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[0.22] UbioZur Welding Ltd. 2.0 Dev STOPPED


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Ahoy, I have previously used this mod (in 0.23.5) without any problems, but I can't get it to work properly in 0.24.2... I have installed the different downloads and I get the "weld it" button just fine.

But whenever i weld something (i remembered from previous install that the more pars i used the longer it had to think before going on, so i just tried welding two hitchhiker containers together), it seems like the game is thinking and thinking, but nothing happens... I do not get the menu where i can name the part. I left the computer for about 20 minutes figuring that it ought to be plenty of time... The game doesn't crash, as I can still do a few things fine, but nothing happens...

I first tried doing this in 64 bit version and later in 32 bit version with the exact same result...

Anyone who knows what is going on? and more importantly, how to fix it.

And lastly, thanks to all you guys who makes and maintains mods, youve made my KSP experience so much more epic. You guys are all heroes and songs should be written in your honor!

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I tried reinstalling it, and now it seems to work fine :) YAY!!!!!!

I guess I must have mucked up some part of the installation... So please disregard my last post, well, at least the crying for help part... you guys are still heroes and all that!

Also, I seem to be running it fine on a 64 bit version too.

Well, I am off to make some great bit epic space junk!!!!

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  malkuth said:
I have linked the 24.2 fix in my original post for at least people can find the newer 24.2 version.

I linked girka2K version is this the correct version?

Yep his version was the last fixing version.

As Ubio will answer there might be a newer Version.

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This is quite embarrassing to ask but how do you install this for 24.2? I downloaded malkuth's patch for 24.2, then his patch for that patch of 24.2. Either the "Weld" button doesn't show up in VAB/SPH, or it does but when I put my craft on it; nothing happens (I can't click on craft parts or exit, but I can still click the "Weld" button).

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  Netherrack said:
This is quite embarrassing to ask but how do you install this for 24.2? I downloaded malkuth's patch for 24.2, then his patch for that patch of 24.2. Either the "Weld" button doesn't show up in VAB/SPH, or it does but when I put my craft on it; nothing happens (I can't click on craft parts or exit, but I can still click the "Weld" button).

You need to download and install malkuth's fix from OP (it's for 0.23), then download this fix for 0.24.2 and replace UbioWeldingLtd.dll and config.xml files. It's all.

If it still will not work - useful information can certainly be found in the ksp.log - provide it to us.

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  girka2k said:
You need to download and install malkuth's fix from OP (it's for 0.23), then download this fix for 0.24.2 and replace UbioWeldingLtd.dll and config.xml files. It's all.

If it still will not work - useful information can certainly be found in the ksp.log - provide it to us.

Many thanks, I did as you said and it seems to be working now. The VAB will still sometimes freeze if I weld a larger craft but other than that, everything seems to be working. The problem I have now is after I weld part of a craft, it doesn't seem to be in my parts list, however it shows up in my folder;



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  Netherrack said:
Many thanks, I did as you said and it seems to be working now. The VAB will still sometimes freeze if I weld a larger craft but other than that, everything seems to be working. The problem I have now is after I weld part of a craft, it doesn't seem to be in my parts list, however it shows up in my folder;

Glad it helped!

Yes, if here is a lot of parts, the process may take some time.

The simplest thing you can do to see welded parts is restart the game. After it parts will appear.

Also you can try to set the value of DataBaseAutoReload in config.xml to "1" - the part's database will be automatically reloaded after welding.

However, at the moment this mode is incompatible with many mods, especially with the ModuleManager :(.

Please also keep in mind that if you are not playing in the sandbox mode, you need to check the value of TechRequired in welded part's .cfg file - it should be something meaningful - for example, advRocketry

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I have welded up a part and everything seems fine other than when I go to place it. I cnt get it to snap onto a stack.

here is the .cfg, can anybody see why it will not snap to a stack on node_stack_top... or node_stack_bottom.... sometimes it will snap to the stack on the radial fairings, but never on the central tank.




name = OSEP

module = Part

author = Bit Fiddler / UbioZurWeldingLtd

rescaleFactor = 1

PhysicsSignificance = -1

CrewCapacity = 0

TechRequired = sandboxWeld

entryCost = 0

cost = 12960

category = Propulsion

subcategory = 0

title = Orbital Station Engine Pod

manufacturer = Kersai Industries

description = This is a custom designed engine pod for Kersai Industries' Orbital Station.

mass = 9.5

dragModelType = override

maximum_drag = 0

minimum_drag = 0

angularDrag = 0

crashTolerance = 10

breakingForce = 300

breakingTorque = 300

maxTemp = 3000

fuelCrossFeed = True




node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long0 = 0,3.799405,0.0,0,0,0,1

node_stack_topfuelTank.long0 = 0,-3.725595,0,0,0,0,1

node_stack_topB9.Adapter.SM12 = -1.8632,-2.193213,-2.062778E-08,0,1,0,0

node_stack_topB9.Adapter.SM15 = -1.317481,-2.193213,1.31748,0,1,0,0

node_stack_topB9.Adapter.SM18 = -2.451112E-07,-2.193213,1.863199,0,1,0,0

node_stack_topB9.Adapter.SM111 = 1.31748,-2.193213,1.31748,0,1,0,0

node_stack_topB9.Adapter.SM114 = 1.8632,-2.193213,-2.062778E-08,0,1,0,0

node_stack_topB9.Adapter.SM117 = 1.31748,-2.193213,-1.317482,0,1,0,0

node_stack_topB9.Adapter.SM120 = -6.692568E-09,-2.193213,-1.863197,0,1,0,0

node_stack_topB9.Adapter.SM123 = -1.317482,-2.193213,-1.31748,0,1,0,0

node_attach = -6.692568E-09,3.799405,-2.062778E-08,0,0,0,2

attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0






model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank_long/model

position = -6.692568E-09,0.02440503,-2.062778E-08

scale = 2.5,2.5,2.5

rotation = 0,0,0




model = Klockheed_Martian_CoolRockets/FX/cryo-ice/model

position = -6.692568E-09,0.02440503,-2.062778E-08

scale = 1.5625,1.5625,1.5625

rotation = 0,0,0

parent = thrustTransform




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Cockpit_MK1_Junction/model

position = -1.238199,0.1067872,-2.062778E-08

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 90,270,0




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Cockpit_MK1_Junction/model

position = 0.8755392,0.1067872,0.8755398

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 90,45,0




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Cockpit_MK1_Junction/model

position = -0.8755393,0.1067872,0.8755398

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 90,315,0




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Cockpit_MK1_Junction/model

position = -6.692568E-09,0.1067872,1.238199

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 90,0,0




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Cockpit_MK1_Junction/model

position = 1.238199,0.1067872,-2.062778E-08

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 90,90,0




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Cockpit_MK1_Junction/model

position = 0.8755391,0.1067872,-0.8755398

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 90,135,0




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Cockpit_MK1_Junction/model

position = -2.451112E-07,0.1067872,-1.238199

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 90,180,0




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Cockpit_MK1_Junction/model

position = -0.8755398,0.1067872,-0.8755398

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 90,225,0




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Adapter_M1/model

position = -1.8632,-1.893213,-2.062778E-08

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 0,0,180




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Adapter_M1/model

position = -1.317481,-1.893213,1.31748

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 0,45,180




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Adapter_M1/model

position = -2.451112E-07,-1.893213,1.863199

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 0,90,180




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Adapter_M1/model

position = 1.31748,-1.893213,1.31748

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 0,135,180




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Adapter_M1/model

position = 1.8632,-1.893213,-2.062778E-08

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 0,180,180




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Adapter_M1/model

position = 1.31748,-1.893213,-1.317482

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 0,225,180




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Adapter_M1/model

position = -6.692568E-09,-1.893213,-1.863197

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 0,270,180




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Adapter_M1/model

position = -1.317482,-1.893213,-1.31748

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 0,315,180




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Control_RCS_Blocks/Block_R5

position = -2.48946,-1.61239,-2.062778E-08

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 90,90,-180




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Control_RCS_Blocks/Block_R5

position = -1.760314,-1.61239,1.760315

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 90,135,-180




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Control_RCS_Blocks/Block_R5

position = -6.692568E-09,-1.61239,2.48946

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 90,-180,-180




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Control_RCS_Blocks/Block_R5

position = 1.760314,-1.61239,1.760313

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 90,-135,-180




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Control_RCS_Blocks/Block_R5

position = 2.48946,-1.61239,-2.062778E-08

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 90,-90,-180




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Control_RCS_Blocks/Block_R5

position = 1.760313,-1.61239,-1.760313

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 90,-45,-180




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Control_RCS_Blocks/Block_R5

position = -2.451112E-07,-1.61239,-2.489458

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 90,0,-180




model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Control_RCS_Blocks/Block_R5

position = -1.760315,-1.61239,-1.760311

scale = 1,1,1

rotation = 90,45,-180





//14320 TOTAL



name = LiquidFuel //45%

amount = 6444

maxAmount = 6444




name = Oxidizer //55%

amount = 7876

maxAmount = 7876








// name = TweakScale

// type = stack

// defaultScale = 1.25




name = ModuleActiveStrutFreeAttachTarget

name = ModuleActiveStrutFreeAttachTarget




name = ModuleCrossFeed




name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace

passable = true




name = ModuleRCS

thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster

thrusterPower = 1

resourceName = MonoPropellant

resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW



key = 0 260

key = 1 100





name = KM_PostLaunchEffect

effectName = PreLaunchEffectIce1

debug = false

checkBottomNode = false

runningTime = 0.5

softDecrease = true

width = 0.6

height = 2

xOffset = 0

yOffset = 1.8

zOffset = 0

numP = 20

speedX = 0

speedY = -5

speedZ = 0

size = 0.5

rndVelocity = 0.1




name = KM_PostLaunchEffect

effectName = PreLaunchEffectIce2

debug = false

checkBottomNode = false

runningTime = 0.5

softDecrease = true

width = 0.6

height = 2

xOffset = 0

yOffset = 1.8

zOffset = 0

numP = 40

speedX = 0

speedY = -5

speedZ = 0

size = 0.5

rndVelocity = 0.1



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  Bit Fiddler said:
I have welded up a part and everything seems fine other than when I go to place it. I cnt get it to snap onto a stack.

here is the .cfg, can anybody see why it will not snap to a stack on node_stack_top... or node_stack_bottom.... sometimes it will snap to the stack on the radial fairings, but never on the central tank.

Unfortunately there is known problem with orientation of nodes.

This correction will help you:

node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long0 = 0,3.799405,0.0,0,[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]-1[/COLOR][/B],0,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long0 = 0,-3.725595,0,0,[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]1[/COLOR][/B],0,1

We along with Alewx are working on a small set of fixes for this great mod, although the possibility of its release remains under question because of the uncertainty of the license.

Could you please PM me the .craft file for further testing?

Edited by girka2k
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Hello everyone.

Love the concept of this mod, but I'm having a lot of trouble getting it to work. Every time I try to drag a combination of parts to the "weld" button my game half freezes, as in I can sort of click on things but I can't actually do anything. I can't exit the rocket hanger, move anything, or look around so I end up having to force quit the game.

I am running a good amount of mods though so I suspect this might be causing the problem.

I run the latest versions of these related mods on LinuxMint x64:



B9 Aerospace











KWRocketry* (Fuel Tank)

KSPRK (textures)









* I used a part/function from this mod in the thing I was trying to weld together.

I also tried disabling the reload database option in the cfg file. I have 12GB of ram.

So, do some of these things not play nice with the Welding mod? i.e. TweakScale?

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  Wisdomwielder said:
Hello everyone.

Love the concept of this mod, but I'm having a lot of trouble getting it to work. Every time I try to drag a combination of parts to the "weld" button my game half freezes, as in I can sort of click on things but I can't actually do anything. I can't exit the rocket hanger, move anything, or look around so I end up having to force quit the game.

I am running a good amount of mods though so I suspect this might be causing the problem.

I run the latest versions of these related mods on LinuxMint x64:


* I used a part/function from this mod in the thing I was trying to weld together.

I also tried disabling the reload database option in the cfg file. I have 12GB of ram.

So, do some of these things not play nice with the Welding mod? i.e. TweakScale?

1. Are you using fix for 0.24.2?

2. I personally use more than 100 mods at the same time.

3. Using of the TweakScale should not lead to the froze.

4. Could you please upload ksp.log somewhere, so we can see it?

Edited by girka2k
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Thanks for the reply!

I did look back over the thread and found the fix for 0.24.2. Works a little better now, my game no longer freezes.

However, I am now getting that problem where the file are using /mu instead of /model. I can fix these but it seems to require a restart, which isn't too much fun with so many mods to load.

Another problem that occurs after I start the game again is that the part shows up in the parts list but requires an entry purchase. I go to look in R&D but I can't find my part anywhere.

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I have scrambled through all of the wiki information I could find and tried everything I know to do with my limited cfg knowledge. I have welded several structural and fuel tank pieces together, removed the duplicates and (what I believe to be) unneeded stuff from the config, and fixed the tweakscale issue I was having by editing the cfg file. The welded piece looks fine and the attachment nodes seem to be in the proper place, however nothing will attach to any of the nodes, specifically the very top and very bottom center nodes. There doesn't appear to be any collision and allowing collision in cfg or in editor has not helped.

Welded part with nodes visible:


Welded part snaps to the other parts attach node, as if it's going to attach, but does not.


I presume it has something to do with node_attach or attachRules, however I could easily be wrong with my limited experience. If someone with a little more knowledge wouldn't mind looking over my cfg file to see what I'm missing or if this can even be fixed by editing the cfg, it would be massively appreciated. :)

Full config:

name = IXSSpine2
module = Part
author = UbioZurWeldingLtd
rescaleFactor = 1
PhysicsSignificance = -1
node_stack_bottom01ss6pointhubkso0 = 2.225358,22.32201,-2.459355E-06,1,0,0,3
node_stack_bottom02ss6pointhubkso0 = -2.226641,22.32201,-2.459355E-06,-1,0,0,3
node_stack_bottom03ss6pointhubkso0 = -0.0006413347,22.32201,2.225997,0,0,1,3
node_stack_bottom04ss6pointhubkso0 = -0.0006413347,22.32201,-2.226002,0,0,-1,3
node_stack_topss6pointhubkso0 = -0.0006413347,24.54801,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,3
node_stack_bottomss6pointhubkso0 = -0.0006413347,20.09601,-2.459355E-06,0,-1,0,3
node_stack_topasasmodule1-21 = -0.0006413347,20.09599,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_bottomasasmodule1-21 = -0.0006413347,19.34599,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_topgoodspeedHexFrame12 = -0.0006413347,19.34599,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,3
node_stack_bottomgoodspeedHexFrame12 = -0.0006413347,14.84599,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,3
node_stack_inside1goodspeedHexFrame12 = -0.0006413347,18.71979,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_inside2goodspeedHexFrame12 = -0.0006413347,15.4722,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_outside1goodspeedHexFrame12 = -1.931891,17.09599,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,3
node_stack_outside2goodspeedHexFrame12 = -0.9662664,17.09599,-1.672514,0,1,0,3
node_stack_outside3goodspeedHexFrame12 = 0.9649837,17.09599,-1.672514,0,1,0,3
node_stack_outside4goodspeedHexFrame12 = 1.930609,17.09599,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,3
node_stack_outside5goodspeedHexFrame12 = 0.9649837,17.09599,1.672509,0,1,0,3
node_stack_outside6goodspeedHexFrame12 = -0.9662664,17.09599,1.672509,0,1,0,3
node_stack_bottom01ss6pointhubkso3 = 2.225358,12.62001,-2.459355E-06,1,0,0,3
node_stack_bottom02ss6pointhubkso3 = -2.226641,12.62001,-2.459355E-06,-1,0,0,3
node_stack_bottom03ss6pointhubkso3 = -0.0006413347,12.62001,2.225997,0,0,1,3
node_stack_bottom04ss6pointhubkso3 = -0.0006413347,12.62001,-2.226002,0,0,-1,3
node_stack_topss6pointhubkso3 = -0.0006413347,14.84601,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,3
node_stack_bottomss6pointhubkso3 = -0.0006413347,10.39401,-2.459355E-06,0,-1,0,3
node_stack_topasasmodule1-24 = -0.0006413347,10.39402,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_bottomasasmodule1-24 = -0.0006413347,9.644018,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_topgoodspeedHexFrame15 = -0.0006413347,9.644018,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,3
node_stack_bottomgoodspeedHexFrame15 = -0.0006413347,5.144018,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,3
node_stack_inside1goodspeedHexFrame15 = -0.0006413347,9.017816,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_inside2goodspeedHexFrame15 = -0.0006413347,5.77022,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_outside1goodspeedHexFrame15 = -1.931891,7.394018,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,3
node_stack_outside2goodspeedHexFrame15 = -0.9662664,7.394018,-1.672514,0,1,0,3
node_stack_outside3goodspeedHexFrame15 = 0.9649837,7.394018,-1.672514,0,1,0,3
node_stack_outside4goodspeedHexFrame15 = 1.930609,7.394018,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,3
node_stack_outside5goodspeedHexFrame15 = 0.9649837,7.394018,1.672509,0,1,0,3
node_stack_outside6goodspeedHexFrame15 = -0.9662664,7.394018,1.672509,0,1,0,3
node_stack_bottom01ss6pointhubkso6 = 2.225358,2.918028,-2.459355E-06,1,0,0,3
node_stack_bottom02ss6pointhubkso6 = -2.226641,2.918028,-2.459355E-06,-1,0,0,3
node_stack_bottom03ss6pointhubkso6 = -0.0006413347,2.918028,2.225997,0,0,1,3
node_stack_bottom04ss6pointhubkso6 = -0.0006413347,2.918028,-2.226002,0,0,-1,3
node_stack_topss6pointhubkso6 = -0.0006413347,5.144028,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,3
node_stack_bottomss6pointhubkso6 = -0.0006413347,0.692028,-2.459355E-06,0,-1,0,3
node_stack_topbatteryBankLarge7 = -2.601642,2.918028,-2.459355E-06,-1,0,0,3
node_stack_bottombatteryBankLarge7 = -2.226642,2.918028,-2.459355E-06,-1,0,0,3
node_stack_topbatteryBankLarge8 = 2.225358,2.918028,-2.459355E-06,-1,0,0,3
node_stack_bottombatteryBankLarge8 = 2.600358,2.918028,-2.459355E-06,-1,0,0,3
node_stack_topasasmodule1-29 = -0.0006413347,0.6920261,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_bottomasasmodule1-29 = -0.0006413347,-0.05797386,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_topgoodspeedHexFrame310 = -0.0006413347,-0.05797386,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,3
node_stack_bottomgoodspeedHexFrame310 = -0.0006413347,-12.05797,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,3
node_stack_inside1goodspeedHexFrame310 = -0.0006413347,-0.6841755,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_inside2goodspeedHexFrame310 = -0.0006413347,-3.931772,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_inside3goodspeedHexFrame310 = -0.0006413347,-4.434175,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_inside4goodspeedHexFrame310 = -0.0006413347,-7.681772,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_inside5goodspeedHexFrame310 = -0.0006413347,-8.184175,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_inside6goodspeedHexFrame310 = -0.0006413347,-11.43177,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_outside1goodspeedHexFrame310 = -1.931891,-6.057974,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,3
node_stack_outside2goodspeedHexFrame310 = -0.9662664,-6.057974,-1.672514,0,1,0,3
node_stack_outside3goodspeedHexFrame310 = 0.9649837,-6.057974,-1.672514,0,1,0,3
node_stack_outside4goodspeedHexFrame310 = 1.930609,-6.057974,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,3
node_stack_outside5goodspeedHexFrame310 = 0.9649837,-6.057974,1.672509,0,1,0,3
node_stack_outside6goodspeedHexFrame310 = -0.9662664,-6.057974,1.672509,0,1,0,3
node_stack_topgoodspeedGoldKarbBall11 = -0.0006413347,-0.6841831,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_bottomgoodspeedGoldKarbBall11 = -0.0006413347,-3.93178,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_topgoodspeedGoldKarbBall12 = -0.0006413347,-4.434175,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_bottomgoodspeedGoldKarbBall12 = -0.0006413347,-7.681772,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_topgoodspeedGoldKarbBall19 = -0.0006413347,-8.184175,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_bottomgoodspeedGoldKarbBall19 = -0.0006413347,-11.43177,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_topasasmodule1-220 = -0.0006413347,-12.05797,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_bottomasasmodule1-220 = -0.0006413347,-12.80797,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_bottomFTT.Structural.375.0121 = -0.0006413347,-13.47465,-2.459355E-06,0,-1,0,4
node_stack_topFTT.Structural.375.0121 = -0.0006413347,-12.80798,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,4
node_stack_bottomFTT.Structural.375.0121 = -6.000641,-13.47465,-2.459355E-06,0,-1,0,4
node_stack_bottomFTT.Structural.375.0121 = 5.999359,-13.47465,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,4
node_stack_topFTT.Structural.375.0121 = -6.000641,-12.80798,-2.459355E-06,0,-1,0,4
node_stack_topFTT.Structural.375.0121 = 5.999359,-12.80798,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,4
node_stack_bottomFTT.Structural.375.0523 = 3.690495,-13.37155,3.464353,0,-1,0,3
node_stack_topFTT.Structural.375.0523 = 3.690495,-12.87155,3.464353,0,1,0,3
node_stack_bottomFTT.Structural.375.0524 = -3.691779,-13.37155,-3.46436,0,-1,0,3
node_stack_topFTT.Structural.375.0524 = -3.691779,-12.87155,-3.46436,0,1,0,3
node_stack_bottomFTT.Structural.375.0525 = -3.636964,-13.33854,3.519172,0,-1,0,3
node_stack_topFTT.Structural.375.0525 = -3.636964,-12.83854,3.519172,0,1,0,3
node_stack_bottomFTT.Structural.375.0526 = 3.63568,-13.33854,-3.519177,0,-1,0,3
node_stack_topFTT.Structural.375.0526 = 3.63568,-12.83854,-3.519177,0,1,0,3
node_stack_bottomFTT.Structural.375.0527 = 0.1512337,-13.3026,5.059698,0,-1,0,3
node_stack_topFTT.Structural.375.0527 = 0.1512337,-12.8026,5.059698,0,1,0,3
node_stack_bottomFTT.Structural.375.0528 = -0.1525164,-13.3026,-5.0597,0,-1,0,3
node_stack_topFTT.Structural.375.0528 = -0.1525164,-12.8026,-5.0597,0,1,0,3
node_stack_bottomKzResizableFairingBaseRing29 = -0.0006413347,-16.23465,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,11
node_stack_topKzResizableFairingBaseRing29 = -0.0006413347,-13.47465,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,11
node_stack_connect01KzResizableFairingBaseRing29 = 7.499359,-14.85465,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,10
node_stack_connect02KzResizableFairingBaseRing29 = -0.0006416625,-14.85465,7.499998,0,1,0,10
node_stack_connect03KzResizableFairingBaseRing29 = -7.500641,-14.85465,-3.115026E-06,0,1,0,10
node_stack_connect04KzResizableFairingBaseRing29 = -0.0006412452,-14.85465,-7.500002,0,1,0,10
node_stack_topgoodspeedGoldKarbBall30 = -0.0006413347,9.017816,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_bottomgoodspeedGoldKarbBall30 = -0.0006413347,5.77022,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_topbatteryBankLarge31 = -2.601642,12.62001,-2.459355E-06,-1,0,0,3
node_stack_bottombatteryBankLarge31 = -2.226642,12.62001,-2.459355E-06,-1,0,0,3
node_stack_topbatteryBankLarge32 = 2.225358,12.62001,-2.459355E-06,-1,0,0,3
node_stack_bottombatteryBankLarge32 = 2.600358,12.62001,-2.459355E-06,-1,0,0,3
node_stack_topgoodspeedGoldKarbBall33 = -0.0006413347,18.71979,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_bottomgoodspeedGoldKarbBall33 = -0.0006413347,15.4722,-2.459355E-06,0,1,0,2
node_stack_topbatteryBankLarge34 = -2.601642,22.32201,-2.459355E-06,-1,0,0,3
node_stack_bottombatteryBankLarge34 = -2.226642,22.32201,-2.459355E-06,-1,0,0,3
node_stack_topbatteryBankLarge35 = 2.225358,22.32201,-2.459355E-06,-1,0,0,3
node_stack_bottombatteryBankLarge35 = 2.600358,22.32201,-2.459355E-06,-1,0,0,3
node_attach = 0,0,0,0,0,0,2
CrewCapacity = 0
TechRequired = sandboxWeld
entryCost = 0
cost = 74790
category = Structural
subcategory = 0
title = IXS Spine Attempt 2
manufacturer = UbioZur Welding Ltd
description = Warranty void during re-entry.
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0,0,0
mass = 108.7466
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.1859245
minimum_drag = 0.1855385
angularDrag = 0.9373664
crashTolerance = 212.3129
breakingForce = 122210.9
breakingTorque = 122210.9
maxTemp = 5328.889
fuelCrossFeed = True
model = KSO/Parts/ss6pointhubkso
position = -0.0006413373,22.2851,-2.4571E-06
scale = 3,3,3
rotation = 0,0,0
model = Squad/Parts/Command/asasmodule1-2/model
position = -0.0006413373,19.68408,-2.4571E-06
scale = 1.5,1.5,1.5
rotation = 0,0,0
model = Goodspeed/Models/hexframe1
position = -0.0006413373,17.05909,-2.4571E-06
scale = 3.75,3.75,3.75
rotation = 0,270,0
texture = model000, Squad/Parts/Structural/strutCube/model000
model = KSO/Parts/ss6pointhubkso
position = -0.0006413373,12.5831,-2.4571E-06
scale = 3,3,3
rotation = 0,0,0
model = Squad/Parts/Command/asasmodule1-2/model
position = -0.0006413373,9.982107,-2.4571E-06
scale = 1.5,1.5,1.5
rotation = 0,0,0
model = Goodspeed/Models/hexframe1
position = -0.0006413373,7.357107,-2.4571E-06
scale = 3.75,3.75,3.75
rotation = 0,270,0
texture = model000, Squad/Parts/Structural/strutCube/model000
model = KSO/Parts/ss6pointhubkso
position = -0.0006413373,2.881117,-2.4571E-06
scale = 3,3,3
rotation = 0,0,0
model = Squad/Parts/Electrical/batteryBankLarge/model
position = -2.414141,2.881117,-2.4571E-06
scale = 1.4,1.4,1.4
rotation = 0,0,90.00001
model = Squad/Parts/Electrical/batteryBankLarge/model
position = 2.412857,2.881117,-2.4571E-06
scale = 1.4,1.4,1.4
rotation = 0,0,90.00001
model = Squad/Parts/Command/asasmodule1-2/model
position = -0.0006413373,0.2801151,-2.4571E-06
scale = 1.5,1.5,1.5
rotation = 0,0,0
model = Goodspeed/Models/hexframe3
position = -0.0006413373,-6.094885,-2.4571E-06
scale = 3.75,3.75,3.75
rotation = 0,270,0
texture = model000, Squad/Parts/Structural/strutCube/model000
model = Goodspeed/Models/goldball
position = -0.0006413373,-2.344893,-2.4571E-06
scale = 3.75,3.75,3.75
rotation = 0,240,0
texture = model000, Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/cabin
texture = model001, Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/cabin_n
model = Goodspeed/Models/goldball
position = -0.0006413373,-6.094885,-2.4571E-06
scale = 3.75,3.75,3.75
rotation = 0,240,0
texture = model000, Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/cabin
texture = model001, Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/cabin_n
model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Control_RCS_Tank_MT/MT4
position = -0.8572831,-6.057447,-1.525451
scale = 3,3,3
rotation = 90,210,0
model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Control_RCS_Tank_MT/MT4
position = -1.75004,-6.057447,-0.02085359
scale = 3,3,3
rotation = 90,270,0
model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Control_RCS_Tank_MT/MT4
position = -0.8933978,-6.057447,1.504596
scale = 3,3,3
rotation = 90,330,0
model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Control_RCS_Tank_MT/MT4
position = 0.8560004,-6.057447,1.525445
scale = 3,3,3
rotation = 90,30.00001,0
model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Control_RCS_Tank_MT/MT4
position = 1.748757,-6.057447,0.02084772
scale = 3,3,3
rotation = 90,90.00002,0
model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Control_RCS_Tank_MT/MT4
position = 0.8921151,-6.057447,-1.5046
scale = 3,3,3
rotation = 90,150,0
model = Goodspeed/Models/goldball
position = -0.0006413373,-9.844885,-2.4571E-06
scale = 3.75,3.75,3.75
rotation = 0,240,0
texture = model000, Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/cabin
texture = model001, Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/cabin_n
model = Squad/Parts/Command/asasmodule1-2/model
position = -0.0006413373,-12.46988,-2.4571E-06
scale = 1.5,1.5,1.5
rotation = 0,0,0
model = UmbraSpaceIndustries/FTT/Assets/FTT_Structural_375_01
position = -0.0006413373,-13.17822,-2.4571E-06
scale = 1.3,1.3,1.3
rotation = 0,0,0
model = UmbraSpaceIndustries/FTT/Assets/FTT_Structural_375_05
position = 3.690496,-13.15846,3.464353
scale = 1.1,1.1,1.1
rotation = 360,315,1.931869E-05
model = UmbraSpaceIndustries/FTT/Assets/FTT_Structural_375_05
position = -3.69178,-13.15846,-3.46436
scale = 1.1,1.1,1.1
rotation = 360,135,1.931869E-05
model = UmbraSpaceIndustries/FTT/Assets/FTT_Structural_375_05
position = -3.636963,-13.12546,3.519172
scale = 1.1,1.1,1.1
rotation = 2.849777E-12,225,1.931869E-05
model = UmbraSpaceIndustries/FTT/Assets/FTT_Structural_375_05
position = 3.635679,-13.12546,-3.519177
scale = 1.1,1.1,1.1
rotation = 1.221333E-12,45,1.931869E-05
model = UmbraSpaceIndustries/FTT/Assets/FTT_Structural_375_05
position = 0.1512332,-13.08951,5.059698
scale = 1.1,1.1,1.1
rotation = 0,270,2.732076E-05
model = UmbraSpaceIndustries/FTT/Assets/FTT_Structural_375_05
position = -0.1525159,-13.08951,-5.059701
scale = 1.1,1.1,1.1
rotation = 0,90.00001,2.732076E-05
model = ProceduralFairings/baseRingModel
position = -0.0006413373,-16.27156,-2.4571E-06
scale = 15,15,15
rotation = 0,0,0
model = Goodspeed/Models/goldball
position = -0.0006413373,7.357107,-2.4571E-06
scale = 3.75,3.75,3.75
rotation = 0,0,0
texture = model000, Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/cabin
texture = model001, Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/cabin_n
model = Squad/Parts/Electrical/batteryBankLarge/model
position = -2.414141,12.5831,-2.4571E-06
scale = 1.4,1.4,1.4
rotation = 0,0,90.00001
model = Squad/Parts/Electrical/batteryBankLarge/model
position = 2.412857,12.5831,-2.4571E-06
scale = 1.4,1.4,1.4
rotation = 0,0,90.00001
model = Goodspeed/Models/goldball
position = -0.0006413373,17.05909,-2.4571E-06
scale = 3.75,3.25,3.75
rotation = 0,0,0
texture = model000, Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/cabin
texture = model001, Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/cabin_n
model = Squad/Parts/Electrical/batteryBankLarge/model
position = -2.414141,22.2851,-2.4571E-06
scale = 1.4,1.4,1.4
rotation = 0,0,90.00001
model = Squad/Parts/Electrical/batteryBankLarge/model
position = 2.412857,22.2851,-2.4571E-06
scale = 1.4,1.4,1.4
rotation = 0,0,90.00001
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 81000
maxAmount = 81000
name = Karbonite
amount = 33750
maxAmount = 33750
name = MonoPropellant
amount = 25920
maxAmount = 25920
name = ModuleSAS
name = ModuleReactionWheel
PitchTorque = 230
YawTorque = 230
RollTorque = 230
name = ElectricCharge
rate = 4.4
name = ModuleCrossFeed
name = TweakScale
type = free
name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
passable = true

Again, all help is greatly appreciated!

Edited by Blazed
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  Wisdomwielder said:
... I can fix these but it seems to require a restart, which isn't too much fun with so many mods to load.

Anyway, database auto reload not fully compatable with a lot of mods, with ModuleManager among others. So in most cases will still need to restart the game.

Another problem that occurs after I start the game again is that the part shows up in the parts list but requires an entry purchase. I go to look in R&D but I can't find my part anywhere.

Research Them All mod will help you.

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  Blazed said:
I have scrambled through all of the wiki information I could find and tried everything I know to do with my limited cfg knowledge. I have welded several structural and fuel tank pieces together, removed the duplicates and (what I believe to be) unneeded stuff from the config, and fixed the tweakscale issue I was having by editing the cfg file. The welded piece looks fine and the attachment nodes seem to be in the proper place, however nothing will attach to any of the nodes, specifically the very top and very bottom center nodes. There doesn't appear to be any collision and allowing collision in cfg or in editor has not helped.

Can it be posts #1015 and #1016 may help you?

Also you can find some info about nodes orientations here

EDIT: Can you provide .craft file for further testing?

Edited by girka2k
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Dear Girka,

First of all, thanks a lot for updating the mod. I've been using it for my probes etc for long time, but now that I'm building a new station for a new game, I found the same problem as reported before, I can't attach my welded station to anything. If I use it alone, I have no problems to attach elements to it, but the other way is impossible. I checked the previous posts, and I already corrected the nodes, but I still can't attach it. Any help? :D

By the way, why attachRules created by the mod have 7 elements instead of 5?

Below the cfg, need to change a lot of things, but first I need t see why is not attaching.... Thanks in advance!

// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config
// Landerote

// --- General Parameters ---

name = LLS-ISS-Base-v3
module = Part
author = Landerote
rescaleFactor = 1
PhysicsSignificance = -1

// --- Node Definitiosn ---
// Top Hub
node_stack_righttrusslrg-hub9 = 1.090794,11.33052,0.0009809316,-1,0,0,2
node_stack_lefttrusslrg-hub9 = -1.112223,11.33052,0.0009809316,1,0,0,2
node_stack_backtrusslrg-hub9 = -0.003707272,11.33052,1.123511,0,0,-1,2
node_stack_fronttrusslrg-hub9 = -0.003707272,11.33052,-1.09352,0,0,1,2
node_stack_toptrusslrg-hub9 = -0.003707272,12.44408,0.0009809316,0,1,0,2
// Mid Hub
node_stack_righttrusslrg-hub10 = 1.095078,2.962421,-0.001491469,-1,0,0,2
node_stack_lefttrusslrg-hub10 = -1.107939,2.962421,-0.001491469,1,0,0,2
node_stack_backtrusslrg-hub10 = 0.0005773482,2.962421,1.121039,0,0,-1,2
node_stack_fronttrusslrg-hub10 = 0.0005773482,2.962421,-1.095992,0,0,1,2

node_stack_righttrusslrg-hub27 = 1.095079,-10.50614,0.02504595,-1,0,0,2
node_stack_lefttrusslrg-hub27 = -1.107938,-10.50614,0.02504595,1,0,0,2
node_stack_backtrusslrg-hub27 = 0.0005780635,-10.50614,1.147576,0,0,-1,2
node_stack_fronttrusslrg-hub27 = 0.0005780635,-10.50614,-1.069455,0,0,1,2
node_stack_bottomtrusslrg-hub27 = 0.0005780635,-11.61214,0.02504592,0,-1,0,2
// Command
node_stack_bottominlineCmdPod17 = 0.0005773627,-1.338689,-0.001491567,0,-1,0,2
node_attach = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0
// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0

// --- Editor Parameters ---

CrewCapacity = 6
TechRequired = sandboxWeld
entryCost = 0
cost = 73270
category = Pods
subcategory = 0
title = LLS Station Base v3.0
manufacturer = Landerote Industries
description = Base for Refuel Stations, with an emergency crew module for 6 kerbals

// --- Standard Part Parameters ---

mass = 12.526
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.1753905
minimum_drag = 0.2249576
angularDrag = 1.750964
crashTolerance = 70.44759
breakingForce = 7660.597
breakingTorque = 7660.597
maxTemp = 2054.627
fuelCrossFeed = True

// --- Asset Parameters ---

model = Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackLarge/model
position = 0.0005773482,4.265983,-0.001491469
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 0,0,0
model = KWRocketry/Parts/Fuel/KW_Universal_Tanks/KW_Fuel_2mL0_5RCS
position = 0.0005773482,5.080982,-0.001491469
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,0,0
model = NearFutureConstruction/Parts/LargeTruss/trusslrg/trusslrg
position = -0.003707272,7.962574,0.0009816468
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 0,270,1.707547E-05
model = AIES_Aerospace/FuelTank/AIESTOEmtank/model
position = -0.003707272,5.879734,0.0009821237
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,0,0
model = AIES_Aerospace/FuelTank/AIESTOEmtank/model
position = -0.003707272,6.572231,0.0009821237
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,0,0
model = AIES_Aerospace/FuelTank/AIESTOEmtank/model
position = -0.003707272,7.264732,0.0009821237
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,0,0
model = AIES_Aerospace/FuelTank/AIESTOEmtank/model
position = -0.003707272,7.957233,0.0009821237
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,0,0
model = AIES_Aerospace/FuelTank/AIESTOEmtank/model
position = -0.003707272,8.649734,0.0009821237
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,0,0
model = AIES_Aerospace/FuelTank/AIESTOEmtank/model
position = -0.003707272,9.342232,0.0009821237
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,0,0
model = NearFutureConstruction/Parts/LargeTruss/trusslrg-hub/trusslrg-hub
position = -0.003707272,11.33052,0.0009809316
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 0,0,0
model = NearFutureConstruction/Parts/LargeTruss/trusslrg-hub/trusslrg-hub
position = 0.0005773482,2.962421,-0.001491469
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 0,0,0
model = NearFutureElectrical/Parts/Batteries/battery-25/battery-25
position = 0.0005773482,1.469882,-0.001491469
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 1.409569E-06,155,180
model = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportMFT/TacContainer
position = 0.0005773482,0.854671,-0.001491469
scale = 2,2,2
rotation = 0,0,0
model = NearFutureConstruction/Parts/Adapters/adapter-375-25/adapter-375-25
position = 0.0005773482,0.3565936,-0.001491469
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 0,0,0
model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Aero_HL_Body/05m-Universal-SAS
position = 0.0005773482,-0.1888661,-0.001491469
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 2.132781E-14,0,-1.100827E-06
model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Aero_HL_Body/05m-Universal-SAS
position = 0.0005773482,-0.68887,-0.001491469
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 360,0,-1.100827E-06
model = B9_Aerospace/Parts/Aero_HL_Body/05m-Universal-SAS
position = 0.0005773482,-1.188878,-0.001491469
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 2.132781E-14,0,-1.100827E-06
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/inlineCmdPod/inlineCmdPod
position = 0.0005773482,-2.090596,-0.001491708
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 360,180,180
model = KWRocketry/Parts/Fuel/KW_Universal_Tanks/KW_Fuel_2mL0_5RCS
position = 0.0005771098,-3.49873,-0.001491708
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 360,0,-1.100828E-06
model = NearFutureElectrical/Parts/Batteries/battery-25/battery-25
position = 0.0005771098,-4.488949,-0.001491708
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 6.538529E-14,0,-1.100828E-06
model = NearFutureConstruction/Parts/LargeTruss/trusslrg/trusslrg
position = 0.0005775866,-7.130627,0.02504595
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 360,180,180
model = AIES_Aerospace/FuelTank/AIESTOEmtank/model
position = 0.0005773482,-5.392777,0.02504619
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 1.476178E-06,0,-1.127931E-12
model = AIES_Aerospace/FuelTank/AIESTOEmtank/model
position = 0.0005773482,-6.085286,0.02504595
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 1.476177E-06,0,-3.161338E-13
model = AIES_Aerospace/FuelTank/AIESTOEmtank/model
position = 0.0005773482,-6.777787,0.02504595
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 1.476178E-06,0,5.003448E-13
model = AIES_Aerospace/FuelTank/AIESTOEmtank/model
position = 0.0005773482,-7.470288,0.02504595
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 1.476179E-06,0,-3.114523E-13
model = AIES_Aerospace/FuelTank/AIESTOEmtank/model
position = 0.0005773482,-8.162796,0.02504595
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 1.476177E-06,0,5.228454E-13
model = AIES_Aerospace/FuelTank/AIESTOEmtank/model
position = 0.0005773482,-8.855307,0.02504595
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 1.476178E-06,0,-2.889518E-13
model = NearFutureConstruction/Parts/LargeTruss/trusslrg-hub/trusslrg-hub
position = 0.0005780635,-10.50614,0.02504595
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 1.476178E-06,0,-1.127931E-12
model = RemoteTech2/Parts/ShortAntenna1/model
position = -1.237409,-3.457806,0.3302262
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 360,15,-3.031096E-07

// --- Resources ---

name = ElectricCharge
amount = 24430
maxAmount = 24430
name = MonoPropellant
amount = 1720
maxAmount = 1720
name = LiquidFuel
amount = 594
maxAmount = 594
name = Oxidizer
amount = 726
maxAmount = 726
name = ModuleCommand
minimumCrew = 0
name = ElectricCharge
rate = 0.05
name = ModuleReactionWheel
PitchTorque = 346.1
YawTorque = 346.1
RollTorque = 346.1
name = ElectricCharge
rate = 14.486
name = ModuleSAS
name = ModuleSPU
IsRTCommandStation = true
name = ModuleRTAntennaPassive
TechRequired = unmannedTech
OmniRange = 3000
PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0
name = ModuleRTDataTransmitter
name = TweakScale
type = stack
defaultScale = 2.5
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 750
type = RCSHighEfficiency
name = TweakScale
type = stack
defaultScale = 2.5
name = TweakScale
type = stack
defaultScale = 2.5
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 110
type = Default
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 110
type = Default
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 110
type = Default
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 110
type = Default
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 110
type = Default
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 110
type = Default
name = TweakScale
type = stack
defaultScale = 2.5
name = TweakScale
type = stack
defaultScale = 2.5
name = TweakScale
type = stack
defaultScale = 2.5
name = ModuleFuelTanks
type = LifeSupport
volume = 2200
name = FSmeshSwitch
moduleID = 0
objectDisplayNames = HL; Round
objects = SAS;SAS_R
affectColliders = true
name = FSmeshSwitch
moduleID = 0
objectDisplayNames = HL; Round
objects = SAS;SAS_R
affectColliders = true
name = FSmeshSwitch
moduleID = 0
objectDisplayNames = HL; Round
objects = SAS;SAS_R
affectColliders = true
name = ModuleScienceExperiment
experimentID = crewReport
experimentActionName = Crew Report
resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
reviewActionName = Review Report
useStaging = False
useActionGroups = True
hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
rerunnable = True
xmitDataScalar = 1.0
name = ModuleScienceContainer
reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
storeActionName = Store Experiments
evaOnlyStorage = True
storageRange = 2.0
name = FlagDecal
textureQuadName = Flag
name = LifeSupportModule
name = ModuleFuelTanks
type = LifeSupportAll
basemass = -1
volume = 21.291
name = JSINonTransparentPod
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 750
type = RCSHighEfficiency
name = TweakScale
type = stack
defaultScale = 2.5
name = TweakScale
type = stack
defaultScale = 2.5
name = TweakScale
type = stack
defaultScale = 2.5
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 110
type = Default
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 110
type = Default
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 110
type = Default
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 110
type = Default
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 110
type = Default
name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 110
type = Default
name = TweakScale
type = stack
defaultScale = 2.5
name = ModuleRTAntenna
IsRTActive = true
Mode0OmniRange = 0
Mode1OmniRange = 500000
EnergyCost = 0.01
PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0
name = ModuleRTDataTransmitter
name = ModuleSPUPassive

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  landerote said:
By the way, why attachRules created by the mod have 7 elements instead of 5?

That is a good question.

I have no Idea why this happens. But I didn't look too deep into its code.

Did you try to make some Default node_stack_top,node_stack_bottom nodes for testing?

Oh and almost forgotten, your top node needs to be the last one before the Node_Attach, KSP doesn't like it if the last node is having negative direction.

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Thank you very much Alewx, I simply added

// New Nodes

node_stack_bottom = 0.0005780635,-11.61214,0.02504592,0,-1,0,2

node_stack_top = -0.003707272,12.44408,0.0009809316,0,1,0,2

and now is working perfectly. Next step try to fix a little bit the rest of the code and being able to use the right click menu, that it's not working now...


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