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Nice, great work Destroyer! Love the TRON bike :P

And yea Spyrit, go ahead! Use Destroyer's persistence file. I'm not sure if that includes Cake's module, but if it doesn't then I can combine the two saves afterwards.

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Alright, i'm on it :-). I'll first send the Minmus shuttle up and back down on Minmus.

Then theres two options: i was originally going with the first but i just came up with the second:

First one was i'll be taking a fuel tug (a seperate ship) by the fuel station for docking, then send it off to Minmus too to dock with the station in orbit there. It will then go back and forth between the Kerbin station and Minmus station when needed to shuttle additional fuel.

Second option is i make a slightly cooler shuttle, or maybe have two so we can have one standby at station and one standby at ground level, and leave out the fuel shuttle. We could then shuttle fuel with disposable fuel tanks, topping up the orbital station and impacting the tug on Minmus when its gotten its fuel out.

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Alright, i'm on it :-). I'll first send the Minmus shuttle up and back down on Minmus.

Then theres two options: i was originally going with the first but i just came up with the second:

First one was i'll be taking a fuel tug (a seperate ship) by the fuel station for docking, then send it off to Minmus too to dock with the station in orbit there. It will then go back and forth between the Kerbin station and Minmus station when needed to shuttle additional fuel.

Second option is i make a slightly cooler shuttle, or maybe have two so we can have one standby at station and one standby at ground level, and leave out the fuel shuttle. We could then shuttle fuel with disposable fuel tanks, topping up the orbital station and impacting the tug on Minmus when its gotten its fuel out.

I like both of those options! A fuel tug will be very useful, but so is having a dedicated transport between the ground base and station. Maybe try to combine the ideas? A shiny, bigger shuttle with maybe a small tug attached to it, so you can still do a fair bit of fuel transfer. That way you can leave the tug at the station while the shuttle heads down to Minmus. If needed, the tug can be sent back to Kerbin and the shuttle can also serve as a transport between Minmus and Kerbin.

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I've come up with a reasonably solid design for my shuttle - it's not particularly fancy, but depending on part count im hoping to actually have 3 seperate utility-style parts in. With these i am hoping to act as a functional supply chain between the station and Minmus, allowing for transport and some storage of resources as well as Kerbals, so future additions can go bumming around having fun without having to worry about petty things like fuel.

One parts is a lander-style shuttle, with a dockable/undockable surface module slung under it. This surface module can stand on the ground as is, or be mounted on landing legs. Its not powered though, so you cant move it around on your own. It holds some fuel, some xenon, some monopropellant and some electriccharge, and can be docked to using standard docking ports - i might add an adapter to a junior port if needed. This way rovers and surface bases can use all aformentioned resources to increase traction, fun, or whatever :P.

The shuttle itself also carries its supply of fuel, monopropellant and electriccharge, which can be accessed via the docking port on the bottom side once the service module has been placed somewhere.

Assuming i have enough TWR, the lander is fully operational with or without this module under it.

Finally, if i have enough parts left in my allocation, ill add a simple nuclear-powered shuttle between Kerbins supply depot and the orbital Minmus station.

Im just hoping right now i have enough thrust to get off of Minmus - the entire thing is powered by just two NERVA's.

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Just a note, would you be able to add a lateral docking port to one of those modules? So it just kinda sticks off the side (check out the Hermit Shack I landed on Minmus for an idea of what I mean). This'll allow the rovers to simply pull up to the side and dock. Unless I misunderstood, you've just got the docking port underneath the shuttle. Or will the service module do all the refueling business?

Either way, it's a fantastic idea, looking forward to the final product! I doubt you'll have much trouble on Minmus, two NERVAs should do the job, unless you're super heavy. Gotta love that low grav :)

I've also combined the last two persistences, so use this file, Spyrit: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a3m3njj4jcqdjha/persistent.sfs

Also, when you stop by the orbital station, would you be able to leave a Kerbal behind? I completely failed to add a probe to the station core and someone *cough cough*Cake*cough cough* sent the commander down to Minmus :P I'll try to fix up the orbit a bit if you can provide us with a new guinea pig...err...Kerbonaut.

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Just a note, would you be able to add a lateral docking port to one of those modules? So it just kinda sticks off the side (check out the Hermit Shack I landed on Minmus for an idea of what I mean). This'll allow the rovers to simply pull up to the side and dock. Unless I misunderstood, you've just got the docking port underneath the shuttle. Or will the service module do all the refueling business?

Either way, it's a fantastic idea, looking forward to the final product! I doubt you'll have much trouble on Minmus, two NERVAs should do the job, unless you're super heavy. Gotta love that low grav :)

I've also combined the last two persistences, so use this file, Spyrit: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a3m3njj4jcqdjha/persistent.sfs

Also, when you stop by the orbital station, would you be able to leave a Kerbal behind? I completely failed to add a probe to the station core and someone *cough cough*Cake*cough cough* sent the commander down to Minmus :P I'll try to fix up the orbit a bit if you can provide us with a new guinea pig...err...Kerbonaut.

Well generally i'm hoping the rovers wont use all too much fuel - the depot doesn't hold very much fuel - three FT-L200's to be exact. If you need a large supply of fuel you'll have to pump directly from the shuttle.

Thing is, the shuttle lands on LT-2 landing legs, putting it a bit high off the ground. As it was designed the shuttle didn't have a lateral docking port but i'll add one anyway. The depot has two lateral ports, a jr. one and a normal one, mounted on LT-1 landing struts. You should be able to dock to the shuttle via the depot while its still attached to the shuttle if the rover is smaller, and to the lateral port i'll add afterwards. I don't know how high the rover's ports will be off the ground, so i dont know how to fit the ports to the shuttle. Ill add some RCS-thrusters and a probe to the depot so you can sorta hang it off of the side of the rover if you have problems docking.

Ill bring a Kerbal or two along to staff up the station. Maybe bring Jebediah over from the Kerbin stations to Minmus. And ill hop the commander back on board of his station too if you want :-).

Remember the shuttle can be remotely operated to safely attempt rescue of daring commander-guineapigs from stations accidentally placed in a not-very-orbital course.

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Oh don't worry. The Mass Relay had a probe core on it.

And that's Mr. *cough cough*Cake*cough cough* to you.

Oh, it did? Ooops, my bad :) Sorry Mr. Cake!

And you can blame the station's inclination on me. I noticed from Destroyer's save that the orbit had been bumped up a few kilometers and the station wasn't directly on top of the base anymore. Probably after some time passed when Destroyer's module was heading to Minmus. So instead of fixing it (because I didn't realize there was a probe on the Mass Relay), I simply edited the save to place the station where it had been previously. So yea, the inclination is back to being slightly off, but I'll fix it once Spyrit's module goes up. I just wanted to get the file ready for him before that.

As it is right now, we only have one rover that needs fuel, so we probably won't need a whole lot of extra. And yea, it's tough to judge how those docking ports will align. The RCS will definitely help, though.

As for the station, I'm pretty sure we've only got space for one Kerbal in the commander's cupola. Just bring a new one along, we can leave Cake on the surface :P

Speaking of which, we will definitely need hab modules soon, for both the station and ground base. Poor Cake is just standing there staring at a rover, heh.

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Persistance: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hsyyr0548aoairv/persistent.sfs

Video will be coming soon :-). Might be a little bit boring though :-/.

I'm also happy to report that the rover is capable of achieving orbit xD.

Edit: Hold that thought - persistance file isn't right yet, it still has two stages orbiting. Ill fix it soon.

Edited by Spyritdragon
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Updated persistance: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hsyyr0548aoairv/persistent.sfs

This includes the shuttle and the undocked base module. Be mindful, the piece of debris that's left is the fuel depot thingy (i forgot the probe core) - i highly advise you do not remove this else i'll have to go bring it up again. Which i wouldn't mind too much but it would take a bit of time.

I also took Cooly's rover for a little spin. And a Kerbin reentry. But i quicksave-reverted that so nothing happened.

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to be honest I don't know what my module(s) are gonna be, I haven't really kept up with what has been added. Nor have I even played KSP in about a month. this is gonna be fun.

If you haven't come up with a solid idea, I'd recommend doing something like a hab module for the station. Keep in mind you can use up to 60 parts and have multiple modules (as long as the total part count is 60 or less), so you can mess around with a few different things.

I've finally got a bit of time off tomorrow, I'll take a look at the persistance then and fix up the station's orbit. So I'll have an updated save file for you tomorrow, leax.

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Video coming this weekend - biiit of trouble with the voiceover. I have little to no experience with video making at the moment.

I've been doing it for a while, I can help you with it if need be.

I personally use Audacity for doing voiceovers, gives you a lot of control over volume, if that's your problem.

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