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Things that annoy you


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This is a thread where you can list things that annoy you. You know, get it off your chest and stuff!

Alright, let's begin!

- People who can't tell the difference between your and you're.

- The xD smiley.

- Tryndamere's ultimate ability in League of Legends. (It makes him unkillable for five seconds, which is a lot in battle).

Edited by Felsmak
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- My rocket spinning while gravity turning, messing up my orbit. Darn you!

This but also:

-When the conversation in a thread stops

-When the rocket keeps blowing up for no reason but works occasionally

-When a engine falls of a fuel tank and blows up the rocket.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 years later...

People who bring back threads that died YEARS ago. 

People who don't appreciate irony.

People who think they are experts on the meaning of the word irony.

People who use the word irony too much.

People who don't use "quotation marks" when "appropriate."

Edited by EliasDanger
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I almost got annoyed by the fact that there is gravity inside the giant asteroid worm in The Empire Strikes Back, but caught myself before putting on my physics hat and left my Star Wars hat on instead. :D 

One thing that does annoy me, though, is when people use three or more consecutive emojis.

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PETA, The PETA people are just stupid, they think shearing sheep is animal abuse, but if sheep dont get sheared, they will have an uncomfortable (srry fur bed enkelish) summer. And they think that nude women can turn people Vegan, thats even worse than clickbait. Why? Because there are no little kids on normal YouTube, but on YouTube kids or something. But PETA just posts and does its protest in public, with little kids everywhere. There is an image of a naked women in some kind of boxing ring, pretending the a cow or someting like that. But there are 2 toddlers in the image, that are like 2 meters away from that animal rights lady. But im not showing the image. Its just too disturbing for some users on this website. And PETA also kill animals themselfes. But i have nothing against Veganism, its totally fine if you are one, just dont be arrogant. Be nice and respect everybody's opinion. I even respect the opinion of some pedant's, not because i like that pedant's exist, but i dont want to be beaten up by one, and i just let them have freedom of speech, so they dont get mad at me while i do my master rocket science.

Too serious for the KSP forum? Oh, sorry. Here are some less serious ones:

Going on a vacation on the last week of the summer break, this happend to me once. And i was super lazy to come back home. And even worse: i had to go to school just the morning after (i can back on 11 PM btw)

People who take everything waaaay to seriously, like people who hate Filthy Frank, he makes a lot of offensive and mature material, but people who take Papa Franku too seriously just too sensitive and have no sense of humor at all. (The creator of Filthy Frank called George ''Joji'' Miller, says that Frank is an example of what a person should'nt be. Alot of people dont know that).

Flat eathers. Like whaaaaaaat?

People who support Hillary just because she is a women. Im not American, but i know those people exist, because everything is in English here. So the international world and North America get mixed.

Building a space shuttle in KSP

When the door is closed, but there is the slight gap, wich makes a tick sound whenever the wind moves the door. Its really annoying

The way i spell realy. Is it really or realy? My autocorrecty thing (The thing that adds a red line under a wrong written word) is still set to, Dutch and i cant seen to change it. This makes everything i write in English ''wrong'' so i cant see if its good or right.

Writing in the dark. Im doing right now. And my lights dont work. Let me try writing something in the dark without correcting myself ok? i dont really like minecraft byt u still have the game because my dad bauthgt it for me and i still raeylt rikked it. Its just painfull.

Summer weather.


Yes, those are the things that annoy me. I talk way to much dont i? But i just needed to let it out of my big mouth.

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19 minutes ago, Firemetal said:

don't play at 100% re-entry heat when they are experienced enough to do so.

Man, i could've tried that on my Mammoth 3 (Remember that thing?) i am not really experienced with re-entry without ablator shields. Thats also why the Mammoth 1 and 2 where complete flops. I thought about lowering re-entry heat, but i thought it was cheating, but it actually is not that kind of cheating. But thats also a good thing in some kind of way. Because i made more mistakes to learn from.

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31 minutes ago, NSEP said:

Man, i could've tried that on my Mammoth 3 (Remember that thing?) i am not really experienced with re-entry without ablator shields. Thats also why the Mammoth 1 and 2 where complete flops. I thought about lowering re-entry heat, but i thought it was cheating, but it actually is not that kind of cheating. But thats also a good thing in some kind of way. Because i made more mistakes to learn from.

I used to do that before 1.1. I was pretty bad so I really didn't care if I played on easy. But I was a noob and now I'm pretty experienced and I don't need it anymore. In fact now, I'd agree. Lowering re-entry heat is cheating.

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  • 1 month later...

- let's spam people brain with a various range of neural stimuli, because well that can only bode well

- the king(s)(?) of the heel thread

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Précieuses_ridicules growing slowly but surely here and/or there

- farts, 1751, 1781, 1789

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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3 minutes ago, WinkAllKerb'' said:

- let's spam people brain with a various range of neural stimuli, because well that can only bode well

- the king of the heel thread


- farts, 1751, 1781, 1789

- Not being able to tell what on earth @WinkAllKerb'' is saying....ever....

-Loosing internet connection randomly

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- using cells and moon

- not using sat network and phone

- gettin an ulcer when bad feelin' are in the air or carried per a wave, it's like aspirin and nose+blood encrypted dna somewhere

- already having more than 9 nde, and yawning each time it happen expecting this time they re gonna succeed gettin me

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-oh and wasting time arguing with some people entitled with there certitude some put into their brain when they have no insider xp on the subject ^^

-gauss normal law and the 95% dna lamb

^this two annoy me a lot


- born here, born there, been taught this been taught that, speaking this, speaking that, believeing this, believing that etc. of that kind ...

- not being able to make the machinery inside my body stop functionning just with my will

- being able to kill something to refill the said machinery energy need

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