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What future feature (confirmed or otherwise) is your biggest hope for KSP?

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Indeed - I don't need a better computer to run KSP, I just need to be able to fully utilize the system resources I already have. Certainly a 2 GB video card, 8 GB of RAM and a quad core should be sufficient. I am confident that we'll see it in development eventually.

i have 2 gigs of ram,no videocard, and a terrible gpu,i have to use cheatengineto slow down the gameto apoint where it doesnt die

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Procedural star systems. I would love so much to be able to look through the telescope at a distant star, and it be a unique, randomly generated system. Then, get my Kerbals into orbit and stuff them into their cryotubes so I can send them off to explore it five thousand years later.

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I take back what I said earlier. The only thing I want from a future update is maneuver nodes that don't randomly collapse when I'm trying to do a planetary transfer. I think my scroll wheel is going to give out...

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I take back what I said earlier. The only thing I want from a future update is maneuver nodes that don't randomly collapse when I'm trying to do a planetary transfer. I think my scroll wheel is going to give out...

Install the Maneuver Node Improvement mod. It lets you reopen collapsed maneuver nodes simply by pressing the "o" key.

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I'd like to see a more developed version of the crew roster, which also keeps track of the mission time and flags up a reminder they need relieving when they reach a set mission time input by the user.

I'd also like to see an official version of the modular build mod. I tried it and whilst it was very useful I found it a bit buggy. Being able to design a generic part and be able to use it on a variety of ships without having to start from scratch each time is really useful.

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I would wish for more reason for me to build bases on other bodies. Kethane is a good example. The resource system planned would do this even better.

Other than that? Interstellar voyages. Perhaps another star somewhere. Think of the possibilities that could be opened with an expanded universe. Especially now since the game can selectively load only what you're actually interacting with. Granted, we'll see a lot of stuff before that is even considered, but it's not out of the realm of possibility.

If there were another star, I'd have to go to it. I like the IonCross life support mod as well. I can imagine trying to pack enough supplies for a voyage to another system... Fun :)

Yes, I realize the decades/centuries the journey would take, and how many days of time acceleration it'd take as the game is now, but hey it's still a thought.

Edited by Immashift
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I'm more excited for more real life planet analogues. I love the planets that we have right now, but I was a Saturn and a Titan and an Eris! And I also want other planetary systems, but I don't want them randomly generated. I want another system that will have the same planets for everyone. Just a pet peeve. But I definitely want more KSP analogues for real planets in our Solar System. And an Asteroid Belt.

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I'm puzzled why some suggest more features for Kerbin such as cities and whatnot. Isn't this a space program? Besides, after playing a flight sim like FSX, you'll realise why some of us never bother with planes or atmospheric flight in KSP, it's very underwhelming.

What I want is more detailed and interactable environments. I want to be driving my rover and having to avoid environmental hazards such as rivers, lava, wind, sinkholes and storms. I want my mining rig on Vall to hit a gas pocket that sends it into orbit because I wasn't careful with drilling. Imagine controlling a submersible in an alien ocean under an alien ice shelf/ceiling with your vessel's lamps being the only source of light and having to rely on your sonar and other instruments to navigate the dark depths.

Sends shivers of excitement down my spine, man.

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I'd love to see environmental effects modeled. Not too realistically, of course, but if you go to, Moho, for example, you need to bring along proper cooling equipment. Heat management would actually be a nice challenge for long range manned spacecraft to Jool or Eeloo, for example, both to prevent overheating, and to maintain enough heat to keep the crew alive, or keep scientific equipment operating for probes. Or, you'd need pressure suits and robust equipment for the surface of Eve, due to the thick crushing atmosphere. Radiation would be nice, as would space weather like solar flares.

So basically, environmental hazards.

Aside from that, resources for mining would be nice, as would a pre-flight planner allowing you to plan all burns before you launch. A display in the hanger showing you the weight, fuel, and delta V of both the entire spacecraft and on a per stage basis would be nice as well. And, as others have said, an asteroid belt with a dwarf planet or two would be awesome, as would comets. Maybe even let us make space "tugs" to allow us to recover asteroids for mining, or move one out of the path of a space craft. Dynamic environments would be another awesome addition, allowing us to make impactor probes ala the Deep Impact probe. But mainly so I can see all the craters around KSP Control from the failed launches.

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I really look forward to the tutorials being complete. Step by Step guided directions that have popups and pause the game during each successful step would be great. I also look forward to career mode and the complete scenarios. I had enough fun with sandbox and aggravation with attempting to dock ships together and am looking forward to learning and being challenged with actual objectives and instructions.

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