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Really Really Really Tall Building

The Jedi Master

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1234: you see a sign that says: "1234 more flights to go!" and you wonder why you were even convinced to go up this building - you also go to Five Kerbs for a quick stop to eat and go to a hotel for the night.

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1235: You realise a sign that says 'You are (roughly) 3705m above ground level please don't jump out of the window because you'll die by hitting the floor... or hitting a passing test plane and killing the pilot and yourself... Please don't Jeb'. You jump out of the window and a combination of wind and jet backdraft makes you go up to the next floor with a badass smooth landing into the window.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1237: You get up to this floor - and it's made up of sweets and deliciousness... You resist the urge and press on, but only after you've stopped to have a bite...

or two...

or more...

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It has a elevator which has 5 buttons. 4 are listed as 1,2,3,4. The last is unlisted. You write 'swimming in gold'

And press the button. The elevator stops and the door opens you are blinded by the sight and promtly feinted. The lift takes you to the next floor..

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