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Please help. Fuel lines.

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I don't know of a way to edit the current craft, but what you can do is make a correctly assembled lander in the VAB and put that on the launchpad (I suggest you give it a unique name, like "gxq78"). Then press F5 to quicksave. Then, backup your persistence file in case you mess up, and then open the quicksave file. Look for your failed lander in the quicksave.sfs (use ctrl+f!) and copy ALL of the information about its position, speed, etc. (you don't have to copy the stuff with the parts and stuff). Then, find the lander on the launchpad and put the data of the failed lander into that one. Then, go back to the failed lander and edit it slightly. After that, save that and then, in KSP, press F9 to quickload and the successful lander should be where your failed lander was, assuming you did it correctly.

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  wolfedg said:
Wouldn't the fuel just transfer back through the incorrectly positioned fuel lines?

Yes, but the trick is to keep transferring the fuel until you can either complete the mission or get to a safe position for a rescue mission or backup mission.

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  bigpapabearxx said:
So I accidentally put fuel lines the wrong way and my ship is already landed on Laythe. Is there a way to reverse the fuel lines in the persistence file? I dont want to change their position just reverse the fuel flow.

Time to send their next of kin some flowers and a "Sorry for your loss" card and start on the next project.

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Sadly, in your case, there's no (easy) way to edit a fuel line that's already in-place. See the following:

name = fuelLine
uid = 2318642480
parent = 192
position = 2.58467650413513,1.75481104850769,0.34785333275795
rotation = -0.3755475,0.6030781,-0.6205596,0.3319139
mirror = 1,1,1
istg = 0
dstg = 0
sqor = -1
sidx = -1
attm = 1
cData = tgt: toroidalAerospike_210; pos: -0.1340396,-0.1392897,0.1654928; dir: -0.5268742,-0.5475052,0.6501089; rot: 0.1561866,-0.5270292,0.123186,-0.8262393
sym = 263
srfN = srfAttach, 192
mass = 0.05
temp = -200.5256
expt = 0
state = 0
connected = True
attached = True
flag = Squad/Flags/satellite

You'd have to edit position, rotation, and the specs for cData as well. Fuel lines work (as you know) by placing them in a certain direction, from source to target, and that's how the specs are laid out in the persistence file too. The trouble comes in trying to determine what those numbers are supposed to be, and the likelihood of simply guessing and getting it right within 10 or even 100 attempts is going to be pretty slim. Unless, of course, you know a lot more about how the game generates and tracks these values than I do. >_>

Easiest way would be as previously suggested: set your modified version out to launch (in exactly the same configuration as you have landed on remote right now), do a quicksave, then copy the ship from the quicksave file to the persistence file, making sure to modify the new ship's data points to match exactly what the original has in there already. Then delete the entire original ship from the file, and you should be golden. It goes without saying you should BACK UP YOUR FILE before editing it.

Otherwise, take it on the chin like a champ, and send another mission to rescue your stranded crew. For lulz and great profit! :)

Edited by Deadweasel
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  Deadweasel said:
Otherwise, take it on the chin like a champ, and send another mission to rescue your stranded crew. For lulz and great profit! :)

This. As long as the crew survives, there are no failures -- only dry runs for successful rescue missions.

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Intermediary solution:

Install TAC Fuel Balancer mod, (works fine in 0.20) attach it to the command pod of the ship by editing the persistence file. (I'm pretty definite that, in particular, is possible, launching a ship with a pod where it's edited into a part.cfg file and then copying the related MODULE segment to your Laythe ship should work.)

This will let you rearrange fuel against the fuel lines whichever way you please without having to manually babysit your tanks.

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Personally, I feel that's just a bit too "cheat-y" to be of any use anyway though. I mean, at that point, why not just edit the file to put a ship into orbit instead of flying it at all?

Please bear in mind this isn't meant to be a criticism or hateful in any way, I'm just plopping down my two cents on file edits to bypass what could otherwise be looked at as another unexpected challenge in the game instead.

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