either. My only problem seems to be the (apparent) new ocean shader, for some reason it lags my game by quite a lot compared to .19.

But only when I look at it from IVA, so it's not really that bad.

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I have not found any problem yet, just improvement, but also the 0.19 was good, I fear that those mods inevitable slow down things...I am tempted to leave my 0.20 full stock

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  SinPistones said:
I haven't encountered any bugs at all either. My only problem seems to be the (apparent) new ocean shader, for some reason it lags my game by quite a lot compared to .19.

But only when I look at it from IVA, so it's not really that bad.

Just out of curiosity, what sort of video card do you have? ATI or Nvidia based?

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Possibly. I'm running an i7-920/2.66 GHz which is about 5 years old, but with an Nvidia GTX650-Ti SC, and I'm getting no lag at all. I was getting nasty lag on .19 with an ancient AMD Radeon HD4850, which is why I upgraded. Just grasping at straws for a possible correlation. Thanks for replying!

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0.20 works just fine for the couple of hours I've played so far, any issues I have with it have been in previous versions.

If they made parts act like they were properly bolted together at the seams rather than at the attachment node I'd be very happy.

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I'm getting stuttering with the new wheels, and I have to quicksave like every three minutes to make sure I have something to go back to whenever I flip my rover. Even when I'm not moving at all I'm getting all this gittery movement and I have to spam the quicksave button until it saves. For some reason it keeps saying "Cannot save when about to crash" or "Cannot save when moving across the surface", even though I have breaks activated. It's not really a big deal though. I'll just wait 'till .20.

Other than that it's a great version. I really like what Squad added.

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