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100 ways to get kicked out of wallmart


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  • 1 month later...

*Actually happened today*

Climb onto the shelves to unbolt a display then drag it up to customer service to claim you bought it and it's not working.

I had to repeat myself to management when that happened, but I guess some people are that dumb to do something like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

376. Drive through the walls on a large tank with spikes all over and a skull painted on the side while hijacking the speakers to be playing Metallica the moment you smash in, and to do it while having machine guns blazing away on all sides and for it to be firing a missile at the meat aisle.

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Start breakdancing singing, "WAlMart WalMART is so fun! Dah DAH dah DAh dah! Drive a cart, around a store, do a BREAKDance, and sing this song! BuY YOUR GROCERIES!" Sung to the tune of any familiar catchy tune. All the while staring at everybody.

That was totally random, and I shall now hide in a corner.

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  • 1 month later...

386: Get 50 people, and using in-stock Nerf guns have a full blown Nerf CTF match, and when the manager tries to kick you out, empty a magazine of darts onto him.


Also use the shopping carts as attack jeeps to attack the other team or as resupply trucks.

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