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Magic Boulder Removed?

Evil Acrylic

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Hey Guys

Just wondering does anyone know if "Magic Boulder" is still in KSP or ever was for that matter?

I have followed what few vids and posts there are about this Rock and for the last 2 days i have been looking at space trying to spot this i have tried every way under the sun to find this Rock but i have been unsuccessful.

so i have decided to start looking does it actually exist?, looking at the log files you can see every moon planet and ship load within the log file and everything is named nicely (thank-you squad :-) ) but that there is no reference to this Rock

Does anyone know what file the planet locations are stored in?

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The information that i have was it is about 80dec Polar orbit at 15km, So i after a few hours of just looking i have now put up there 2 Remote Tech Sat at this orbit so i can see when the Boulder would have done a complete trip around Ike.

After many hours of this i start getting doubtful after reading the guy on youtube used HyperEdit ( I start to think Magic Boulder is Spawned in)

and to finish it off i think right Dev Console, and for the last 2 hours i have sat 14km up at 80dec using RCS and never-ending fuel just to see if it truly is there and after many passes of my Remote Tech Sats still not a single pixel :-(

After this you can proberly understand me questioning if this is still in Kerbal as of 0.20.

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It was defiantly in the game at one point as shown by various people finding it in their game like this guy and

. There are others as well, I don't think everyone would have hyperedited it into the game just to fool some people. I can't see any reason they would remove it from the game. Perhaps you are not looking in the right place. Most people do It by landing near the pole and watching the sky closely for it.

It is not a planet as it does not have a sphere of influence and the file is probably hidden away somewhere.

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  Pursuedtank said:
It was defiantly in the game at one point as shown by various people finding it in their game like this guy and
. There are others as well, I don't think everyone would have hyperedited it into the game just to fool some people. I can't see any reason they would remove it from the game. Perhaps you are not looking in the right place. Most people do It by landing near the pole and watching the sky closely for it.

It is not a planet as it does not have a sphere of influence and the file is probably hidden away somewhere.

But, you would be able to look for it by checking the game files. Think aboout it. Its an object that not only orbits a planet, but has a monolith on it.

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I have no idea where you would look for it, however I see no reason that it would be removed from the game. Perhaps I am wrong but nobody else has said, hey where has the magic boulder gone. I haven't studied the game's files so I wouldn't know.

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Whats getting me is the lack of information about this all the other Easter Eggs people have posted the Cords if you really get stuck.

All you get with "Magic Boulder" is "It's in a near polar orbit around Ike, 15km high."

if i ever found it i think i would be posting more like which you could work with.

Apoapsis 15005 m (1)

Periapsis 14055 m (1)

Orbital Eccentricity 0.03

Orbital Inclination 81.6 °

Mean Anomaly 3.14 rad

Orbital Period 717 s

0 h 11 m 57.9 s

Orbital Velocity 298 to 316 m/s

MR4Y is right though if it is still in the game there would be a location in a file where all the other bodys are stored ISA map can do the ones on planets so this program must be drawing out of some file? until someone can prove it is still in game i am going to take it off the Easter Egg list as Not in Game.

the view is nice though i must admit


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  White Rider said:
Waaaah! Waaaah!

I can't find it so it doesn't exist!

Lol. Get a grip. Look harder.

This is uncalled for.. and immature.

I am asking has anyone seen it in 0.20 because upto now no one can prove it is still in the game. Unless you can bring something constructive to this post please Flame else where.

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Unless they've taken the munolith off it, it isn't in the same orbit around Ike anymore. I'm using the old munolith detector and it hasn't picked up zip going over the North pole of Ike.

It's possible it's been removed or moved somewhere else.

Edit: Just tested on ksp 19.1 and it didn't detect that munolith, so disregard, magic boulder may still be there.

Edited by Richy teh space man
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  Evil Acrylic said:
This is uncalled for.. and immature.

I am asking has anyone seen it in 0.20 because upto now no one can prove it is still in the game. Unless you can bring something constructive to this post please Flame else where.

As was your original post.

You're effectively calling people liars based purely on you not being able to find it and because some guy is known to use hyper edit.

Going by the change log it hasn't been removed.

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  White Rider said:
As was your original post.

You're effectively calling people liars based purely on you not being able to find it and because some guy is known to use hyper edit.

Going by the change log it hasn't been removed.

He isn't calling people liars, he is just asking if anyone has seen it. Most likely it's still in.

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  drakesdoom said:
All that orbital information is nice, but how is someone supposed to get that reading from an unselectable untouchable object? That is to assume also that it follows a true orbit.

well the way i would get the information to pass on, is you get fairly close to it then make sure i am not drifting in any of the planes then use the orbital information Tab on Mechjeb as long as you are relative to the Object your orbital details would match the Rocks.

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  Evil Acrylic said:
well the way i would get the information to pass on, is you get fairly close to it then make sure i am not drifting in any of the planes then use the orbital information Tab on Mechjeb as long as you are relative to the Object your orbital details would match the Rocks.

Not possible. Unless you plan on actually docking to the MB and actually becoming it.

Even with minimal drift those numbers would be wrong. An estimate sure, but that's what we have already.

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  Richy teh space man said:
Unless they've taken the munolith off it, it isn't in the same orbit around Ike anymore. I'm using the old munolith detector and it hasn't picked up zip going over the North pole of Ike.

It's possible it's been removed or moved somewhere else.

Edit: Just tested on ksp 19.1 and it didn't detect that munolith, so disregard, magic boulder may still be there.

As tested by Scott Manely, the monolith detector can detect all monoliths, except the one that sits on the Magic Boulder.

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  Richy teh space man said:
Seems a bit odd why that should be, I suppose it adds to the challenge of finding it though.

It's because the monolith detector is a discontinued mod.

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True it would not be 100% accurate but as long as you are not visibly moving it would be 98 - 99% accurate enough to put a test probe into this orbit. By doing this you could cut the amount of sky you would need to look at from 100° down to ~5° . also if you did see it you would have something to roughly gauge your intercept path too.

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I actually think it was removed, in 19.1 im pretty sure that you could edit the orbit of the magic boulder with hyperedit but in .20 its no longer in the hyperedit menu. I need someone who still has 19.1 to test this please.

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