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In the spirit of cooperation and competition


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  CakeNinjaProductions said:
Am I the only one getting the youtube glitch where your own channel comes up with an error 500 (when you're logged in)

Hmm, I haven't had that problem. Does error 500 say anything? Or is it super vague, as those error codes tend to be.

I'm finally back home after dealing with some family issues over the past week, so I'll get to merging those files asap. It takes a while to make sure everything is where it belongs. Does anyone know if there's a decent editor out there for KSP save files? Currently I'm just using Notepad, which is all kinds of meh.

As for the anniversary, I like the kerbal war idea :D I was actually thinking something along those lines. I've already got a couple of scenarios in mind for massive destruction. I'll try to see if I can get the multiplayer mod working with this save, might be fun to do the war on a livestream.

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  CakeNinjaProductions said:
Why does everyone say KMP when I say war.

I just wanna blow stuff up all by my lonesome.

Hehe, you're welcome to make some videos with your own beautiful destruction. I figured the mp mod might be fun for the anniversary, to do something special. If I can even get it working, heh.

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I've been holding off on merging the files in case Nemrav posts his save, so I don't have to do it twice. Have you had a chance to work on your module? If not, or you want to wait for the combined persistence, lemme know!

In other news, I had a fun idea we could do for the anniversary. I'm sure most people have heard about Mars One, what do you guys think about doing something similar? I was thinking that whoever wanted to participate could create their own Kerbal, complete with a wacky personality. Maybe make a video introducing them, kind of like an application to be on the reality show. Then, we could take all those Kerbals, shove them in one ship, and make a series of videos (possibly set up an order, so there's no confusion) showing off their misadventures. Lots of possibilities! We all know just how bad these Kerbals are at, well, everything. There could be accidental explosions, failed landings, Kerbals getting tossed out the airlock (or pretend airlock, I guess), etc. The idea is still in its rough stages, so I'd love to hear what everyone thinks and how to improve on it!

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Yeah, I could probably make an SSTO big enough to do those things. I've already made one that can take a full Rockomax Orange to Minmus.

To pull this off in a timely manner, unfortunately, would be very difficult. Maybe each person writes 5 minutes of script and then Nauthy acts it all out? Or maybe everyone has 1-2 days to record a 5-minute segment and then hand the save file to the next guy and the video clip to Nauthy and it all ends up in one video. A sereis might be aiming too high.

Also, we can't call it Duna One because of Vaos. But we could do Jool One?

EDIT: I've had more thinking and the logistics makes my head hurt. The only way I can see anything working is if everyone working on the vid/series was in the same room.

Edited by CakeNinjaProductions
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  CakeNinjaProductions said:
Yeah, I could probably make an SSTO big enough to do those things. I've already made one that can take a full Rockomax Orange to Minmus.

To pull this off in a timely manner, unfortunately, would be very difficult. Maybe each person writes 5 minutes of script and then Nauthy acts it all out? Or maybe everyone has 1-2 days to record a 5-minute segment and then hand the save file to the next guy and the video clip to Nauthy and it all ends up in one video. A sereis might be aiming too high.

Also, we can't call it Duna One because of Vaos. But we could do Jool One?

EDIT: I've had more thinking and the logistics makes my head hurt. The only way I can see anything working is if everyone working on the vid/series was in the same room.

If Nauthy manages to get KMP in order, we could each use an independant ship and organise a teamspeak thing :P.

And afterwards, i think just recording individually would be easiest. Remember, we dont necesarily need to do a continuous thing. Once the Kerbals are there, we could just make the 'episodes' individually without having to exchange the persistance.

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  CakeNinjaProductions said:
Yeah, I could probably make an SSTO big enough to do those things. I've already made one that can take a full Rockomax Orange to Minmus.

To pull this off in a timely manner, unfortunately, would be very difficult. Maybe each person writes 5 minutes of script and then Nauthy acts it all out? Or maybe everyone has 1-2 days to record a 5-minute segment and then hand the save file to the next guy and the video clip to Nauthy and it all ends up in one video. A sereis might be aiming too high.

Also, we can't call it Duna One because of Vaos. But we could do Jool One?

EDIT: I've had more thinking and the logistics makes my head hurt. The only way I can see anything working is if everyone working on the vid/series was in the same room.

Yeah, the logistics are kind of a pain. I was initially thinking something along the lines of everyone doing a short video, but a quick script would work as well. We could also set it up so that everyone picks a different point in the trip to do a video for. Think of it like writing one chapter to a story. So, someone could deal with the drama before launch, during launch, making orbit, etc. We could also apply that to when they get to their destination, like Spyrit said.

Also, great ending to that video Cake, hehe. He survived! He's just going for a nap underground.

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What i actually meant was, once we get everything to Duna or whereever we're going, we can all just start from the same persistance file and make the video that way. If we're going to make individual funny videos about things happening to the Kerbals, we dont necesarily need 'continuity', we don't necesarily need to necesarily get the persistance file of the other person before starting to make our own.

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That's true, we certainly don't need to have much continuity. People can always just build off of what the others have done. I was just thinking of the trip there, not what happens after arrival. As long as there are no incidents involving ship parts falling off, which we all know is a possibility with a bunch of silly Kerbals around, there shouldn't be much need to pass a persistence around.

Nemrav, have you had a chance to work on your module? I've been holding off on merging the two files in case you get yours uploaded (so I can avoid doing it twice), but if you're busy we can get someone else to go up. And if that's the case, I'll get the file going for the next person, which would probably be Spyrit or Goose.

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  Nemrav said:
merge the files, then I'l launch my ships (unless preferably someone else does their module first)

Ok, I'll do that tonight when I get home from work, I'll have it uploaded by tomorrow.

  CakeNinjaProductions said:
Well, turns out I didn't remotely need a transfer stage or a glider to deliver Cake to Duna...

Isn't it nice when you discover that you really didn't need as many parts as you initially thought? It's too bad there's no easy way to test things out other than making the full trip to where you're going. KSP really needs some sort of creative mode. I get that sandbox is basically creative, but I'm talking even moreso (move around freely, destroy/place parts at will in free space, etc). It's probably not possible with the Unity engine, but it'd be neat.

Also, nice Kurtjmac reference, hehe.

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  CakeNinjaProductions said:
I wasn't going for a reference. What was it?

Ah, I figured the Duna or Bust was a reference to his Farlands or Bust series. The Mun or bust logo you see on one of the start screens is a tribute to him.

Anyways, sorry about the recent absence. I've been dealing with some family stuff over the past few days (my sister just popped out a kid). I played around with the saves when I had time and I now give up, something's not right and I can't figure out what. I've put in several hours but without any luck, it's so frustrating. I also managed to overwrite the file I was creating several times, which certainly was no fun. Everything's been merged successfully other than the Minmus base. For some reason, part of it gets doubled up (all of Cake's module, but also a bit of Goose's) and basically blows up asap. As far as I can tell by looking through that code, there should only be one instance of the base. I copied it over from Goose's save and made sure to remove Cake, but in the process something fudged up. I'll post what I have here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ouz1sv7iny1k0rf/persistent_edit.sfs

Can someone else take a stab at it? I'll redo the whole process another day, when I'm less annoyed with this. If needed for comparison, Cake's file should still be up somewhere in the thread, and here's Goose's: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e3duapugwz6rqs7/persistent%20%285%29.sfs

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  Nauthy said:
Ah, I figured the Duna or Bust was a reference to his Farlands or Bust series. The Mun or bust logo you see on one of the start screens is a tribute to him.

Anyways, sorry about the recent absence. I've been dealing with some family stuff over the past few days (my sister just popped out a kid). I played around with the saves when I had time and I now give up, something's not right and I can't figure out what. I've put in several hours but without any luck, it's so frustrating. I also managed to overwrite the file I was creating several times, which certainly was no fun. Everything's been merged successfully other than the Minmus base. For some reason, part of it gets doubled up (all of Cake's module, but also a bit of Goose's) and basically blows up asap. As far as I can tell by looking through that code, there should only be one instance of the base. I copied it over from Goose's save and made sure to remove Cake, but in the process something fudged up. I'll post what I have here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ouz1sv7iny1k0rf/persistent_edit.sfs

Can someone else take a stab at it? I'll redo the whole process another day, when I'm less annoyed with this. If needed for comparison, Cake's file should still be up somewhere in the thread, and here's Goose's: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e3duapugwz6rqs7/persistent%20%285%29.sfs

I can probably write a Java program for this or something - i can see how it'd be done, but i dont have the time right now i'm afraid. But it'll certainly be useful once the file gets even larger

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I've been using Notepad++ with a plugin to compare the two files. All I did was move over the new stuff from Goose's file and merged it with the Minmus Base vessel section from Cake's, then removed the actual Kerbal. Should be simple, but apparently there's something interfering along the way. I'm no good with programming, so if you can figure it out that way, kudos to you! I've got some time off coming up, I'll take another look at it then.

Some sort of save file editor for KSP would be pretty neat, though.

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So, short intermezzo - i went back to the fuel station and shot Dharak1 with the orbital cannon. Both times, he ended up spinning so fast that when my game tried to stabilise him, it used up all of his monoprop in less than 10 seconds xD.

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  CakeNinjaProductions said:
Well, I found the problem. You have multiple instances of the base docked inside the base.

Try removing the base and re-editing in Goose's base.

Hmm, that's basically what I did, a couple of times. I only saw one instance of the line for docking. I must've just missed something, then. Are you able to make the necessary changes? Since you know where the problem's located. If not, I'll fix it up for tomorrow.

And Spyrit, you should've recorded that for the lulz :P I'd love to see videos of people just messing around with the builds!

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