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How exactly do you kill a Kerbal?

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So I just spend the last half hour morbidly amused by throwing Kerbals off a 1300 meter cliff on the center island of the big crater on Kerbin. Never did quite get one all the way to the bottom, so I'm wondering, what exactly is the difference between popping a Kerbal & merly knocking him senseless? Simply a certain m/s impact or....?

And was it always this way? I distinctly remember back playing the demo that my Kerbal just would not get up after a particularly long Munar faceplant.

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I actually dont know, Ive thrown kerbals from planes and smashed into the ground without dying, bouncing back up, hitting the floor, bouncing, hitting the floor, and on the last bounce, a merely 2 meters jump kills them.. Fatigue? haha

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I was testing a base module's landing sequence by dropping it in from orbit onto KSC property...and it happened to land right on top of a kerbal I had standing out in the field (he was there to test getting into some initially-unmanned rovers that I would drive over to him). He was squirted out to the side like a watermelon seed, and he survived just fine. The base module, however, fell over and was wrecked.

So if THAT doesn't kill a verbal, I'm not sure HOW you do it.

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I managed to pop a kerbal just from trying to make him run from the runway to the launchpad at x3 speed. He never left the ground or anything, just something about trying to run with time sped up glitching him to his death.

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It's hard to really tell you how to kill them, because time-warp can do a good job of that, but I've smashed Kerbals into the ground using a plane while they were strapped in an EVA seat, and they ended up getting launched at up to 800 m/s into the water (to their death).

Switching travel modes (that is, walking vs. RCS pack) while falling seems to make the Kerbals survive really high falls. I'm certain it's a bug though.

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[technical] it might be something related to forces being applied on the rig; this is calculated continuously by physX as they go into ragdoll state once they "lose the ground" - then the physics logic takes over and it's probably that which thus infers what sort of ungodly abuse befalls those poor creatures [/technical]

i.e. they die from being squashed :sticktongue:

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In my case surefire way to kill a Kerbal is to put one on a rover. I swear, those things on wheels are about as robust as eggshells. I killed more pilots this way than during failed landings. My Kingdom for seatbelts and airbags! :D

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In my case surefire way to kill a Kerbal is to put one on a rover. I swear, those things on wheels are about as robust as eggshells. I killed more pilots this way than during failed landings. My Kingdom for seatbelts and airbags! :D

Yea my rovers kill more kerbals then anything. There's a mod for a roll cage I've been meaning to check out..

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What exactly is inside a Kerbal? One time EVA'd my Kerbal just before my failed launch exploded and he literally flew a couple of miles from the force of the explosion... How is that possible?

Maybe they're made of Flubber?

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Yesterday my kerbal jumped out of a stalling plane and crashed into kerbin. He got all stretched out and disappeared (the altittude meter was...insane) and then I launched a rocket and realized the kerbal just knocked kerbin into oblivion after noticing the complete lack of the sun and stars.

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