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do you agree greater hype = greater disappointment ?


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since 0.21 has been soon for so long...

the hype has gone outrageous


so i recall everytime there is some great titles coming out soon

eg. FF-12; diablo3; simcity5; starcraft2

they all turned into big disappointments

tho the fact is they are all indeed crap... the unreasonably high expectations people put into them because of the hype are what failling them


so in this case...let's not put too much expectation on 0.21...

there'll still be massive lag (they say they ease the lag during the launch)

let's not hope the Mun terrain will be superb (it'll be glitchy everywhere just like how Minmus' terrain is not in sync with the mesh at co-ord. around the floating monolith)


after all this is just stil ver0.xx...

you cant expect too much... especially when you only "donated" $9.9 a year and a half earlier or you steam sale at $13.79 last week...

Edited by lammatt
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This thread is terrible, lock it please.

why is it terrible?

i really think big hype = big disappointmant

i mean... you waited 12yrs for diablo3....

and then they gave you that piece of crap.

you wait >5yrs for simcity... and then they gave you those server downtime right off the bat.

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why is it terrible?

i really think big hype = big disappointmant

i mean... you waited 12yrs for diablo3....

and then they gave you that piece of crap.

you wait >5yrs for simcity... and then they gave you those server downtime right off the bat.

So, waiting for a few months for a new update that hasn't really been all that hyped is somehow equivalent to waiting five to twelve years for a crappy product?

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The trick is to have reasonable expectations. I dont feel like this update was overhyped at all.

They have pretty much showed what we can expect from it thanks to those early preview streams/videos.

What I am personally looking forward to are the crew management, parts and graphics improvement.

I will be happy with pretty much any performance increase.

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Other than the awesome new SAS system, there isn't that much new in 0.21 that radically changes the gameplay, at least for me. I do like the revamped KSC and Kerbin, but it seems that the "smaller, more frequent updates" is just "smaller updates". The change from 0.16, released in July, to 0.17, released in September, was a major, game-breaking update (added planets if you don't know), yet it only took 2 months. 0.18, also a big update, took nearly three months. Yet, 0.19 took three months but wasn't a huge update like the previous two, and the same for 0.20.

I still love the game and the devs are working quite hard at the game and trying to make the game less buggy, but it seems that progress has slowed in the last few updates. Let's hope that 0.22 would have more.

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I agree too. I honestly would rather Dev's just silently release new updates, or only mention the update once they've made it to the final bit of bug fixing. Limit the time we're left waiting.

I held off on playing because they said it was coming soon earlier this month. I'm starting now to play again but even now it's hard be in the mood to do something when I know that "Soon" there will be new content... What's the point of doing anything.

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youre still somewhat new to KSP, arent you? The wait for .21 is no different from other releases. And I dont see no hype. People looking forward to the newest version is not automatically a hype. But even so - you cant really compare KSP to Sim City 5 or Diablo 3 for ... just so many reasons I dont even know where to begin.

And you talking the game down with predictions you have no knowledge of is just rude.

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youre still somewhat new to KSP, arent you? The wait for .21 is no different from other releases. And I dont see no hype. People looking forward to the newest version is not automatically a hype. But even so - you cant really compare KSP to Sim City 5 or Diablo 3 for ... just so many reasons I dont even know where to begin.

And you talking the game down with predictions you have no knowledge of is just rude.

i dont know...

i started in 0.12 when there was no maneuver nodes and there's only a Mun....

am i new?

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With pretty much every KSP update, the end product always matches or exceeds my personal expectations and public "hype". In some cases, yes, that is true, but in others, not so much. It's really hit-or-miss when it comes to entertainment.

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Oh it's hyped. In terms of public relations, silence is speech. Squad is playing this like Evel Knievel did a crowd. Silent delays. Failure to quash rumor. Leaked footage from insiders (ie the wave of recent youtube reviews). They are allowing, if not encouraging, expectations to build to a fever pitch. This is how you market entertainment products. You allow customers to let their imaginations run. And just like every over-hyped movie, expect disappointment.

The really interesting questions is this: With 0.21 already in the possession of reviewers, will some version appear on ThePirateBay prior to the official release?

Edited by Sandworm
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Oh it's hyped. In terms of public relations, silence is speech. Squad is playing this like Evel Knievel did a crowd. Silent delays. Failure to quash rumor. Leaked footage from insiders (ie the wave of recent youtube reviews). They are allowing, if not encouraging, expectations to build to a fever pitch. This is how you market entertainment products. You allow customers to let their imaginations run. And just like every over-hyped movie, expect disappointment.

The really interesting questions is this: With 0.21 already in the possession of reviewers, will some version appear on ThePirateBay prior to the official release?

chances are....yes...

but i suggest you dont torrent things like that

virus malwares worms torjans... just you name it...

(i mean... you have a legit license already... why bother with a crack)

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Well, there would never be a cracked versions of KSP as KSP has no drm to crack. My point was just that by keeping people in the dark Squad is playing a dangerous game. Just like a movie that is delayed for whatever reason, with so many people wanting it and so many people already with copies, piracy happens. A reviewer shares his copy with a friend, or is hacked, and Squad looses control of the release ... just as movie promoter send pre-release material to academy members only to see those copies be shared weeks before the theatrical release. I would much rather them avoid this gamesmanship and just release the dev versions as such, preventing the need and the hype.

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-snip- Just like a movie that is delayed for whatever reason -snip-

But see, KSP has no official ETAs, so it can't be "delayed," only put out later than some people suspect it might come out. For example, I suspected it might have come out after the marathon this weekend, but it didn't. No problem, it's not like they were going to release it right after the marathon anyway.

I do agree though, psyching yourself up for something will only disappoint you more when it doesn't live up to your now-unrealistic expectations. That's why I like the previews they've been putting out- it's new, but it's not so new that people expect ridiculous things and then flip out when they don't get "exactly what I wanted."

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i dont even have hype... the new SAS is cool (but i rarely use it because it has always wasted RCS so i doubt i will change my ways), and the new VAB and SPH. but other than that, i don't expect to be blown away or anything. The new parts coming have already been in my version... its called KW rocketry, KSPX parts pack, and all the other mods. :/

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But see, KSP has no official ETAs, so it can't be "delayed," only put out later than some people suspect it might come out. For example, I suspected it might have come out after the marathon this weekend, but it didn't. No problem, it's not like they were going to release it right after the marathon anyway.

Movies do have soft release dates and delays, but they happen before the public sees the ads. Many a movie buff has been angered when the movie they have been waiting months/years for gets delayed or put on hiatus during post-production (ie bug fixing). TV-shows also. There is always great speculation as to when a new TV series will be broadcast into a given market. Take Sherlock. The ratings experts argued for months before releasing it into the US market, by which time all the fans knew the plot (he survived the fall) and millions had downloaded the series illegally.

Delays for technical reasons are fine. I thought this was an alpha game but if Squad wants to act like it isn't then that's their decision, but don't expect the community to be so forgiving of bugs in releases that spend months behind closed doors. If turns out they are timing the release for marketing purposes, that's not good.

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