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[1.2] Procedural Fairings 3.20 (November 8)


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How strong are the auto-struts? I was sending a veeery long payload and noticed that if I don't strut them all together and the top part to the fairing itself, it would start to wobble outside of the fairing and doing hell on things.
That's because the payload struts only strut the fairing base to the bottom of the payload.If you REALLY want a well secured payload:Two interstage adapters above / below the payload. That payload will not wobble at all. Or use standard fairing and place struts connecting the fairing wall to the top of the payload.Look at the album below starting at image #18 through about #26.
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Edited by Starwaster
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Huh, I should start looking into using the inter stage adaptor. Have no idea what they do and was only using fairing bases.

The main thing you use them for is for something like the Saturn V lunar module adapter with its 4 petals. They have two attach nodes. The first top node is released when the fairings are jettisoned. There is another top node on the base which has no decoupler unless like me you hack it to have one.

As you can see in my album, I probably abuse them a bit though :P

what I do is I enclose my entire giant payload in between and then mount four giant boosters with two feeding into the other two. (I refuse to use the 'A' word to describe the arrangement)

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There is another top node on the base which has no decoupler unless like me you hack it to have one.


Wait, so the lack of a decoupler on those bases isn't a limitation, but an option? BRB, gotta edit some stuff... :rolleyes:

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I have tried using an interstage adapter around a cluster of 5 KR-2Ls on my second stage but my rocket keeps falling apart on physics load, even with KJR. What might I be doing wrong? What is the proper/best way to be able to put another stage under such a cluster?

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I have tried using an interstage adapter around a cluster of 5 KR-2Ls on my second stage but my rocket keeps falling apart on physics load, even with KJR. What might I be doing wrong? What is the proper/best way to be able to put another stage under such a cluster?

A cluster of 5 KR-2Ls as an upper-stage! How much are you trying to launch and what the hell is your lower-stage like?!

More struts and launch clamps would be the first steps if you really need that monster.

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A cluster of 5 KR-2Ls as an upper-stage! How much are you trying to launch and what the hell is your lower-stage like?!

More struts and launch clamps would be the first steps if you really need that monster.

540 tonne payload. 9x 5m 11, 000 kN SpaceY engines plus 8x 6000 kN solids. About 8, 000 tonnes on the pad. Because procedural parts and fairings let me. Because I can pretty much!

I already have a bucketful of struts and launch clamps. So I was wondering if I was using the right parts in the right order.

I have my 5 engines on a procedural thrust plate. Then a decoupler. Then an interstage fairing ring. I have conic fairings on the interstage ring. I adjusted the ring placement and height to look right, but I think it might not be connected at the right node to keep the strength.

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@Falcon Coupe: In a nutshell, more struts.

For what I visualize out of your description, you're trying to hold a giant ammount of wobbly mass with one single node. Other than that, I can't say much without a screenshot, or maybe the .craft file.


I should really check if there's new pages before posting.

SS would still be good, though. :)

Also, welcome to the Forums, if you haven't been yet!

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I have screenshots of Bossitron Station, a man sized rocket... with issues...

I have been lurking on these forums for quite some time, only recently got an account to ask about this problem, so thanks for your help so far.

Here is a shot of the whole thing on the pad before complete destruction. You can just see the fairings coming off as physics loads.


Close up of the interstage. Are these the right fairings to use? Do they carry any weight from above at all?


Fairings removed. Will the interstage support the structure around the engine cluster? I was under the impression that it would, so that the center engine didn't carry the load by itself.


Is this whats causing the problem? The small node on the decoupler? Would I be better off making the interstage adapter have an integrated decoupler?


I tried without the launch clamps and it actually did better, still popped the fairings off though


And broke the rocket here below this tank


I hope these help, and I hope you enjoyed seeing a nice big rocket!

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@Falcon: Are you connecting the upper stage on the Interestage Fairing Adapter's top node?

For what I've understand, the weight + the possible connection on the bottom node, are causing the fairings to be abruptely crushed, and then, broken.

Either that, or, as noticed on the two last pictures, the engines are popping out of the fairing circle, pushing them out.

@RainDreamer: Uh... Not even videos helped you out?

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@Falcon: Are you connecting the upper stage on the Interestage Fairing Adapter's top node?

For what I've understand, the weight + the possible connection on the bottom node, are causing the fairings to be abruptely crushed, and then, broken.

Either that, or, as noticed on the two last pictures, the engines are popping out of the fairing circle, pushing them out.

@RainDreamer: Uh... Not even videos helped you out?

I dont think the interstage is connected up to my thrust plate, just onto the decoupler. That would most likely be causing the failures then. Do I need to connect the interstage to my thrust plate, then the engines onto the thrust plate so that the interstage takes the load?

Thanks for the video link, I'll check it out now. EDIT: That video was certainly helpful. I'm now certain that I connected the interstage wrongly, and I know how to do it now. So hopefully in a weeks time (sorry for the delay) I'll be able to post a picture of a successful launch. Then work on a bigger rocket!

Edited by Falcon Coupe
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How should I edit the Procedural Fairings part file to make them show up earlier in the tech tree? I can't deal with exposed payloads and I'd like to be able to start off career mode with 1.25m and 0.625m fairings. I've never done tech tree stuff for procedural parts before.

By the way- LOVE the mod. It's become a must-have for me from the moment of first release. Thanks for all the hard work!

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@jurfburf: You can do it either using a ModuleManager patch (recommended), or editing the original files.

If you have Module Manager (you can tell by going into your KSP\GameData folder and looking for a ModuleManager.x.x.x.dll file), use this:

Create a new .cfg file containing this:

@TechRequired = start

Save the file in your KSP\GameData folder.

If you want to edit the original files, do this:

- Go into your KSP\GameData\ProceduralFairings folder;


- Open all the .cfg files, except "Common.cfg";

- On each one, locate the "TechRequired = " line and edit the value to "start" (without caps);

- Save, close.

I hope that helps.

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I'm trying to achieve something with the interstage adapter, and for some reason, I cannot get it to work just the dorky way I want it to. Any help would be great.

I've tried various combos of decoupler fairings vs structural, turning the decoulpler on and off on the interstage fairing itself.

I want to be able to stage my rocket, and have stage 2's engine inside a one-piece cylindrical fairing that stays attached to the jettisoned stage.

Edited by klesh
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So instead of using cargo bays for pistons and cylinders, i finally resolved the problems I had when using Procedural Fairings.

It shows.

With an unbalanced crankshaft and half a piston mantle, it made a new speed record: 253rpm! This might seem slow but what you're seeing there is a ship engine sized setup: bore x stroke = 1 x 1.8m.

Furthermore I now have the technique for creating pistons & cylinders in any size and with more flexibility than with the old method!

The sparks are from CollisionFX, they're useful to me so I can see where the collisions take place.


The colliders are less than impressive but still ...

I've made a tube, man!



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I'm trying to achieve something with the interstage adapter, and for some reason, I cannot get it to work just the dorky way I want it to. Any help would be great.

I've tried various combos of decoupler fairings vs structural, turning the decoulpler on and off on the interstage fairing itself.

I want to be able to stage my rocket, and have stage 2's engine inside a one-piece cylindrical fairing that stays attached to the jettisoned stage.

Use the Fuselage Fairings (under the Structural tab). They won't decouple and therefore, act as a cup.

I've created a short album to detailedly explain how to achieve this. But basically, what you gotta do is connect your payload on the top Interestage Adapter node. That node has a decoupler in it. So, once you stage it, the fairings will stay in place, and the payload will float outside of the fairings cup.

Here's the detailed version:

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For better reading, visit the full album.


@Azimech: Nice job there! Dat tube!

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Buried deep in my Screenshots folder are some interesting usage of PFs dating all the way back from version 0.24.2!

I actually spent months on these cargo aircraft with huge internal walk-in/drive-in volumes and are simply PFs with locked shape used to cover internal frames.


It's quite a different experience from stock KSP building as I needed to create an actual frame to handle all the static and dynamic loads an aircraft would go through in the air and on the ground.

Now that I've finally updated to 0.90 I look forward to see what the current crop of PFs have to offer to a new generation of Strategic Bacon Lifters :)

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--awesome tips--


See, thats exactly how I do it! Thank god I'm not as crazy as I thought. :confused:

I've tried it in every configuration under the sun. To me it should work exactly as you have it, but it doesn't. I'm going to play a bit today, and have a look. I will show the same steps and see what happens. Man, this is twilight zone; thats exactly what I do!

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