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Really Really Really Tall Building

The Jedi Master

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Floor 5068: A tired person, sick of a world that needs everything to be an account online.

egap wen kool yeH

Edited by ColdJ
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Floor 5077: A funeral for Kerbal Space Program 2 and it's development team. Everyone is attending, including the Kerbal Space Center's staff who should really be checking on that Duna orbiter they just launched..

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Floor 5088: The book containing every jot and tittle of every word ever spoken by any NASA employee in the entire history of NASA even before it was NASA in excruciatingly immaculate and complete 100% accurate detail along with supplemental tomes containing grammatical corrections and cross referenced to each page, paragraph and line where a correction is needed.


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Floor 5090: fresh sweet corn


to whomever follows me the last floor i physically see is 5089. The current floor as the forum itself shows me is my floor 5090 making you 5091. That is all.


Edited by AlamoVampire
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