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Your Definition of an Accomplished/Professional KSP Player.


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  Specialist290 said:
Given that none of us (that I'm aware of...) are actually paid money to play this game, I don't think there's any professional players on these boards, by the proper definition of the word.

That's why I changed the title to "accomplished" as said previously, but I will be keeping the word "professional" for its other (and most commonly known) definition:


Image is now also added to OP.

Going back, anyone who have landed and returned to Eve can be also considered a pro KSP player.

  Kerbol Prime said:
...SCOTT MANLEY... Or anyone who plays at his level.

Dude... Scott Manley IS on his own level: Scott Manley :D

Edited by Flixxbeatz
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  Captain Kalawang said:
Dude... Scott Manley IS on his own level: Scott Manley :D

This is true in so many ways. I've never yet seen a player who is so good at the orbital mechanics, yet so abysmally bad at the landing ones. I'm guessing he has some issues with gauging distance and speed, because the odds of him not crashing a flight to an airless body when not under the aid of MechJeb are squarely at 50%.

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for me an accomplished ksp player would be someone who has done the following

1. used a rocket to create a nearly circular orbit around kerbin

2. landed and returned from the mun

3. landed and returned from any other planet

4. docked any 2 things in space manually

5. created a working SSTO spaceplane

other things, like manned vs unmanned ships, space stations, planetary bases...etc for me are more advanced versions of the skills you acquire doing the things i listed and is usually just a matter of time and practice. well this is just my opinion of an accomplished player anyway

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The game has a very long learning curve, with many milestones along the way. You could draw a line marking "Accomplished" at many points.

For me I would say that there is no firm criteria for accomplished, but you will know it when you see it.

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Somebody who is capable of flying to Jool, landing on a moon, and returning without using mechjeb.

So many people on this forum pretend they are good at this game but I'm convinced quite a few of you couldn't even make it to the Mun without Mechjeb holding your hand.

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I think, an all-round normal pro is one who has accomplished orbit. Then there are different things you can ''specialize'' in e.g. SSTOs, Landing and returning from every planet, Planes etc.

But ofcourse, it's hard to really call someone a ''pro'' unless they're paid for this game. I just followed the definition of the OP.

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  Plur303 said:
Somebody who is capable of flying to Jool, landing on a moon, and returning without using mechjeb.

So many people on this forum pretend they are good at this game but I'm convinced quite a few of you couldn't even make it to the Mun without Mechjeb holding your hand.

I've been flying around (current doing a lot of missions at Eve/Gilly) without MechJeb since 0.20 came out, mainly because there was no update yet. And frankly, it feels much "game-y" now, because all that MechJeb ever did for me was to take away the flying of the ship, which is ironic because I'm a flyer--my roots are in flight simulation, since 1985......so now I love the fact that I'm actually flying my spacecraft instead of it mostly being on autopilot. My joystick is really put to good use now, while I leave MechJeb for 0.20 not yet installed. :) I do eventually plan to install it, if only for VAB configuring of my lift platforms. But other than that, I'm happy now with stick in hand and flying the stack :)


"You know, I simulated manual ascent SO MANY TIMES, that I tell you, I almost DARED the guidance computer to fail on me, and I would have flown that rocket up to parking orbit..." - Eugene Cernan, Commander, Apollo 17, the last man to walk on the moon, in the documentary film, "In the Shadow of the Moon"

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  rodion_herrera said:
I've been flying around (current doing a lot of missions at Eve/Gilly) without MechJeb since 0.20 came out, mainly because there was no update yet. And frankly, it feels much "game-y" now, because all that MechJeb ever did for me was to take away the flying of the ship, which is ironic because I'm a flyer--my roots are in flight simulation, since 1985......so now I love the fact that I'm actually flying my spacecraft instead of it mostly being on autopilot. My joystick is really put to good use now, while I leave MechJeb for 0.20 not yet installed. :) I do eventually plan to install it, if only for VAB configuring of my lift platforms. But other than that, I'm happy now with stick in hand and flying the stack :)

I think there is real "flying" and just the same job the 34th time in a row.

If you fly the first few times your fresh rocket yourself, to see if everything is working fine its fun.

If I have to place AGAIN a probe in XY Orbit, its just boring and time consuming.

I think MechJeb can make the game EASIER by taking over of everything (which is also fine, some people prefer just to design) or it does the TIME CONSUMING stuff you simply don't wont to be bothered with AGAIn (and you take the time to make your laundry etc...)

B2T: I think visiting every planet and to return is kinda the "pro" thing, as well as huge space stations/refuel stations in an orbit.

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Scott Manley is the epitome of professionalism in Kerbal Space Program. If you can do a single thing he has done in his videos then you can proudly call yourself a professional. Alternatively, if you managed to return from deep space in the early versions of Kerbal Space Program before Mun.

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  T3E said:

If I have to place AGAIN a probe in XY Orbit, its just boring and time consuming.

Um, F5, unless of course, you're one of those purists who hates quicksave because they feel it's like cheating. But it's the perfect solution to your "getting back to that X/Y orbit"

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I'd have to give maximum respect to anyone who has completed an Eve return, especially launches from launch sites other than the huge mountain. Getting a big enough rocket out there is certainly not a trivial task.

In my opinion, success in the game comes down to designing suitable spacecraft modules such that you can construct a ship from ready made parts to accomplish any mission profile you desire. The question when planning a mission changes from "how do I make something to do this?" to "which modules do I need to do this?"

I feel the big holes in my space program at the moment are an Eve return vehicle, a reliable SSTO heavy cargo spaceplane and planet-side refueling depots. The first two of these I've made at least some effort at and, so far, failed. The last is the next thing on my agenda.

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I wouldn't define skill purely by practical things such as landing on this planet, or by building a ship this big in orbit. Sure, it's impressive, but that's merely a manifestation of skill; not the skill itself.

To me, a skilled player is a player who knows how the game works and who can use that knowledge to complete whatever tasks they want done. They know what they're doing, they know what they're doing wrong, and if they do something wrong they know how to not do it again.

A bit vague, perhaps, but that's the most general thing I could come up with. After all, having yet to land on and return from Tylo doesn't prove you're unskilled. It just proves that you have yet to do it. :P

Edited by Felsmak
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tbh I think that the style of a KSP player is, like beauty, in the eye of the beholder - it can't really be judged or quantified. Sure there are milestones like going to all planets, SSTO's, large stations, landing within less than a meter of target etc which can be quantified but that does not encompass everything that a player might choose to do.

For me, an accomplished player is someone who sees no boundaries in what is possible.

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Anybody who's not as good as me is an ignorant noob, and anybody who's better than me is an arrogant elitist. Isn't that what all these discussions boil down to? I would say that an accomplished player enjoys the game without worrying whether someone else is better at it or not as good.

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  Vanamonde said:
Anybody who's not as good as me is an ignorant noob, and anybody who's better than me is an arrogant elitist. Isn't that what all these discussions boil down to?

Don't worry. I'll keep those from derailing this thread.

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To me a good KSP player is someone who can design, build and fly the most simplistic/small things in the most efficient way. Allthough i do realize it's the Kerbal way to overdo things, add boosters and struts, i think it's the easy way.

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  Kappa73 said:
To me a good KSP player is someone who can design, build and fly the most simplistic/small things in the most efficient way. Allthough i do realize it's the Kerbal way to overdo things, add boosters and struts, i think it's the easy way.

Does that mean that I'm pro?



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