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If Squad stopped KSP development tomorrow would you be happy with the game?


If Squad stopped KSP development tomorrow would you be happy with the game?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. If Squad stopped KSP development tomorrow would you be happy with the game?

    • I would be happy with KSP and I would keep playing
    • I would be happy with KSP but I would stop playing
    • I would NOT be happy with KSP and I would keep playing
    • I would NOT be happy with KSP but I would stop playing

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  -RanZ- said:
The game needs a career mode. Sandbox mode is incredibly fun but career mode with challenging objectives would make KSP much more fun.

+1 this. I am really looking forward to career mode.

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I've gotten more enjoyment and playtime out of the 15 bucks I spent on the game back in the day than from pretty much any AAA title I ever bought, so I definitely wouldn't be furious about it if it happened. I'm sure the modding community would keep it interesting for a very long time aswell.

I would however be very disappointed since KSP has so much untapped potential still, and I would hate to see it dropped like that. I really don't want this to be another Minecraft, but from what I've seen in my years of supporting KSP and Squad, I'm very confident that this won't be the case.

Edited by Flowz0r
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  Flowz0r said:
I've gotten more enjoyment and playtime out of the 15 bucks I spent on the game back in the day than from pretty much any AAA title I ever bought

This. So much this. Absolutely, all of this. Best $15 I ever dang-well spent. Hypothetically, if the game flopped, yeah, I'd still be happy with it. Long as the source code was released or more modding options were opened up. :sticktongue:

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I would not be happy with what happened, but I think I would still be happy with the game. But I would be dissapointed, because though it is enjoyable, it definitely does not feel complete.

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no, i would not be happy, sure the game is great but i would forver be haunted by what i COULD be playing if development continued, the game is in NO WHERE NEAR the state of completion the devs have in mind....

career mode, more aesthetics, better physics, better animations, all the stuff the devs could focus on after the core gameplay was made (which it isnt even) like post processing effects and visuals. even optimization.

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It depends. if something unavoidable happened like the developers falling off a cliff or a total crash of the Mexican economy I would be disappointed, but since I've gotten much, much more than my money's worth from my £10 I wouldn't moan too much.

On the other hand if, for some reason, Squad just gave up and used the KSP funds to start another project I'd be annoyed because, ultimately I've paid with the expectation of getting a full game.

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The whole design philosophy of each update is "if the next update is to be the last, which it isn't, would the final game be worthy of being a finished game, with respect to it's price?" This is what makes the Minecraft-style development process work, as you get many ore hours of people playing the game when ideas and feedback are needed most.

£18 for 108 hours and counting? Already a better deal than most games I own.

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I enjoy KSP very much as is but love seeing the development continue and mods become less and less useful/required. This game has so much to offer and though development can seem slow it really is coming on very, very nicely, far exceeding the majority of mainstream developers.

So if the unthinkable happened and KSP was no longer developed I'd feel I had more than got my money's worth. In fact when can afford it I want to throw some more money in Squad's direction!

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I'd be happy with the current release, and I know the modding community would soon pick up the slack! Obviously we all want to see development continue, but if HarvesteR managed to win the lottery and build his own orbital station out of gold, I wouldn't regret having bought this game. It's still going to provide me with many more hours of enjoyment, so I'd be happy with the current state.

However, I'd be more happy with 0.21 :D

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I would be pretty irritated as I purchased it knowing what is to come and has been promised from the development team. Saying that however it is pretty good in it's current state, and so would probably keep playing at least for a short while.

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"I would NOT be happy with KSP and I would keep playing."

Yes, angrily playing a game I'm not particularly happy about anymore, but still addicted to it for some reason. Followed by realizing this, trying to stop playing, failing, and getting very worried. HELP!

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Would I be happy? No.

Why? There's currently no point to the game...

You land on the Mun... okay..and then what? Walk around? Maybe drive a rover?

If/when they add resources, and missions..then hell yeah i'll be satisfied.

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  TicTacToe! said:
Although it is a great game now, there is still so much more that can be added to the game, so I would be disappointed, but would keep playing.

I really agree with you. It is great but it could be so much better.

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Long Post off the starboard bow!

I think with this fixed ASAS that won't shake our crafts/stations apart with it on and drain our RCS Fuel, would really be enough for this game.

I find the new VAB/SPH nice-looking, but not really needed. The only thing that would, would be better camera angles (that come in the game, not from a mod). So if the dev team were to stop after .21, I wouldn't mind that much. I'd keep playing.

But, I'd also would like to see more stuff for rovers to do. Like actually gathering samples of planets and taking them back to Kerbin, instead of this whole "pretending" crap. Or when launching a probe to gather atmospheric info of a planet, you actually get messages from KSC thanking you for the data. RPing only goes so far. Some optimization would also be nice, since I go 3-5 FPS everytime I get close to Laythe for some reason (I think it's my craft and ASAS shaking it).

And to be honest, I'm starting to get bored with this game. The only thing that keeps me going, I see myself helping the Kerbals with their space program.

Not to mention it's the most rage-inducing game I've ever played in my lifetime (G-Mod's "SpaceBuild" mod being the second). Some people find their rockets that they spent hours...days on, spin out of control, "cool" or just shrug. I... I scream bloody murder when it happens.

But KSP is also the first game I've ever played that you can explore planets, however you want to, take the part of NASA, and not having to worry about costs or safety (especially with Jeb behind the flight stick).

To be honest, comparing Squad and Mojang of KSP and Minecraft, Minecraft was developed a lot faster than this game was (from what I've seen), and by one guy too (Notch).

Back in the Alpha and Beta days of Minecraft, there was an update every Friday.

This game, it just feels like it's been months since the last update. I think I started playing around .16, then got fed up the fact I couldn't get a rocket off the ground without it failing (since I knew nothing about Gravity Turns and all of that crap, back then). I had thought a rocket just goes straight up.

I think I remember there was no ASAS back then; just SAS. And SAS wasn't good enough for me.

Edited by Benie
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I would be disappointed since there seems to be a lot of unfinished features partially built into the game.

I feel like with the currents part and mods available, the ship building aspect is complete. Although some tweaks would be appreciated to ASAS and auto RCS balancing, I think those are minor issues that can be fixed in patches or mods...

However, I would really like to see some sort of finance management system where money, fuel price and construction cost become an extra problem Kerbals need to solve. Tied to this is the career. I don't need a career mode to enjoy the game, but it is a component that would really make the game complete. I would like to see a career mode that would give some context to the KSP and why Kerbal's are so happy to be in space.

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Voted the 4th option. As much as I enjoy the game it still feels like something is still missing, some aspect of a greater idea still not there.

Actually I watched

- which made me reply in this thread after all - and if the demo I tried out last month had lacked all that was implemented in 0.18 I think I wouldnt be here anymore - maybe coming back in a year, but not being here.
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When I bought this game I had no idea it was still in development. I've spent $60+ on many other games that were not as complete, more buggy, and less polished than KSP currently is. Add to that I can only think of 3 games in the last decade that still had me playing after 150+ hours, and I find $23 one of the best values in gaming. I'm already satisfied. Yes I would be bummed if development stopped, but I wouldn't be angry, and I would keep playing.

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