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You Will Not Go To Space Today - Post your fails here!


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No, the runway was not the intended landing site.

No, that tow truck did not even budge the 4300 ton class E asteroid.

Sorry, all flights are now delayed due to unexpected debris on the runway.

Wow, that's just plain awesome. :) I think your tow-truck needs something bigger... Mainsails? KR-2L engines?

I was able to push a small-D around with a similar idea.


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Tried to get my ion-powered satellite into orbit around Vall when suddenly the engine cuts out, still on crash course with the surface. I couldn't figure out why everything went dead, I flipped every switch, toggled the engine, disabled the battery, nothing.

Right-clicked on one of the solar arrays: "Blocked by Laythe". Did not account for solar eclipses in the design, I guess. -_-

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  • 2 weeks later...

My monster manned mission to the Mun went through a few iterations before finally being somewhat successful.

The mission consists of 12 complete manned munar landers, with their own Kerbin return capability and stuffed full of science equipment, strapped to two large Kerbodyne tanks. It is designed to get maximum science out of all Mun biomes, in order to unlock the parts needed for even grander schemes.

This beast is more than 1000 parts big at launch. It doesn't save properly, but is always called "auto-saved ship" (instead of "Munar madness").

*At one point, symmetry got screwed up, and all twelve munar landers got attached to the same point and placed inside each others. One of the spotlights on all of them also turned on. My framerate turned... not off, but close.


Lauch time: launch underpowered.


And rebuild.

MOAR boosters!

If I recall correctly (i'm at work now) it has:

Six of the new liquid fuel boosters

18 of the long solid fuel boosters (3 to each LFB (LRB?))

54 of the medium length fuel boosters (three to each long SRB)


Something went wrong with the numerous struts during symmetry building. On launch, when separating the last of the SRBs, one of the LFBs exploded. I didn't really notice until the craft decided not to go to space today, even when correcting with all the RCS thrusters on all the landers.

Retry: explosion.

Rebuild all struts I could find: explosion.

Rebuild everything below the waist: no explosion.

But the Kerbodyne rocket engine at the very center very serenely drifted away when separating the LFBs.

...oh well, there's plenty of fuel in the next stage, let's go to the Mun!

...hm, turns out there wasn't. Rebuild, retry, engine fell off again (I think it even exploded this time).

Add separatrons!

What do you know, it actually worked! Enter munar orbit.

Detach one lander - success!

Land it on the Mun - not so much success. Turns out I built them too small, and the fuel didn't last all the way down to the landing ...I mean crash site.

Reset, rebuild, bigger better, add some MOAR BOOSTERS for the added weight, relaunch, retry.

This launch used up so much RCS fuel from the landers, they couldn't land controllably.

Add lots of tanks and RCS thrusters to the main body, relaunch. NOW we're in business, finally. I didn't want to go around deactivating all RCS tanks on all twleve landers before launch, but now we're in orbit with more than enough RCS fuel left to top off the landers as they leave.

Landing 1, canyon:

Lander tipped over.

Righted by RCS, scienced, launched, returned to Kerbin. Success!

Landing 2, some big crater:

Nice enough, but had to my RCS dry to get to a Kerbin intercept orbit.

Landing 3, some small crater:

Was going to land on very uneven ground, tried to fix it end ended up semi-crashing a bit farther away. Launch vehicle tipped over.

Went out and scienced anyway. got science from instruments and stuffed them in capsule. Tried to right vehicle for launch: Science jr. exploded.

Oh well, at least the data is safe. Separate stages.

Not enough fuel to get anywhere near home.


Only to find that the quicksave was of landing 2.

Tomorrow, I'll probably retry landing 3, hopefully with more success. Then there's only 4 thru 12 left that can go disastrously wrong...

By the way, with two of the landers separated the ship still has 600+ parts. It's a real relief for the computer when a lander gets far enough from the mothership to put it on rails.


This mission has now ended, with only two further problems:

1. I counted biomes from the wrong list when I created the ship, so I didn't bring enough ships for all the biomes of the Mün,

2. I tried to put the mothership with two landers remaining into a polar orbit, in order to save lander fuel when visiting higher latitudes. The remaining landers were attached asymmetrically, and all I managed to do was to tumble. I detached one of the landers, landed, scienced, flew home, quicksaved a few times during the process - and found that the mothership and the remaining lander was gone. Apparently, the attempts to change the orbit resulted in one intersecting Mün... my only non-F9able kerbonaut fatality so far.

Edited by GalFisk
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  • 3 weeks later...

I replicated Danny's Planetary Lander 1 (Masterpiece) from "Having Fun in the Solar System" and tried to land on the mun with it.

However, I had to load a quicksave a ton and then I had to give up because I found out that three legs were broken before I quicksaved last.

Here's an example pic of one of the worst fails.


Here's a picture of Danny's masterpiece.


Edited by ExplodingRocketShips
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Built my heaviest lifter to date, and managed to get 300+ tons to orbit, including the core stage full of fuel, twice. It was sub-assemblied onto a probe core that was jettisoned in orbit.

I thought I had put other probe cores on these monster interplanetary drive units. It seems I hadn't. And even though my debris persistence setting allows 25 debris pieces, my map views show absolutely zero debris. They're gone. My manned HabLabLander assembly that went up on another flight won't be going to Moho anytime soon....

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I lander broke on Duna.


I had designed my lander but had not realized that it could not land on any terrain that was not completely flat, so I landed and then fell over.

Luckily I quicksaved and managed to land on Duna without falling over.

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Made a fantastic mess up by designing an early mun lander in career mode and unfortunately placed the antenna on the door hatch of the module.

Realised the issue of this when I decided to do an EVA for science 2km off touchdown of the mun and needless to say Jeb flew off the capsule like he just decompressed out of the hatch.

I did manage to get back to the lander in time, and somehow get back into the capsule but not in enough time to slow the lander down enough before crashing into the surface.

Restarted and move the antenna!!!!!

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Just found this thread the other day and have been laughing at some of the stories/pics people have posted and thought I would share a few of mine.

First one is from early in my career game. I happened to notice that it looked like that kerbin, eve, and moho should be lining up in what would be a low delta v capable orbit around the sun. So I add a few science modules, fuel tanks and engines to my mun/minimus capable craft, throw Jebediah into the seat and off he goes. Did a deceleration burn to start dropping towards the sun and managed to reach eve and pass through there no problems, had to do an adjustment burn in Moho SOI otherwise I would actually pass too close to it and throw off my orbit. Now I'm on the far side of the sun, and amazingly enough, only need to do a burn of 150m/s and I'll be on a path back into kerbin's SOI, so I use up the few drops of fuel left in my current engines, drop them and then realise that when I had redesigned my command section from a kerbin returnable mun/minimus lander to this stellar explorer that I had upgraded the fuel tanks slightly, but had forgotten to put on engines. So quickly send off a few disposable probes to get some quick science so that I can make a rescue craft. Got enough science, built the rescue craft, but by this time Jeb has gotten so close that i would need a 4.5-5k m/s change to intercept him, and having never done an actual intercept before decided to use the rescue craft on a few asteroids to practice interception on them. Unfortunately this has left Jeb on an orbital path that brings him back close to kerbin every 3-4 game years. Next time he's close to kerbin I go out and try to catch him, but burned too much fuel, and had not quicksaved so back to kerbin goes the rescue ship. It turns out however, I should have gotten into Jeb's ship just to check his orbit as he would come to encounter Eve once again this orbit, and I don't know if it was just a close path, or if some aerobraking occured, but Jeb left the Eve SOI at almost 90 degrees to his original entrance path. A path that terminated inside of the star. :(

Now along comes today. I've built and launched this new ship with the intention of intercepting ike and duna, and landing on both, and from there heading out to the next planet out from the sun to at least do a fly-by. so get the ship up into kerbin orbit without any significant problems, aside from securing the lander & command sections with supports to the engine sections. Aside from those two sections flopping around at times like a wet noodle in the wind when I go to full burn on my engines and making my HUD gyro go nuts, it's not that bad actually. To make things simple for the initial travel I had attached the lander to the command module top using a stack separator and would then dock once the lander was back in orbit to refuel. Turns out by doing this all my kerbals were in the lander, and none in the command module, so once I get into Duna SOI, I transfer the command staff into the command module leaving bill in the lander. However I'm leaving something out about this. when I had entered Duna SOI, I happened to be on an intercept path to Ikeso I burned the last of the fuel left in my initial transfer engines (the ones I started with from kerbin) and actually get into a 60/180km orbit of Ike. Burned a little fuel to tighten that orbit to a 50/55km orbit and I'm now ready to send Bill on his way. Detach the lander from the command & transfer engine section and as I'm on a nearly perfect polar orbit through the night/day side equally, I do my initial burn from orbit and I'm all set to touch down right in the middle of the day side in about 20-25 mins, so about 15 minutes later I know I'm about to reach the dayside of Ike and start preparing for my braking burn, when I notice something on the ground of ike passing underneath me. Not thinking much of it, I decide to turn on my lights just on the off chance I was actually close enough to see anything there on the nightside. Turns out I was as about 2 seconds after I turned them on, I plow into a mountainous cliff there on the darkside/dayside border that had been blocking all the sunlight as I got closer to the ground. No problem I thought, I'll just go ahead and restore my quicksave as I've now been quicksaving everytime I've done a MAJOR transfer between the planets one as I enter a planets SOI, and once prior to leaving it. usually also did a quicksave prior to getting out of my landers just incase there was a problem with my guy getting back in. So I go ahead and restore the quicksave and yep I'm back in orbit........Kerbin orbit...... At this point I yelled in frustration and quit the game for a few hours (this happened this morning) Now I'm debating on deorbiting this vessel, adding those support struts I forgot, as this save is prior to my refueling station rendevous

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Now along comes today. I've built and launched this new ship with the intention of intercepting ike and duna, and landing on both, and from there heading out to the next planet out from the sun to at least do a fly-by. so get the ship up into kerbin orbit without any significant problems, aside from securing the lander & command sections with supports to the engine sections. Aside from those two sections flopping around at times like a wet noodle in the wind when I go to full burn on my engines and making my HUD gyro go nuts, it's not that bad actually. To make things simple for the initial travel I had attached the lander to the command module top using a stack separator and would then dock once the lander was back in orbit to refuel. Turns out by doing this all my kerbals were in the lander, and none in the command module, so once I get into Duna SOI, I transfer the command staff into the command module leaving bill in the lander. However I'm leaving something out about this. when I had entered Duna SOI, I happened to be on an intercept path to Ikeso I burned the last of the fuel left in my initial transfer engines (the ones I started with from kerbin) and actually get into a 60/180km orbit of Ike. Burned a little fuel to tighten that orbit to a 50/55km orbit and I'm now ready to send Bill on his way. Detach the lander from the command & transfer engine section and as I'm on a nearly perfect polar orbit through the night/day side equally, I do my initial burn from orbit and I'm all set to touch down right in the middle of the day side in about 20-25 mins, so about 15 minutes later I know I'm about to reach the dayside of Ike and start preparing for my braking burn, when I notice something on the ground of ike passing underneath me. Not thinking much of it, I decide to turn on my lights just on the off chance I was actually close enough to see anything there on the nightside. Turns out I was as about 2 seconds after I turned them on, I plow into a mountainous cliff there on the darkside/dayside border that had been blocking all the sunlight as I got closer to the ground. No problem I thought, I'll just go ahead and restore my quicksave as I've now been quicksaving everytime I've done a MAJOR transfer between the planets one as I enter a planets SOI, and once prior to leaving it. usually also did a quicksave prior to getting out of my landers just incase there was a problem with my guy getting back in. So I go ahead and restore the quicksave and yep I'm back in orbit........Kerbin orbit...... At this point I yelled in frustration and quit the game for a few hours (this happened this morning) Now I'm debating on deorbiting this vessel, adding those support struts I forgot, as this save is prior to my refueling station rendevous

Update to my earlier post, rebuilt the transfer ship, anchor the command section, FORGOT to anchor the lander, added a few fuel tanks, FORGOT to add anchors to the very bottom engines, all in all not too bad I said after I had gotten this thing back into orbit. Docked up to the refueling station, topped off the tanks, and went on my way. The upgrades I did do have improved handling immensely (still turns like a wounded cow tho) Now I'm currently finalizing my approach transfer, when I realize that I forgot to add additional monopropellent tanks to any parts of this monstrosity and the lander only has enough for me to do 2-4 rendevous with the transfer section (based on my current level of skill). Well, I'm just going to go for it, and if necessary, send a second transfer ship loaded with nothing but mono tanks instead of a lander module :)

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Today the press was treated to an unexpected show. They came to see a launch, but got a dinner show instead. For some reason best left in the timeless darkness of ignorance, Jeb had a soundtrack ready to play over the facility PA for just such an event...


Be our guest

Be our guest

Put the boosters to the test

Though the parachutes were early it turned out to be for best.

Shoot them high

Watch 'em fly

See the flames light up the sky

It's the show you weren't expecting, while the launch profile's rejecting.

No ship is second best

But this one failed the test

So be our guest

Be our guest

Be our gueeeeeeeeest!




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So, here I am at the spaceport, looking at all the 550 science points required items I still have to unlock and 2 300 pt items as well (in unmodded KSP) and I'm thinking to myself where should I go to get more science. Kerbin itself, yeah, my planes and rovers tend to blow up, tho the rovers do last a few hundred KM before catastrophic failure, planes I think I can measure their travel distance once airborne in maybe the hundred of meters. EVE, yeah plenty of unexplored area there still, but only been having 20% success rate with flights there. Duna/Ike....... yeah, let's not talk about that. the Mun, hmmmmm damn, there's a dozen flags there and I've been there at least 3 times that, keep landing in the same biomes.


Wait a sec, there's only one flag on Minimus, I know I've only been there twice very early in this career. Let's go there, use the lander to hope around, and get more SCIENCE!!!!!!!

So I decide to build an entirely new rocket as my last Minimus trip was pre-mainsails. Decide to use my deep space command unit/lander with it's multiple science modules, that I add some extra fuel to for my hops, change it from 3-4 landing engines/struts platforms and to get everything back home, and proceed to build. Now I've learned to test each section of a rocket design as you put it together for potential catastrophic failures. Lander, no problems. Transfer stage, hm lander looks a little wobbly, add some struts, no more problem. Core section of the asparragus boosting stage no problems, not enough thrust to lift on it's own. Out ring of the asparagus boosting stage no problems, sits on the launchpad just fine. Let's launch and test it out.


Damn, it's going up really well. I might not need boosters on this thing at all, let's try to go to Minimus without adding them. (Unknown to me at this time there's a problem, actually there's a few problems, all of them minor(non flight affecting) but one, can you see it?)


Ok, did pick up a slight roll as I jettison sections (1 revolution of the rocket about every 90 seconds), but it's the smallest roll of any of my large scale rockets to date, have no problems what so ever with controlling it, setup for final orbital insertion burn soon, along with the last of my asparagus outer rockets jettisoning. (can you see the big problem I'm about to have)


Ok, I'm down to the core rocket, and I have a problem. I forgot to add struts between the core stage and the transfer stage. I have gone into a flat spin (Did this twice with the same setup, second time was strictly to get pictures, first time I was doing loops and not spins) Spend a few seconds trying to save this, when I decide, ok it's time to cut the throttle, eject the asparagus core, and try to save this ship (the screen shot I took of this doesn't show it, but I had a 90 degree bend between the stages almost)


Ok, running my transfer stage engines, along with my 4 outer lander engines finally stop the spin (had been doing 1 revolution about every 2 seconds) burning the engines at full throttle trying to get it into orbit, but I have no more luck coming.


So, not really sure where on Kerbin I'm coming down as it's the darkside, but decide to test out the lander without using parachutes until the last minute if necessary. It turns out that I'm actually landing in the ocean, and by the time I hit the surface my lander has actually slowed down to 8m/s and successfully splashes down without the chutes (which had been tested in last night's initial run) Forgot to take a screen shot of the lander just bobbing up and down in the ocean perfectly fine and vertical. Explorer 5 mark 1 (name of the ship) you will not be going into space today, perhaps your descendant (the mark 2) with added struts and a few boosters will succedd.

Dark Force Engineering - Launching Kerbanauts into space since early 2014

Engineer to Mission Control - You know, maybe we should think about getting them down out of space at some point

​Mission Control to Engineers - Why, they seem happy up there?

Edited by Ruthgar
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First timer here, loving this game so far to the point that yard work is piling up and my hardwood floor project isn't making much progress. I managed to land on Minmus once, trying to do it much better now.

I was shooting off just right.


Decided to do some EVA in orbit to gain some of that wonderful science. Instead, Bill got a bit carried away. I managed to bring him down safely (he bounced for a while). Guess it is time to organize my first rescue mission. Bill is a patient guy though, he'll let me get it right with the littler lander first before I send in a 3 man capsule to pick him up.


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Well, you can read my previous post about the mishaps with the mk1, still don't have enough struts between the asparagus core and the transfer stage, but it is flyable now, and I made it to Minimus, unfortunately I was still having a bit of the mk 1 curse. Managed to land safely, and sent bob out to collect some eva reports and surface samples. Then once he got to a region where he could get data I flew the lander to go and get him as he was down to .8 eva fuel. That's where the problems began as apparantly on my 3 man crew, Bob happened to be my best lander pilot, as Bill and Doodwig managed to do this about a dozen times.


and then once I reloaded for the 13th time, and managed to get Bob there minus the rest of his EVA fuel this happened more than a few times.


(Bob be Nimble, Bob be quick, Bob jumped over the rocket ship)

Then once I did get him into the ship, accidently decoupled the four landing rockets, reload again :(

Dark Force Engineering - Launching Kerbanauts into space since early 2014

Engineer to Mission Control - You know, maybe we should think about getting them down out of space at some point

​Mission Control to Engineers - Why, they seem happy up there?

Edited by Ruthgar
resized the photos
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Today I learned a hard lesson in lander design. I attempted to land on the Mun and I realized that there was just barely enough fuel in the lander stage to actually slow down enough for a safe descent. Me, being a not so great pilot, managed to wait just a touch too long before burning and crashed into the surface at roughly 45mps. The whole thing exploded, but the command module bounced up into the "air" again for some reason. I realized it would hit the ground pretty hard when it did come back down, so I instructed Jebediah to bail out, and then guided him down with his thruster pack. So Jeb is now on the surface of the Mun with only his space suit to keep him alive, and only a few small pieces of the vehicle that was supposed to bring him home left. Nonetheless, he proudly planted a flag.

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