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What's your favourite "old" game?


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I don't have a "favorite" game, since I played so many that I really enjoyed.

But, you want an old masterpiece? I'll give you an old masterpiece!

Wizardry VII: Crusaders of the Dark Savant


- First person open-ish-world exploration RPG (here's a world map)

- SciFi/Fantasy crossover world, with lightsabers and spaceships alongside spellslinging wizards

- A party of 6 fully customizable characters (race, gender, class, a slew of primary and secondary stats, several dozen skills in 4 categories, gear and inventory, tiered magic system)

- Seven NPC races, eight factions with a diplomacy system and individual sidestory quests

- Multiple NPC adventuring parties independently racing to beat you (and each other) to your main objective

- Talking to NPCs with a text parser interface, not clicking premade choices

- Brutal difficulty - you had pretty much no chance to beat the game on your first playthrough, because only through playing it were you able to learn of the shortcuts necessary to beat the AI (heck, the game even left it to you to figure out you were competing against something in the first place...)

- A massive printed manual that simultaneously served as DRM ("enter the sixth word in the third paragraph on page 47...")

And this came out in 1992, for the MS-DOS operating system, on four 3.5 inch floppy drives (or three? I forget). Let that sink in for a minute.

I don't think I ever saw the ending screen, although I put over a hundred hours in some saves. It really was the "Skyrim meets Dark Souls" of the 80-386 :)

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I liked the idea of Emperor of the Fading Suns, but the AI opposition was practically inert, so I didn't play it much. The game, that is. I love the soundtrack music and still play it. :D

The AI needed lots of work, especially for a game released in the mid-90s. I've always wondered if it was the AI limitations that caused Holistic to pull the other Church and League factions - they had a hard enough time getting the 5 noble factions to behave. This is why the game was so very good when played against real humans.

Between EFS and Homeworld I have several backups of the soundtrack. Both on CD and in various digital forms.

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I have two:

Star Wars: Empire at War + Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2

They were the games that introduced me to the strategy genre and PC gaming as a whole.

I never hear anyone talking about Empire at War. It had land and space battles! In 2006!


By seeing other people's favorite games, you can determine pretty accurately how old they are.

Edited by Colserra3
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By seeing other people's favorite games, you can determine pretty accurately how old they are.

That only works up to a point, for us decrepit old farts the games we grew up playing don't even exist anymore,

Quake came out when I was in my twenties.

to give an example, one of the first games I played was the first ever commercially available flight simulator, called "fighter pilot"

It consisted of a green band for the ground, a blue band for the sky and a few black pixels for the plane. :D

I can't believe it, I actually found a picture!


Edited by MartGonzo
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  • 4 months later...

One of my favorite and also one which a reboot' date=' sequel miss me the most :/ (gta I and san andreas where cool yup also the 5 but the f.... lemmings wut & plox ...)[/quote']

Oh hell Yes. I blame my love of and bias towards puzzle games on Lemmings. Well, now that I remember it was actually Lemmings Revolution on disc for 95/97/CE, but I've played the original and it's the same thing really, just better graphics.

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(a copy&paste of an answer I gave in a similar thread, but since there is activity on this one again...)

Coming to my mind...

From LucasFilm Games, on an Atari 130XE :

- Ballblazer :


- Rescue on Fractalus :


(The terror I felt when I met a green-helmet pilot for the first time is still etched in my memory.)

- The Eidolon :


- Later, on Atari ST, but still by LucasFilm Games, Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders :

play online



Then I liked what Ere Informatique (later called Exxos, then Cryo) was doing. Their science-fiction universes were rich and light-years away from anything else in the videogame industry :

- Extase :

abandonware download (french)


- Captain Blood, and I still have a crush for the 1994 reboot Commander Blood. They used cool hand-muppets for some animations :

Commander Blood abandonware download (french)


- Purple Saturn Day, especially its psychedelic Hyperspace Jump event :

play online


- also Kult : The Temple of Flying Saucers, Teenage Queen or RoBBBot...



Then randomly...

- Lemmings, of course:

play online


- Loved being a princess riding a dragon and having fun carbonizing valorous knights in Thanatos :


- And forever :


Did anyone play these ?

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Myst: Riven

It's too bad I can't find Myst III/Myst IV on Steam or GoG, they're in something like ownership limbo... :(


I've read complaints about the plot, the acting, the empty environments... But to be honest, as old as this game is, it's one of the few that has really managed to completely absorb me and made me care for the characters.

It's equally bad that I can't seem to find a modern, good-looking equivalent.

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Myst: Riven

It's too bad I can't find Myst III/Myst IV on Steam or GoG, they're in something like ownership limbo... :(

That's strange. You mean Cyan's website and links are old? One would think that an active site like Cyan's would keep up to date. Here it is: http://cyan.com/games/

I've read complaints about the plot, the acting, the empty environments... But to be honest, as old as this game is, it's one of the few that has really managed to completely absorb me and made me care for the characters.

It's equally bad that I can't seem to find a modern, good-looking equivalent.

I've always enjoyed the "series". Lately I've played "realMyst: Masterpiece Edition". Here is what Cyan is working on now; supposedly due out at the end of this year: http://obduction.com

You might want to see if the onsite links work (I didn't check them). Good luck!

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6 or even 8 years ago to me still feels recent. Old games to me are Playstation 1 era and earlier. "Earlier" will in turn often imply a game that was old when I first played it.

As for my favourite, well,

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A lot of the games listed here are ones I still play...

BUT, my all time fave which I cannot play anymore (unless I want a headache) is the original version of Carrier Command...

It was a CGA (Colour Graphics Adapter, the great Grand father of the VGA card) game so only consisted of four colours...

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Final Fantasy III! All day every day! Such a great game. I played the first two, and I can say this is easily the best one of the series. I though 4 was good as well, 5 was okay, and it went downhill from there.

Now if we're talking about gen 1 games, Castlevania. No question about that one.

- - - Updated - - -


This ! also a very valuable old game i used to play ; )

You have made my day' date=' sir. Probably the most valuable card ever right here. It's actually quite broken as well! Still not as ridiculous as my infinity deck though [infinite turns, mana, life, creatures, and all that stuff']

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That's strange. You mean Cyan's website and links are old? One would think that an active site like Cyan's would keep up to date. Here it is: http://cyan.com/games/

I've always enjoyed the "series". Lately I've played "realMyst: Masterpiece Edition". Here is what Cyan is working on now; supposedly due out at the end of this year: http://obduction.com

What I mean is that you can't buy Myst III or Myst IV anywhere, so I've been unable to play those games in the series. Myst III and IV were developed by another studio at Ubisoft if I recall correctly, and so the ownership is uncertain between Cyan (who owns the Myst franchise, I think?) and Ubisoft, who developed the games. Cyan has released Myst I, II, Uru and V, but the other two are on Ubisoft's end to make available on Steam and GoG.

You might want to see if the onsite links work (I didn't check them). Good luck!

Interesting! I'll be sure to check it out.

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What I mean is that you can't buy Myst III or Myst IV anywhere, so I've been unable to play those games in the series. Myst III and IV were developed by another studio at Ubisoft if I recall correctly, and so the ownership is uncertain between Cyan (who owns the Myst franchise, I think?) and Ubisoft, who developed the games. Cyan has released Myst I, II, Uru and V, but the other two are on Ubisoft's end to make available on Steam and GoG...


The above links to an interesting entry about the franchise. I was aware of Ubisoft's involvement but I didn't recall that Presto Studios was also in the mix. Looks like III and IV are so old that Ubisoft's site shows no results for them when searched. One would think that porting an old title to more current OSes would be a way to make some decent money with little overhead; most resources could still be focused on new products.

I have very little esteem for developers like Ubisoft and, for example, EA. But assuming that Cyan can do a better job of managing their business regarding Obduction and future offerings, I look forward to it's games.

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