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"You know you messed it up when..." thread


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Realizing that your station core has no docking ports on it while on final approach with the second module...

which also has no docking ports.

TL,DR: Whack-A-Kerbal: For when whey finally realize how much money you wasted on those modules.

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You know when you messed it up when you time warp and miss the maneuver node.


You time warp and miss the planetary gravity well rendezvous.


You time warp and miss the planet.

Oh and one more for those that play with the winch MOD: When you have your kerbal on the Mun jump over a fallen ships while holding a winch cable and notice the large shadow envelope you as you slingshot the winch-ship through the air-less void above you before it begins carrying you away.


Edited by legodragonxp
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  • 2 weeks later...
When you de-couple your lander while falling to tylo, but it does not detach because you thought it would be a good idea to brace the lander to the chassis with 8 struts for liftoff.

Umm... Don't struts break when you decouple? Never had this problem.

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When your pinpoint landing next to a Mun arch is closer than you realised, and your landing gear clips the arch...


Edited by Jack Wolfe
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When your pinpoint landing nest to a Mun arch is closer than you realised, and your landing gear clips the arch...



When your spacecraft which used part clipping accidentally has the bottom part of the decoupler attached to the engine and not the top, and your glorious final stage generates no thrust as a result of the decoupler still being attached, prior to ingloriously returning via a hastily unplanned lithobrake.

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You spend all day building THE Jool machine. 6 launchables probes, 2 deployable rovers, Delta -V for YEARS... and only one control point on the whole craft, turning all the probes you launched in you pass through the Jool system into debris. Without crashing... just really pretty and well designed (except for the lack of a probe mind) debris.

That was a Saturday I will never get back.


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Why is it that I never experience over half of what is listed in this thread--is there something wrong with me? :D

Like they say: "If it ain't broken, you're not trying!"

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When you fail to "point the correct end towards space".....


When you get three launches for the price of one.......


When even Jeb looks worried.....


And, when you jetpack to the top of the Armstrong Memorial for a photo-op and then forget to turn off the jetpack when you board the rover for the ride back to the lander, so when you step out of the rover to climb the ladder, you end up jetting under the lander, tipping it over, and breaking off some important parts....


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