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[1.0.3] Editor Extensions v2.12 - 23 June


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  antgeth said:
just wanted to add my voice to those expressing a desire for a .90-compatible version. thank you for all you have done; this is truly one of the most essential mods out there!

Me too! ;) I'm really missing vertical snap, radial attachment, and up to 50x symmetry . . . Hard to go back to the Old Way once you've had this mod!

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Today's update:

I'm rewriting large parts of the mod, and have most of the functions working except for vertical snap, which is a bit more complicated now.

I should have an update that has most of the functionality on Friday or Saturday.

I'll continue working on getting the vertical snap back in after that.

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Just thought I would also express my thanks to Machxxv for this wonderful mod. I hadn't realised how much I needed it until it was gone!! The new editor functions are okay I suppose, but they don't add all the functionality so are inferior to Editor Extensins IMHO!

Keep up the good work :D

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  Woopert said:
I have an obsession with booster separation and how it works. Usually real life booster separation motors (BSM's) are in mirror symmetry so they push the boosters up and to the side  not exactly straight off to the side like is usually done in KSP  which is tricky to do in KSP but can be done with mods like StripSymmetry and Part Wizard.

We share the same obsession - for instance, I can do lots of launches just to get the amount of solid propellant in the separating SRBs correct so the boosters won't spin out of control.

Real life SRBs lose thrust as the level of fuel dwindles, something which isn't modelled in KSP at all. It would be kind of neat with a plugin which does just that. Wasn't there an attempt at doing it? I forget and I digress. Sorry.

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Well SQUAD said they upgraded the editor and while they have, they stopped well short of features I regard as totally essential, like less restrictive symmetry and more options for radial snap to name two.

Really basic things if you want people to actually be able to edit properly in the editor...

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MachXXV, may I request a small addition for the next release? Angle snap do 22.5° would allow us to attach 8 boosters and 8 (or 4) fins between them. Looking at your code, the values are stored in a float array so this should be quite minor to add?

EDIT: I just tried it in .25 - adding 22.5f works. It just messes up the angle and symmetry indicator in the editor because "22.5°" is too long.

Edited by philly_idle
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  ola said:
We share the same obsession - for instance, I can do lots of launches just to get the amount of solid propellant in the separating SRBs correct so the boosters won't spin out of control.

Real life SRBs lose thrust as the level of fuel dwindles, something which isn't modeled in KSP at all. It would be kind of neat with a plugin which does just that. Wasn't there an attempt at doing it? I forget and I digress. Sorry.

Yes, an old mod called AdvSRB added modular SRBs (with 2.5x2m segments you could stack, with a nose cone [chute+sep charge] and nozzle) that you could create totally custom SRBs with. It featured realistic SRB dynamics (longer=more thrust, but same duration no matter the length.) In addition, the last two seconds of the SRB were very low thrust, and when combined with the separation charges in the nose cones, would create a gorgeous realistic separation. Not to mention custom action groups, for instance the abort action, which simulated blowing out the SRB nozzle in an emergency to greatly reduce the SRB thrust. I wish that mod was continued :(.

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  MachXXV said:
Today's update:

I'm rewriting large parts of the mod, and have most of the functions working except for vertical snap, which is a bit more complicated now.

I should have an update that has most of the functionality on Friday or Saturday.

I'll continue working on getting the vertical snap back in after that.

This news made my day. I use three features extensively:

1) symmetry other than just 2-3-4-6-8;

2) horizontal angles other than just 15 degrees;

3) placing part on radially that normally cannot do so (yes, I could just edit the part.cfg file, but I'd have to do that for a lot of parts)

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Forced radial attachment is the biggest thing I'm missing right now. Symmetry and snap levels would be good to have too.

The new translation gizmo (with snap enabled) is a pretty good replacement for vertical snap. It actually has more capability since it can snap to more than just the center of a piece, though it takes a bit more time and finnicking to get a bunch of things all lined up together compared to the old vertical snap.

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  MachXXV said:
Today's update:

I'm rewriting large parts of the mod, and have most of the functions working except for vertical snap, which is a bit more complicated now.

I should have an update that has most of the functionality on Friday or Saturday.

I'll continue working on getting the vertical snap back in after that.

Thanks for your work and keeping this much needed suite of tool alive.

Feel bad for ya on this one...I imagine the changes they made in editor played a mess on your code =/

Chin up, hats off to ya bud, thanks again.

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Here's a beta of the 0.90 version - Doesn't have vertical snap yet.

Surface/node attachment toggle is now T, old key was interfering with a new stock keybinding.

Angle snap indicator is a little wonky, but everything else should be working normally.

I'll probably have the 2.0 release version (minus vertical snap) out tonight or tomorrow.

New ReadMe

(beta) 2.0 EditorExtensions.zip

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  zarakon said:
I'm waiting for the 2.0 release before trying it, but I have a question: how do the angle snap settings work with the new +shift modifier in the game?

I'm not altering the setting for the shift/fine adjustments, so it shouldn't affect it.

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Release version is posted on the main post

v2.0 release download

Don't forget the Readme

22.5 degree angle snap is in there now as well.

Next up is re-implementing vertical snap. I'm also going to try to do something like a bottom/top snap as well if I can figure out a way to do it.

Edited by MachXXV
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  MachXXV said:
Release version is posted on the main post

v2.0 release download

Don't forget the Readme

22.5 degree angle snap is in there now as well.

Next up is re-implementing vertical snap. I'm also going to try to do something like a bottom/top snap as well if I can figure out a way to do it.

I was just about to ragequit because of how 0.90 broke all the struts of old crafts, but it'll at least to more tolerable with this. Thanks!

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  MachXXV said:
Release version is posted on the main post

v2.0 release download

Don't forget the Readme

22.5 degree angle snap is in there now as well.

Next up is re-implementing vertical snap. I'm also going to try to do something like a bottom/top snap as well if I can figure out a way to do it.

1000 Thanks, you saved KSP for me!

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  MachXXV said:
Release version is posted on the main post

v2.0 release download

Don't forget the Readme

22.5 degree angle snap is in there now as well.

Next up is re-implementing vertical snap. I'm also going to try to do something like a bottom/top snap as well if I can figure out a way to do it.

Thanks alot! Using the editor without your extension was awful. :D

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