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You Will Not Go To Space Today - Post your fails here!


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All was going well, landing site was right in the middle of the desert strip, and then...


One more time. That's it. I'll try cutting one of the back chutes to avoid this problem next time.

(also, just realized that both the flags at the start of the strip read "LEFT SIDE"...

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So the other day, ive sent Lobas Kerman on a service mission to Minmus. With only 3 days worth of lifesupport.

When he noticed that, he imidiently aborted the mission and, as the craft wasnt designed with reentry in mind, lined it for a randesvous with HKO science station. Pressed by ticking clock (less than 20min of o2), he made an perfect aproach, so perfect in fact, that collision was immiment. And all the fuel was gone.

Coolheaded as he usualy is in such situations, at the last moment he went on EVA and deflected the craft just enough, so the station only lost one of its solar panels.

So for now hes safe, on a wildly spinning space station (hey! artificial gravity!) at least until craft will come back for another try...

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I attempted to land on Tylo for the first time and failed catastrophically. I quickloaded (:blush:) and tried again. This time I almost made it, but I bobbled around from misreading the navball and tipped over. Then I somehow managed to quicksave instead of loading, and now Jeb is stuck.



I guess now's the time to switch over to 0.25.

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Today, while playing career mode at Hard difficulty level, I tragically lost Jeb in a launchpad collapse accident. He was preparing to test a giant KR-2L Advanced engine in orbit, but his launch vehicle, which had no launch clamps to support it, self-destructed on the pad. His Mk 1 Lander Can, which was bolted directly to the top of an enormous Kerbodyne S3-14400 fuel tank, never stood a chance and he was incinerated in a giant, visually arresting and smoky fireball. In my shock and grief I forgot to grab any photos of the incident.

Since I'm playing Hard mode (with perma-death and without reverts or quicksaves), his loss is permanent. He now joins Bob Kerman, who died yesterday in a re-entry accident after his spaceplane ran out of maneuvering fuel while pointed backwards, in that giant lander-can in the sky.

Gene Kerman will be sending an engineering delegation to Mexico City to have a friendly chat with Squad about the strength of their launch pad.

Edited by Yakky
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Just another day in the Kerbal Space Program.


Also, when I did get it to launch, I realized that I had no probe core on the lander, or antennas of any kind. ¾ my funds down the drain.

Edited by xub313
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My most recent fail involved launching a Mun transfer ship plus lander.

My lander tried to land without fuel because I forgot to fuel it back after the building phase (I tend to work out my missions on very tight delta/v budgets so I was testing CoM changes extensively).

When I figured out what I did wrong, it was already too late.

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I had a couple of Mun-related fails today.

First one, I launched an orbital survey thing (basically, the first part of the Exploration contract)... and ended up having to maneuver using thrust vectoring because Kerbin was blocking my solar panels.

Second: The lander had four Vernor engines on the bottom. In retrospect... Not a good idea. I ended up strading Jeb and blowing up my science equipment.

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Today, I sent a ship with a replacement lander and a fuel tank to my Mun station. It went fairly OK, until I realised that the ship had burned all of its monoprop in maneuvrers befor the rendez-vous. I got the bright idea to use my old lander to dock with the transporter and transfer some monoprop. In theory a good idea, however the main engine of the old lander glitched, so I had to use monoprop to get there, arriving almost on dry tank. Then, trying to get close enough for a return trip, I happend to slow down to deorbit, and running out of fuel. A panic attempt to get the landers decoupled and attached to one another was cut short at a high speed lithobrake, resulting in the death of Jeb and newcoming Kerbal.

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My first(?) "succesful" Mün landing. Came down little hard. "Luckily" only the engine got destroyed and rest of the pod remained intact. Got Bob stranded there, just staring at the sunset waiting for the oxygen to run out.

Played it a while, had a little pause and resumed playing a while ago. Did a warm-up mission to Minmus. Everything went perfect, but my probe was too high and too thin, so it fell to its side.

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