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Naval Battle League 2016-2018

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Here are some subcapital ships to compete.


These are based off of highly modified NX-4 cores. Thanks for uploading the craft. By highly modified, I mean that I added lots of stuff, changed the shape, and used different armor design.

Atto and Pico-class Sub-Capital Ships

These ships are lightweight escort vessels designed to pack a punch, and have strong armor. Both of these ships have no launchers included, but can easily be launched with custom designs because of their light weight. These ships offer great escort to capital ships, anti-subcapital capability, escort of logistics vessels, armed communications capability, and fighter deterrence.

FR-01 Atto-class Frigate

2,823 m/s DV

.09 TWR

18.978 tons

201 parts

An optionally manned scout ship equipped with a strong punch: 4 unguided short i-beams that can launch simultaneously. These i-beams can subdue lightly-armored sub-capital ships and fighters.It's also very well armored, with wings over structure, and a spine similar to the Frontier-class.


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Side View

This shows the profile of the ship.


Top View

This shows an upwards profile of the ship, and the comms array.


Front View

This shows the armament: 4 short i-beams.


Rear View

This shows the 8 high-efficiency ion engines.

Action Groups


1-Toggles Solar Panels

2-Toggles Ion Engines

3-Fires top and bottom missiles

4-Fires left and right missiles

5-Fires all missiles

6-Deploys Communotron DTS-M1 Antenna

Download Link(Atto)

CR-01 Pico-class Corvette

3,091 m/s DV

.08 TWR

23.257 tons

248 parts

An optionally manned scout ship equipped with a big punch: 4 unguided i-beams that can launch simultaneously. These i-beams can subdue lightly armored capital ships, other corvettes/frigates, and fighters. It's also very well armored, with wings over structure, and a spine similar to the Frontier-class.


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Side View

This shows the profile of the ship.


Top View

This shows an upwards profile, and the comms array.


Front View

This shows the devastating armament:4 long i-beams.


Rear View

This shows the 9 high-efficiency ion engines.

Action Groups


1-Toggles Solar Panels

2-Toggles Ion Engines

3-Fires top and bottom missiles

4-Fires left and right missiles

5-Fires all missiles

6-Deploys Communotron DTS-M1 Antenna

Download Link(Pico)

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22 minutes ago, quasarrgames said:

It's wierd how weight classes have changed. When i started doing this, my 40-ton Neeson Phenix ship was seen as small, not much larger than a heavy fighter. Now it's one level below a capital ship.

It's a matter of opinion. It is @panzer1b's classification, but I agree with it. I call anything around 40 tons a light destroyer, so it may even be a capital ship in my mind. But @zekes saw destroyers(entry level capital ships) as starting at 70 tons with light destroyers.

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7 hours ago, Alphasus said:

It's a matter of opinion. It is @panzer1b's classification, but I agree with it. I call anything around 40 tons a light destroyer, so it may even be a capital ship in my mind. But @zekes saw destroyers(entry level capital ships) as starting at 70 tons with light destroyers.

My classification is actually more based on what it looks liek they pure mass, although if im going by mass 60-100t is more or less corvette, 100-150t is frigate, 150-300 destroyer, 300-1000 cruiser, 1000+ battleship.  Ofc i also go by size and a destroyer is the largest thing you can build (using my classification) before part counts go to insanity (unless you use mk3 parts and give up armor, or abuse cargo bays since they have undestructible sections just liek fairings, in other words unfair armor).  And a cruiser is the largest you can build while staying inside the SPH.  Then ofc its also a matter of role, corvettes generally tend to have a balance of armor and firepower but generally lean towards offense, frigates usually carry the same weapons as corvettes but slap on alot more armor, and destroyers are 100% offensive focused with armor in between corvettes and frigates.  Cruisers (not that i ever make them) are supposed to be all rounders with generally option of carrying other ships onboard (while i do have carriers they have kinda fallen into disuse since a dedicated carrier is fodder, while a modified frigate/corvette has both the ability to carry fighters and can stand on its own against the enemy too).  battleships are basically insane armor and insane firepower, but again, never made one and prolly never will because LAG!  In practice though i use destroyers or heavy frigates as flagships due to their armor and size which makes them look cool, and often times i outfit frigates as assault carriers by stripping some armor, some weapons, and adding ways for fighters to dock (either externally or internally).

As for my smaller ship classificiation, micro-fighters are ~5t, regular fighters are 10t, heavy fighters 10-20t, bombers are 10-30t, subcapitals (gunships, flakboats, dropships, escorts, ect) are 20-50t on average.  There is alot of overlap here and classification honestly comes more down to role and armor layout.  Fighters (all types) are generally weakly armored (wing armor, mk2 fuselage for heavy fighters sometimes), and carry anything from very lightweight derpy weapons like guided 48-7s+oscar-B torps to dumb fired short ibeams.  Bombers have the same armor scheme but carry small number of long ibeams or a single lighter capital ship torpedo (intended to engage capitals but not much in terms of anti-fighter weapons since too few shots), and most of them look somewhat like aircraft too.  Low end subcapitals carry similar ordinance to bombers, but feature decent armor protection which allows even the weakest ones to take a beating from anything but dedicated shipkilling weapons or multiple long ibeams.  High end subcapitalshave firepower of corvettes and still enough armor to take hits (although they are almost always shorter range, less firepower, or weaker armor then a corvette).

That said, even that is iffy since i have a few craft that dont really fit into any category well, most of which are AKS ships.  My recently developed HK-103 B3 has firepower and armor that would put it into the lower end of the subcapital category, but weighs 10t and is extremely compact which makes it look and feel like a small fighter (without its nose weapons it could be considered a larger micro-fighter).  That and my old HK-201 SSTO heavy fighter that was 40t, had like ~10000dV off teh runway (almost 7000 after reaching orbit), carried the firepower of a 5-10t fighter, and had heavy fighter armor.  That thing was classified as a heavy strike fighter, but honestly it didnt fit into any category since it was extremely heavy on the runway but was the size of a heavy fighter or bomber, and carried terrible offensive options.


And in other news, i think im actually on to something with my new SK-FB-IIg1, which is basically a 100% copy of my class-II corvette in terms of appearance and hull shape, but has equal firepower, BETTER armor, and weighs like what, half of the older corvette. 


And the best part is that its semi-procedural (as all 3rd era AKS vessels are now) so even if the first shot splits it you need at least 2 more shots to kill the thing.  I built it as a half ship actually, where i constructed the left side (and then mirrored it to the right side) so you need to kill what is essentially 2 ships glued together, virtually impossible without excessively heavy ordinance.  Its actually very trollish vs ASMs since anything moving fast enough to have a good chance of doing major damage has a good chance of phasing through doing minor if any damage (its the size of a very large heavy fighter), in other words no way to guarantee a kill shot against it with anything really.  Weighs ~27t depending on configuration, has ~3000dV, ~210 parts (yes its horrible for such a light craft but i needed them all for the armor), and carries very high amount of firepower considering its low mass.  Armed with 6 SRM-1/Rs, 2 SRM-2/Rs, 2 LRM-1/Ts (essentially the same as a SRM-10 but decentralized and harder to knock out, and 2 crappy guided missiles that are comparable to an ibeam in damage).


The real issues right now is its lack of competent long range weapons (those 2 derpy LRM-1s wont do jack to a properly built warship which limits its long term feasability with potential for MP eventually coming up), lousy TWR (its bad even when using combat thrust with LFO engines), near guaranteed kerbal pilot fatality the second someone sneezes at it (no way to fix that without a complete redesign, but hey, its ONLY a kerbal...:D), and rather excessive part count of 210 which is alot for something that weighs only 27t and is intended for the escort/support role for other larger capital ships (which are going to be rebuilt from ground up because they just SUCK compared to this thing in every regard, less range, less armor, less effective firepower, more part count, heavier, larger profile, ect).  Defenetely going to make a verion that can carry a stack of 1-2 heavy torps in place of those 4 centralized SRM-1s, as well as a version that ditches the ibeams entirely for 100% guided weapons (possibly armed with tribeam missiles which are as good as most 1.2m ASMs but 0.6m size).


Also a pic of my 2 other recently done craft alongside the SK-FB-IIg1 that im actually happy with, the HK-103 B3 "Tri-Fighter VI" general purpose starfighter and the FK-102 A1 "Kamikaze II" droid micro-fighter.  All of them have extreme firepower for their weight class, and all of them are built using the concept of multiple separate vessels attached to a core, each of which can function after the core kaputs.

And ive basically settled into SRMs as my primary weapon on every ship.  Over 75% of ships ive tested can be reliably vaporized with a SRM-6, and 90% can be reliably neutered (mobility or weapons kill).  The select few that are a problem are either so heavy and massive that a single 30t vessel shouldnt be able to kill it anyways (and you would use a fleet of such things or deploy larger craft), or are abusing exploits (such as cargo bays, fairings, or other components with indestructible hitboxes) to make large quantities of weakish weapons meaningless (only way those style ships can be killed semi-reliably is with heavy torps which just overpower joints after phasing into the core).

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Personally, I am highly impressed by the survivability of the Pico S-class ships, an enhancement and re-coring of the original Pico-class. The new Pico S-class features crew survivability almost all the time, even when hit by its own 5 ton anti-ship missile. While that is guaranteed to gut the internal design of any of my compact sub-capital ships, the missile was only able to destroy the propulsion of the Pico S. The original Pico was gutted, but the crew survived as well. I think my kerbals will like using these crafts because of the crew survivability. I have 2 variants of the Pico S(which is not up for release by the way), and 1 other variant is in development(possessing 3 .625m ASMs). The 2 variants already completed are a quad long i-beam variant,and a variant with 1 1.25 m ASM. A logistics variant was also built for crew transfer from ship to ship.

Improvements from the Pico to the Pico S include:



~100-500 m/s extra D/V

-Better engine protection

-Better weapon protection

-Increased (crew)survivability


-Sturdier docking systems

-Better pilot view

Disadvantages include:

-Lower TWR

-Higher weight

~10-40 extra parts

-Less electrical capacity

-400 mm longer


EDIT: The Mini ASM version is done.

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Well ive officially finalized the 1st generation SK-FB-II!  Dumped the random 2 LRM-1s and now armed with 12 SRM-1/Rs (12 long ibeams), 3700dV, under 28t, under 220 parts, bad but not unusable TWR (.24 with LFO, .11 with just ions), semi-procedural design (insane amount of redundancy), room for 1 kerbal (although its a death sentence if you get shot as cockpit is virtually guaranteed to vaporize on the 1st hit), and imo decent looks heavily inspired by the larger class-II corvette (nicknamed the "chibi-class-II" because its literally the same ship but tiny).


Yeah it gets torn apart often enough, but ive sofar been unable to mission kill it completely without resorting to excessive weapon spam (one trial required 10, YES TEN!, script ASMs to 100% destroy).  It consistently survives: quad RT-5, SRM-6, Tripedo-M, script ASM, popper-H, shredder, any 0.6m weapon ive ever tried on it, shipkillers, ect.  Its even survived the Tripedo-S/H which uses XL-3 tires and up to this day ive considered a 100% guaranteed kill with good aim...

Now to make a few variations (torpedo models, guided weapons, ect), and then to make some tanks, then perhaps a larger 40-50t capital using the old fashioned flakboat hull configuration that had 3-way symmetry.  A few more ships and ill be ready to battle...

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The weapons on board the FB-II seem a tad weak to me. Simply enough, a Pico S was able to take 2/3 of a full barrage from the FB-II(hitting),and lost one side, while also losing 2 missiles, but keeping engines intact.

And also... I think that people would refuse battles with you solely because, well, a Pico S could never be built in such a way that it could ever beat one of these. The basic fact that the ion engines onboard have integrated electrical capacity and xenon basically means that anyone building competition to the ship is automatically at a disadvantage because of weight(IDK if you added some in your config) and space usage. Its a tad unfair to need less space, and thus less armor, and thus less parts, that will later need to be covered. All I'm saying is that expecting someone with a ship that needs to be larger, with a larger hitbox, heavier, because it needs armor covering it, to fight your ship with its smaller hitbox, higher TWR because integrated fuel, and lighter because less armor is needed, is a bit unfair to the other person. 

EDIT: You did add weight to your config, but it still isn't fair in terms of less armor covering and parts being needed. Also, that 7000 electrical units should need a .5 ton boost in weight(perhaps more to account for space savings)so that it is in line with the battery banks. This ship, adjusted, should be about 40 tons or 40 tons equivalent to a ship without a modded config.

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2 hours ago, Alphasus said:


The weapons on board the FB-II seem a tad weak to me. Simply enough, a Pico S was able to take 2/3 of a full barrage from the FB-II(hitting),and lost one side, while also losing 2 missiles, but keeping engines intact.

And also... I think that people would refuse battles with you solely because, well, a Pico S could never be built in such a way that it could ever beat one of these. The basic fact that the ion engines onboard have integrated electrical capacity and xenon basically means that anyone building competition to the ship is automatically at a disadvantage because of weight(IDK if you added some in your config) and space usage. Its a tad unfair to need less space, and thus less armor, and thus less parts, that will later need to be covered. All I'm saying is that expecting someone with a ship that needs to be larger, with a larger hitbox, heavier, because it needs armor covering it, to fight your ship with its smaller hitbox, higher TWR because integrated fuel, and lighter because less armor is needed, is a bit unfair to the other person. 

EDIT: You did add weight to your config, but it still isn't fair in terms of less armor covering and parts being needed. Also, that 7000 electrical units should need a .5 ton boost in weight(perhaps more to account for space savings)so that it is in line with the battery banks. This ship, adjusted, should be about 40 tons or 40 tons equivalent to a ship without a modded config.

Im aware of that, but it is the ONLY way i can build without going part count insane (and for me 300 parts is the absolute max ill ever deploy with because i like to large scale battles in my campaign saves).  Anyways, the ships were more or less intended to test a new concept i had (and they do work in that regard).  Btw, i do not believe there is a way to alter part mass via ship.cfg (at least not without altering the engine.cfg itself).  Need to see that (because if i can make an ion engine with intergated fuel and batteries and then just up its mass to the proper levels then id consider that fair game (although yes it would be more compact then otherwise but i cant really deal with the part counts otherwise).

Also, about the weapons, what ranges are you firing from?  The SRMs are intended for ~150-250m distances depending on target thickness and composition, they are terrible when fired outside of that envelope.  Also the ship requires aim compensation because of side mounted weaponry (unlike the older SRM-6 style models) so its alot harder to use then corvettes with that centralized SRM-6, and hits to anything but the CoM or particular components like engines/weapons are pointless. 

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38 minutes ago, panzer1b said:

Im aware of that, but it is the ONLY way i can build without going part count insane.

I understand this. My basic statement is that these ships should count for higher weight, adjusted to the usage of integrated electrical storage and xenon storage.

 Btw, i do not believe there is a way to alter part mass via ship.cfg.

You can do this by adding resources to these parts, so that they have increased weight. However, those resources would need to be like ore, because it is so rarely used.

Need to see that, because if i can make an ion engine with integrated fuel and batteries and then just up its mass to the proper levels then id consider that fair game


(although yes it would be more compact then otherwise but i cant really deal with the part counts otherwise).

Perhaps the extra resource usage could be considered, and per 1m part, the weight of an extra 2m structural plate? By extension, a .625m part would have the weight of an extra 1m structural plate.

38 minutes ago, panzer1b said:

Also, about the weapons, what ranges are you firing from?  The SRMs are intended for ~150-250m distances depending on target thickness and composition, they are terrible when fired outside of that envelope. 

I fired from 181 m and 243 m in low kerbin orbit.

Also the ship requires aim compensation because of side mounted weaponry (unlike the older SRM-6 style models) so its alot harder to use then corvettes with that centralized SRM-6, and hits to anything but the CoM or particular components like engines/weapons are pointless. 

Hence why 2/3s hit(and I used control from here on docking ports to align my shots).

Personally, my feeling is that ships with modified .cfg files should be allowed if the modifications are compensated for in tonnage. Also, when will the AKS comics continue?

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1 hour ago, Alphasus said:

Personally, my feeling is that ships with modified .cfg files should be allowed if the modifications are compensated for in tonnage. Also, when will the AKS comics continue?

I just did a full calculation and the effective mass of the thing is exactly 34.9t, but id be fine calling it a 40t effective mass since it does use cfg edits and thus, as you said before, doesnt quite require as much armor plating because of it (although the armor is mostly for looks since the real protection comes from redundancy).  Details of calc below:

base mass = 27.552

1400 xenon gas tank = 2x700 capacity model = 0.055x2 =0.11

7000 units of charge = 0.35t

1 Ion-W engine is 0.35+0.11 = 0.46 heavier.  Ship carried 16 Ion-W so its mass increases by 7.36t (which gives 34.9t).

Using the same logic, the HK-103 B2/B3 would have an effective mass of 11.4t.  That said, im gonna rebuild these craft using ion engines with added ablator (cannot be used up by anything, offers no usefulness, and cannot be removed either without Hedit) to compensate for the mass and give them correct mass and TWR.  Hopefully it doesnt make them invincible (as increasing mass of any part makes it less susceptible to damage and makes it more effevtive as a weapon), but if thats the case ill always revert it back and just call it a 40t ship.

Edit: done...

They have similar armor so that isnt an issue, and pretty much bahave the exact same but are the correct mass now.  With the mass increase ill prolly ditch the LFO engines for the 2nd generation variants as its of minimal use right now since it gives you like 100dV (which is pointless), and in MP there is no reason to have emergency thrust (although i will keep it for AKS universe since there stuff like that is critical).



And ive been working on redoing the battle scene with the comic since 1.1 really messed up my old ships (battle was done during the 1.0 beta).  I also thought of a better idea for the opening battle scene which has a more plausible story then just capital ship on capital ship out of the blue as old one and also adding alot of backstory and i also added the first real scenes with B-Corp in them since given that the 2 major factions are AKS Alliance and B-Corp, there has yet to be anything from their perspective.  Ill upload that in a few days when im fully done with the battle scene (lets just say there are ALOT, as in almost 50 total, craft in it which means extremely tedious to coordinate all of that).  You know, in the past i was against using hedit at all when it came down to combat, but i think ill use it just to synchronize fighter squadrons ect after their leaders have reached destination 100% legit since its takes so much time to get say 2-4 squadrons of 3-4 fighters (depending on what faction they are, AKS uses formations of 3, most others use 4).

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8 hours ago, ScriptKitt3h said:

When I get a chance to, yes. I'm currently preparing to move off to my college for fall semester classes, so until that's done and I'm settled in and acquire some free time, I'll be somewhat indisposed.

Oh, I wish you luck with college then!

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Well my comic battle scene is almost redone/complete.  I ended up synchronizing 24 droid fighters and using that to attack 5 different targets many of which were quite far away from each other (which was a pain in the arss)...  The new battle actually makes alot more sense tactically speaking since its a diversion to get the pirate fleet to move ships away from the defense grid (so the actual main AKS fleet can bypass most of the pirate forces).  And ive also almost finished the B-Corp command center at mun site alpha and their main flagship on which the command staff is situated (which is NEVER seeing real combat since its over 800 parts and is the size of the bloody SPH, an actual cruiser, the first one ive ever made!).  At least its not as laggy as some of script's ships which have like 1500 parts and allows me to bring 1-2 smaller vessels nearby for screenshot purposes.

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13 minutes ago, panzer1b said:

Well my comic battle scene is almost redone/complete.  I ended up synchronizing 24 droid fighters and using that to attack 5 different targets many of which were quite far away from each other (which was a pain in the arss)...  The new battle actually makes alot more sense tactically speaking since its a diversion to get the pirate fleet to move ships away from the defense grid (so the actual main AKS fleet can bypass most of the pirate forces).  And ive also almost finished the B-Corp command center at mun site alpha and their main flagship on which the command staff is situated (which is NEVER seeing real combat since its over 800 parts and is the size of the bloody SPH, an actual cruiser, the first one ive ever made!).  At least its not as laggy as some of script's ships which have like 1500 parts and allows me to bring 1-2 smaller vessels nearby for screenshot purposes.

Would you like some sort of subcapital fight? The Picos are ready, and I now have 3 variants of them, the CR-01, CR-02, and CR-03. Perhaps 100 tons, 4 ships?

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54 minutes ago, Alphasus said:

Would you like some sort of subcapital fight? The Picos are ready, and I now have 3 variants of them, the CR-01, CR-02, and CR-03. Perhaps 100 tons, 4 ships?

Sure although i need to finish the part of the comic im currently working on (as well as 1 more ship im working on).  After that 100t 4 ships sounds good, ill prolly deploy 2 chibis and 2 103s.  Also, given we are both using ions (unless you altered your base pico design), please nothing higher grav then duna so i dont have to do too many 30 minute burns :D.

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1 hour ago, panzer1b said:

Sure although i need to finish the part of the comic im currently working on (as well as 1 more ship im working on).  After that 100t 4 ships sounds good, ill prolly deploy 2 chibis and 2 103s.  Also, given we are both using ions (unless you altered your base pico design), please nothing higher grav then duna so i dont have to do too many 30 minute burns :D.

ase nothing higher grav then duna so i dont have to do too many 30 minute burns :D.

Oh, sure. The Picos are still using ions, just more of them. 10% margins by the way(90-110 tons), and Eeloo I'd suggest for a planet. I think you'll be seeing 2 Pico S-class ships and 2 Pico 2-class ships. Also, where are you uploading the comics to? The same thread?

EDIT: I have my ship selection ready, but they aren't placed in orbit yet.

2 CR-02(ASM)-class ships

"Mono" and "Solo"

1 CR-02(Mini-ASM)-class ship


1 CR-02-class ship


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2 hours ago, Alphasus said:

Oh, sure. The Picos are still using ions, just more of them. 10% margins by the way(90-110 tons), and Eeloo I'd suggest for a planet. I think you'll be seeing 2 Pico S-class ships and 2 Pico 2-class ships. Also, where are you uploading the comics to? The same thread?

EDIT: I have my ship selection ready, but they aren't placed in orbit yet.

2 CR-02(ASM)-class ships

"Mono" and "Solo"

1 CR-02(Mini-ASM)-class ship


1 CR-02-class ship


It looks liek we both had the same idea in terms of loadout options, i now have a SK-II-GBg1, SK-II-FBg1 and SK-II-TBg1 (new naming convention for them), a type-II gun-boat, flak-boat, and torpedo-boat.  I swapped the loadouts around and the gun-boat has the original flak-boat config of 12 SRM-1/Rs, the flak-boat has 6 LRM-1s (as flak-boats were originally anti-fighter and the guided crap is far better in this regard), and the torpedo-boat has 2 Tripedo-S or 1 Tripedo-M heavy torps.  They also have corresponding emergency thrusters with the gun-boat having quad LFO engines since it needs to get in and out quickly cause no long range, flak with the original dual LFO for occasional bursts but nothing excessive, and the torp version has no such thrusters as its kinda used as artillery and mobility is not that essential).  All of them weigh ~32-33t so technically i can bring 3 of them and some very puny fighter (5-10t so no HK-103 with the increased weight of 13t) too.  Ill prolly settle for 2 gun-boats and 1 flak or torp model for variety.  No idea why you have bad experience with the loadout and consider it weakish, i still consistently split heavier ships like dreks and most of script's fleet by using 4-6 shots (unless its the dreaded NX-16 which is impossible to kill using SRM-6 or anything of that sort).


And yeah, once comic's up itll be in the same thread (no reason to make a new one since its technically a continuation of teh same basic plotline despite over a year gap between the last stuff and the new stuff.

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12 minutes ago, panzer1b said:

No idea why you have bad experience with the loadout and consider it weakish, i still consistently split heavier ships like dreks and most of script's fleet by using 4-6 shots (unless its the dreaded NX-16 which is impossible to kill using SRM-6 or anything of that sort.

8 missiles hit out of 12, which split the Pico, which, funnily enough,  works when split in half really well. Those hits were sequential, and were able to split a Pico.

But, couldn't kill that thing with 4 of the same missiles you were using that I centralized on a Pico frame that hit simultaneously(on the upper armor section). The ship still had 1 full small ASM. And a Pico, even when split, is likely to retain propulsion systems as long as propulsion isn't specifically targeted, as well as 3 full solar panels, which is almost enough to sustain electricity with maxed ion engines.

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3 hours ago, Alphasus said:

I'll fight you in a sub-capital fight if you want. 200 tons, 7 ships?

I'd love to take you up on that offer... If i had some subcapitals and light fighters. And judging by the fact that the last two ships i built right before a battle were horribly defective, i'd like to take a few days at least to design and test them. 

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8 hours ago, quasarrgames said:

I'd love to take you up on that offer... If i had some subcapitals and light fighters. And judging by the fact that the last two ships i built right before a battle were horribly defective, i'd like to take a few days at least to design and test them. 

How much did the Quaesitor weigh? I think it was like 33 tons, which is a heavier subcapital. All you would need are some fighters.

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Almost done with comic battle and finished the actual fight today, had to redo it 3 times since i kept loosing track of fighters.  Finally got it done though...



2 of 10 squadrons just before engaging!

You dont want to know how hard it is to manage 10 fighter squadrons (3 fighters per squadron) and then coordinate that all to attack a single ship at the same time!


Now to finish development of the new Tripedo-S and Tripedo-M so i can finalize the Type-II sub-capital and actually start that battle we have been planning.  I have a fighter, and the Type-II is ~33t for every model so i can bring 1 micro-fighter and 3 of the Type-IIs and be within 10% of 100t.

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