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Naval Battle League 2016-2018

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@iamonfire, sorry for the delay. A TON of real life work snuck up on me over the past two days so i didn't have much time. Finally got around to my turn now.

persistent: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9j14g86qvraajl3/persistent.sfs?dl=0 (by the way, does anyone know how to change the wording on a link so it says "turn 5" instead of a web address? been wondering about that)

The Bullock took its full force out on the Drift that salvaged my weaponry (i'm actually more afraid of my missiles than i am of yours). Took two heavy guided and one unguided missile to disarm it (which i don't understand. your drifts have no cockpit armor, so how in kraken's name does a 1 ton 40m/s impact tolerance cockpit stand up to THREE missiles twice its mass going 200-300m/s? Makes no sense). 


drift now has no frontal docking port and a compromised rear. Still has its cockpit, engines, and small weapons ports, but given that there are no salvageable small weapons on the battlefield it won't be able to do anything. 

Finally, the Johansson found more of the nightmare's missiles and salvaged them. It's gained like ten tons in mass and now looks like a strange legless gundam, but it's not gonna have any armament problem anymore.


Your turn. Good luck!


P.S. Saw some of your videos. really liked those guided missiles. Kinda wonder how many you could have in the air at once :)

Edited by quasarrgames
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3 hours ago, quasarrgames said:

persistent: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9j14g86qvraajl3/persistent.sfs?dl=0 (by the way, does anyone know how to change the wording on a link so it says "turn 5" instead of a web address? been wondering about that)

There is a button that looks like a chain in the tool bar. It will bring up a pop up box that is straight forward to use.

3 hours ago, quasarrgames said:

P.S. Saw some of your videos. really liked those guided missiles. Kinda wonder how many you could have in the air at once :)

As many as you can fit on one craft.

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4 hours ago, ShadowGoat said:

Peekaboo, rectifier! I found you!

I killed it with i beams. I knocked off the engines, put a hole in the engine compartment, and knocked off the bridge with surgical precision.

heres the persist.


Your move. 


Another one bites the dust.

GO 80s!

Just checked damage to rectifier, its not anything like you described? 


Both bridges are fully operational, AND all the engines are functional?  Perhaps you gave me the wrong persist file?  Anyways, one more very curious thing id like you to explain, HOW did that ship manage to intercept the rectifier using LESS THEN 90 fuel units?  I dont normally look at other people's ships in detail until the battle is over for fairness, but i fail to see how you could have pulled off the required rendezvous maneuver and still have almost all of your fuel reserves on a ship with so little internal fuel after taking a look at the ship in question?  Perhaps im overreacting (i have nothing against loosing games as thats expected with my experimental ships) but i believe you either used hyperedit to rendezvous your vessel to mine after the game started (which is illegal btw according to rules, Hedit/alt-f12 may only be used on teh first move to deploy ships, no using it to rendezvous once game has started), or you managed to pull some sort of crazy efficient maneuver that i cannot seem to replicate (and im not a complete noob at orbital maneuvering in KSP)?


Anyways, an explanation would be good, one the persist does not reflect the damage described, two, i just cant understand how you pulled off the rendezvous (no pics or anything) without using even half of your fuel when my warship used like half of its fuel to do that maneuver and it has like way more dV compared to the ship that attacked it (and i checked the debris in the persist and there are no fuel cans/droptanks or anything that was dropped which may have had fuel in it to assist the maneuver near the ship or anywhere else)?

Ill wait with my turn until i at least understand how you did what you did and why the rectifier isnt damaged like you said (most likely you sent me the wrong persist)...

Edited by panzer1b
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The Battle of Ike

Oddly, one of my EX-9s has disappeared. I didn't cloak it, so I have no idea what happened to it. I went ahead with my turn anyway, as I had a plan. Taking Nafred Kerman's EX-9, I rendevoused with the Daylight, as I realised that by destroying it I would win, as then your fleet would only have 1 missile to destroy my 3 remaining alive ships, and no Klaw or missile with a docking port to salvage. (The Intact Eos, the heavily damaged Eos, and Labal Kerman's pod. It still has a RTG and a weapon pod, so its alive.)


Making 2 burns, I zeroed my relative velocity and launched a G3 Torpedo.


It hit near the back at a weird angle, and knocked off a wingplate, but left the Daylight otherwise intact.


I then lauched another one, which hit down the front, destroying all its weapons.




With one missile left in your fleet, and no way of salvaging knocked off missiles, It is impossible for you to destroy moer than one of my 3 remaining surviving ships, meaning a victory fro the F-Tech Fleet.

if you really stretch the definition of damaged, and count the disappearing EX-9 as alive, that technically means no Eoses were lost in the battle.

@Spartwo can you uptdate the leaderboard please?

Edited by MiffedStarfish
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51 minutes ago, MiffedStarfish said:

The Battle of Ike

Oddly, one of my EX-9s has disappeared. I didn't cloak it, so I have no idea what happened to it. I went ahead with my turn anyway, as I had a plan. Taking Nafred Kerman's EX-9, I rendevoused with the Daylight, as I realised that by destroying it I would win, as then your fleet would only have 1 missile to destroy my 3 remaining alive ships, and no Klaw or missile with a docking port to salvage. (The Intact Eos, the heavily damaged Eos, and Labal Kerman's pod. It still has a RTG and a weapon pod, so its alive.)


Making 2 burns, I zeroed my relative velocity and launched a G3 Torpedo.


It hit near the back at a weird angle, and knocked off a wingplate, but left the Daylight otherwise intact.


I then lauched another one, which hit down the front, destroying all its weapons.




With one missile left in your fleet, and no way of salvaging knocked off missiles, It is impossible for you to destroy moer than one of my 3 remaining surviving ships, meaning a victory fro the F-Tech Fleet.

if you really stretch the definition of damaged, and count the disappearing EX-9 as alive, that technically means no Eoses were lost in the battle.

@Spartwo can you uptdate the leaderboard please?

Think we have a league battle coming up soon where I can test some new missiles.

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Sorry. I didn't do the burn. I'm horrible at orbital maneuvers and my brother did it for me. I was going to attempt it on my own, but he started yelling at me I was horrible and kick me out of the chair. I don't know what he did to burn that little fuel, but sorry. Also, with the damage report, I might not have examined the damage close enough. Also, I only used I beams and got like 3 direct hits in the engine. Is that's what I get for assuming damage was dealt. Sorry that was a mistake on my part. I can redo my turn if you want. Sorry about all this. Also, you figured out my one weakness. Putting a ship on a tilted orbit!

Edited by ShadowGoat
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9 hours ago, ShadowGoat said:

Sorry. I didn't do the burn. I'm horrible at orbital maneuvers and my brother did it for me. I was going to attempt it on my own, but he started yelling at me I was horrible and kick me out of the chair. I don't know what he did to burn that little fuel, but sorry. Also, with the damage report, I might not have examined the damage close enough. Also, I only used I beams and got like 3 direct hits in the engine. Is that's what I get for assuming damage was dealt. Sorry that was a mistake on my part. I can redo my turn if you want. Sorry about all this. Also, you figured out my one weakness. Putting a ship on a tilted orbit!

Its fine, i think ill leave it up to you, i dont know how your brother managed to get the rendezvous (i think its quite likely he used alt-f12 menu as i cant think of any other option unless he found fuel from the destroyed regulator in turn1, actually i just gave you a hint as to the only way to reliably counter my playstyle now, find fuel from damaged/destroyed ships).  If you like you may repeat the turn (but please document HOW you/brother does the rendezvous with at least a few pics in map view or whatnot as you do the move just so i can learn how to do more efficient maneuvers myself :D), or if you prefer i guess we can continue where the persist is now (i am now ahead on kills provided that i can take out a ship every turn).  Anyways, i have guests coming over my house for a few days so ill likely not have any time for KSP until middle of next week or so, so you have until i get back to decide what you like to do next be it continue where we are, or redo the turn (ill make my next turn when i dont have people i need to tend to).

Also, here is a very helpful graphic someone made that shows how to rendezvous 2 targets in orbit if you would like to know how to do it yourself (its not necessarily the most fuel efficient method but it does get the job done). 


Basically what you need to do burn towards one of the purple triangles near the AN/DN until the angle becomes less then 1deg (0 is ideal but not absolutely necessary).  Then you do the rendezvous like any other vessel by setting up a maneuver node where you think is a good spot and shifting it around until you get a close intercept.  Hopefully that helps a little bit with the concept, GL...

Edited by panzer1b
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@iamonfire done my turn.


So, the final Neeson rendezvoused with the Drift and tried the weapons pod it salvaged previously. There was no front-facing docking port on the pod so the only way to aim was to eyeball it, which made it JUST off by a couple metres. Coupled ith a couple misfires, none of the missiles impacted, to the neeson detached the pod and tried its own weapons. A missile hit and destroyed the cockpit and the fuel tank behind it, shattering the Drift.


Given that it was the only ship with weapons remaining, and there are no more weapons on the field with exposed docking ports to salvage, i think that means i won? I'm not sure, i can give you the save if you want to try and do anything else.


Anyways, you fought very well for a first time. Your ships are quite well armored, your weapons are effective for their size, and you used some good tactics like salvaging my weapons (and thank you for proving to me that cloaking is utterly ineffective now). I'm not sure if you want any advice, but if i could give any, i guess it'd be that claws are love and claws are life. Had a lot of fun battling you. Hope you did too.

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Cool! While you built that, I built this!

I feel like it's better defined in style than most of my other ships. Also, panzer, if you thought the void was heavily armed, you don't want to see the weapons bay on this thing. It has 30% more ammo than the void.

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3 hours ago, MiffedStarfish said:

I draw the line at literally using my own turret! (Little does he know that's outdated version with terrible accuracy and a nonfunctional docking port...)

Little does he know I stole the functional turret out of the Hyperion in one of the battle we had with some post battle persist hackery.

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Little does he know I never did a battle with a turreted Hyperion, and never put the newer version up for download. Please remove the turret, I don't mind people taking inspiration from stuff I build, but I don't want people literally using my own designs on warships.

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