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In the spirit of cooperation and competition


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Hey we're getting started !!! :D

*goes on cakeninja's channel*

wait, now I need to think of more things....

will edit for my reaction later !


edit : wait but you didn't upload...... what happened to your module on your save ?

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edit : wait but you didn't upload...... what happened to your module on your save ?

It's still there...

And I meant to thank you for the surprise on the launch pad, Cake! Gonna have some fun with it in the video

Oh dear... I thought I deleted that...

Also, I made a mistake and actually put 19 fuel tanks on the remade module, but it's still 50 parts, so I'll roll with it. Bigger is better, right?

(BTW, I have my module fr the asteroid base almost done. Yep, I may be a bit obsessed.)

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Yes, get hyped! Duna base time!

I didn't get a chance to work on it yesterday, but I spent all day today on it. Man, that took longer than I expected. Failing to land on Duna several times certainly didn't help. Got lots of editing to do, which I'm doing right now (figured I'd give you guys a heads up), and then I'll render/upload when that's finished. So the video will be up by tomorrow!

And yea, bigger is always, ALWAYS better :) Especially when it comes to KSP. Just ask Whackjob or Thor.

Now that I'm getting back into this awesome game, I'm really looking forward to building some more stuff. I think I'll add something to the Minmus base, just so I can try landing on Cake's module, heh. And again, if anyone wants to do a small, individual build for whichever planet (orbit or ground, or even an asteroid), go right ahead! Think of the KCBP like NASA (haha...) and individual builds as private companies (ie. SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, etc)

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Took me a bit longer than I expected, so I had to finish up after work. Here it is, finally! Persistence available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3sdn8fqx5rayjjz/persistent.sfs

I realized I didn't talk about about the station core itself in the video, but there's not much to say. Several docking ports of different sizes, a bit of RCS and fuel, and good power generation (RTGs and solar panels). One of the first things that should be built for the station is a hab module and some proper fuel storage. I left the interplanetary transfer vehicle attached, it still has well over 2000 units of gas. I also placed the station at a 65km (mostly) circular orbit, but that can be easily adjusted if needed.

Had some fun trying to land the little beacon ship, too. Hope I got it in the right location, I forgot to look at the thread before I got there. Either way, it's a very easy place to reach, the station flies right overhead.

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Nauthy.... We have a problem. (This is a screen snip of your channel)


And if you didn't do anything, did you recently resend your account information to Google?

Because there's a phishing attack going around.

This guy details it:

Best of luck...

P.S. KSPCB is still on, right?

Edited by CakeNinjaProductions
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Yeah, I noticed that today too, my account was terminated for some reason. Didn't receive any strikes or warnings or anything :/ I sent them an appeal, so we'll see what happens when that goes through.

I wasn't aware about the phishing attack, but I haven't received any emails like that, so that shouldn't be the issue. It wasn't even a copyright problem, which it normally is. Apparently I violated the community guidelines so badly that it warranted instant termination.

The project is definitely still on! At least my persistence isn't affected by this silly thing. Would anyone like to go next?

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Well, it was my understanding that I would be second on the build list (You offered me first, but it was traditional for you to go first), so I'll go now.

Hopefully on my next post, we'll have 19 tanks and one more kerbal at Duna!

P.S. Why did you track a bunch of asteroids?

P.S.S. Interplanetary transfers and hard rive problems are difficult.

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Alrighty, sounds good! Nemrav, you wanna go up after Cake?

Also, the video is back up, channel's back in business. I guess the appeal worked. That whole bot system is so dumb, I still have no idea why I was suspended in the first place.

And I dunno why I tracked a bunch of asteroids, hehe. I was just curious to see how big they were and then forgot to untrack them. It certainly makes that map look a lot messier.

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P.S.S.S. It's become traditional for me to dock the base/station to my module. I thought I should stop that, but my module is 19 Rockos, so what are you gonna do.

P.P.S.S.S. I'm done! Just a bit of vid editing left...

Also, apparently infinity gliding doesn't work on Duna, so if anyone builds a rover, can you pick Cake up? He's only like 10 km away.


Module policy: All-you-can-transfer fuel. Please take only what you need, but don't bother refueling the station.

Vid coming soon!

Edited by CakeNinjaProductions
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Nice, can't wait to see the video!

I hope the core didn't give you too much trouble. There's enough RCS for it to be quite nimble, even with an interplanetary stage attached. Speaking of which, do we still need the fuel in that? It's got a probe on it, so it can deorbit itself.

Also, just spoke to Goose, we'll get his video up tomorrow! I'll have to merge the two persistences, but that's no problem.

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Nauthy... when you combine the save... please note that in Goose's save Cake is sitting in a command seat... and in mine he's chilling on Duna... so please be very careful...

to make multiple instances of Cake so I can build an entire awesome clone plot around it.

Although, I don't think that's how save files work.

Whatever you end up doing, I will be overjoyed to work around it.

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Nauthy... when you combine the save... please note that in Goose's save Cake is sitting in a command seat... and in mine he's chilling on Duna... so please be very careful...

to make multiple instances of Cake so I can build an entire awesome clone plot around it.

Although, I don't think that's how save files work.

Whatever you end up doing, I will be overjoyed to work around it.

Mostly, be careful not to leave whatever Cake is manning on Duna unmanned incase he zips back to the command seat. I brlieve it has a seperate place for crew and whatever theyre doing, so what your crew is doing and where is likelg tondepend on which persistence you merye into which. I strongly recommend merging Gooses craft into the Duna file and not the other way around.

Also, put an SSTO on the list ;-).

And, thinking of the future, is project Ike linked with project Duna or are we doing them seperately?

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Mostly, be careful not to leave whatever Cake is manning on Duna unmanned incase he zips back to the command seat. I brlieve it has a seperate place for crew and whatever theyre doing, so what your crew is doing and where is likelg tondepend on which persistence you merye into which. I strongly recommend merging Gooses craft into the Duna file and not the other way around.

Also, put an SSTO on the list ;-).

And, thinking of the future, is project Ike linked with project Duna or are we doing them seperately?

Actually, Cake is EVA in my file.

And, about the SSTO, do you mean Kerbin-Duna or Duna-Ike? Because I could lend you one of my designs for either for your turn.

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Nauthy... when you combine the save... please note that in Goose's save Cake is sitting in a command seat... and in mine he's chilling on Duna... so please be very careful...

to make multiple instances of Cake so I can build an entire awesome clone plot around it.

Although, I don't think that's how save files work.

Whatever you end up doing, I will be overjoyed to work around it.

Thanks Goose and Cake! Two submissions back to back. That's probably not going to happen again for a while. Hah...

Also, I should just rename all the Kerbals to Cake. Cake Troopers! Actually, that might be kinda frightening.

I was going to do as Spyrit said, merge Goose's save into the Duna one and figure it out from there. The crew count as a vehicle in the persistence, so they each have their own section. All I'd need to do is ensure that I remove that section for the Cake on Minmus. Shouldn't be too difficult. I'll get on that now and edit my post with the merged file.

Since Nemrav is unable to go right away (let us know when school hell is over!), would you like to take the next trip, Spyrit? And to answer your question about Ike, I think it should be a separate thing. Maybe catch an asteroid next? I was even thinking of declaring Ike a free build zone, where anyone can go crazy! Well, within reason, of course. For that matter, let's do the same for the Mun. So if anyone wants to build a random module for either of those moons, go ahead! Just give us a heads up first :)

EDIT: Oh hey, I probably need Goose's file for the merge, heh. I'll bug him about that tonight.

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Video done! Please enjoy, I did a bit of a tweak from my normal style...

(Noraml vid now fixed)

I also made a gag reel, so enjoy that too (after the normal video of course)...

(Gag reel)

And yeah! See you in 2020 for my next module!

Edited by CakeNinjaProductions
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Hehe, that was fun to watch. A well edited video, too, great job! I especially like your attempt at the Kerman language. Also, poor Cake Kerman, what a way to get out into orbit. I wonder how well that would've worked with Goose's hab modules attached. All I can imagine is explosions. Speaking of which, can't wait to see the gag reel! Who doesn't like watching things blow up?

The merged save file is still on its way, should be done tonight. Just waiting on the link again from Goose. Does anyone know if steam chat has a proper chat log? 'Cause the link is there, but steam only saves the last few lines.

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Sorry for the late replies - since Nemrav is here now, ill let him go first. I'll see what i can do afterwards, but i do have pretty pivotal exams coming up so im not sure what'll turn out. I'm not all too experienced with large crafts and interplanetary. I'll see if i can fix something up in time and actually record it after Nemravg goes. I should know within a few days wether or not ill have time.

Speaking of which - i believe our one-year anniversary is coming up sometime soon :-)

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Sorry for the late replies - since Nemrav is here now, ill let him go first. I'll see what i can do afterwards, but i do have pretty pivotal exams coming up so im not sure what'll turn out. I'm not all too experienced with large crafts and interplanetary. I'll see if i can fix something up in time and actually record it after Nemravg goes. I should know within a few days wether or not ill have time.

Speaking of which - i believe our one-year anniversary is coming up sometime soon :-)

First post on this thread was June 21st (2013), and the first vid of KSPCB was July 26th (2013)

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Damn, has it really been that long? We've done some good things in that time! And also slacked off a whole bunch, heh. We can probably blame most of that on me and my poor time management.

Anyways, sorry about the absence the last few days. Some stuff's come up which I've been dealing with and I haven't really been at home much, so no time to get the files merged. Nemrav, you can use Cake's file to set up your module. I'll then combine the newer save with Goose's, it shouldn't be a problem.

Any ideas for a fancy one year anniversary? :D

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Damn, has it really been that long? We've done some good things in that time! And also slacked off a whole bunch, heh. We can probably blame most of that on me and my poor time management.

Anyways, sorry about the absence the last few days. Some stuff's come up which I've been dealing with and I haven't really been at home much, so no time to get the files merged. Nemrav, you can use Cake's file to set up your module. I'll then combine the newer save with Goose's, it shouldn't be a problem.

Any ideas for a fancy one year anniversary? :D

How about..... we use a Klaw to grab the fuel station, and lob it at the science station? xD

On a backup, of course

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