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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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Search thread does exist. It's right up there in the grey bar above the first post and below the thread title. I believe MFS was a precursor of Real Fuels called Modular Fuel System.

Oh damn I didn't think to look there 0_o just checked the main search box options up top. Well, good to know

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So.. are Apollo type missions impossible with MCE? With bootstraps anyway .. because I noticed that the Keres missions are all backwards. For instance "undock with the LM and lower the CMs orbit" or with a landing mission it's "undock with the LM, land the CM and redock with the LM in orbit." Paraphrasing of course, but it's all just..backwards. I'm guessing it's because MCE only works with the root part? If I did an Apollo type mission the way it's supposed to be done would it stop counting objectives as soon as I undock the LEM from the CM?

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So.. are Apollo type missions impossible with MCE? With bootstraps anyway .. because I noticed that the Keres missions are all backwards. For instance "undock with the LM and lower the CMs orbit" or with a landing mission it's "undock with the LM, land the CM and redock with the LM in orbit." Paraphrasing of course, but it's all just..backwards. I'm guessing it's because MCE only works with the root part? If I did an Apollo type mission the way it's supposed to be done would it stop counting objectives as soon as I undock the LEM from the CM?

They are possible it just matters how the person writes the mission. I have no idea why the BootStrap missions are written that way.

You can make a custom contract and write it like this.

Orbit Kerbin.. Orbit mun.. Land mun (choose vessel independent).. land kerbin.

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Update on MCE future

With harvestors update about .24 economy being updated even more then originally planned IE adding an actual economy with launch prices and research pricing unlocks I have some decisions to make about the future of Mission Controller. The plan is still to integrate MCE with the new KSP economy system. This will most likely mean a complete rewrite of Mission Controller actual Budget system to work with the in game system. And from what I have read about the plans for KSP contracts, might mean a complete redo of missions and contracts for MCE. I would like MCE to move on to the future KSP by bringing a little more complex Budget system to KSP then might be delivered with KSP. This also will most likely mean that the old .sp system will be no more and MCE in whatever form its in will use KSP persistent file.

Worse case: The developers of Kerbal Space Program make such a awesome Budget and contract system MCE is no longer needed.

Most Likely Case: The developers make a similar system that is simple in design just like science system. (This is not a bad thing) And I will use MCE to bring a more realistic Economic system to Kerbal Space Program.

So until .24 comes out I will not be adding anything new to Mission Controller. Unless I have some bugs to fix. And when .24 does come out it might take me a little bit to get the new system up and running. ;)


Edited by malkuth
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If MCE will be unsupported with 0.24, at least I am hoping that squad will not disappoint us with their contract system.

Contracts system in MCE is something that really make game much more interesting, thank you for giving us such opportunity.

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If MCE will be unsupported with 0.24, at least I am hoping that squad will not disappoint us with their contract system.

Contracts system in MCE is something that really make game much more interesting, thank you for giving us such opportunity.

Its not that's its going to be unsupported. Worse case scenario is that they build such a good budget system and MCE is not needed in its current form. Most likely scenario they deliver a simple system, kinda like the science system they have now, and MCE will fill the gap with a more realistic Budget system.

But its going to take some time to convert over to it.. Then the question comes up what do I do about sandbox?

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I may have found a slightly unintended behavior with the custom missions. I was starting a new career and had to do the customary first launch to gather the first few science to unlock the first nodes. I figured if I was going to be charged for the rocket I might as well have a mission for a testlaunch so I made a simple crewed mission with a landing on kerbin. Once on the launchpad I had jeb get out for a moment for EVA science at the pad and the mission instantly compleated as it determined I'd landed on kerbin. While technicly it was compleat, I had 1 kerbal and I was landed on kerbin, I'd think it would want me to actualy launch the rocket first :P

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I may have found a slightly unintended behavior with the custom missions. I was starting a new career and had to do the customary first launch to gather the first few science to unlock the first nodes. I figured if I was going to be charged for the rocket I might as well have a mission for a testlaunch so I made a simple crewed mission with a landing on kerbin. Once on the launchpad I had jeb get out for a moment for EVA science at the pad and the mission instantly compleated as it determined I'd landed on kerbin. While technicly it was compleat, I had 1 kerbal and I was landed on kerbin, I'd think it would want me to actualy launch the rocket first :P

You did technically launch. You went from a prelaunch condition to an EVA condition. So MCE in the simple terms did nothing wrong, but yeah it is a little annoying that this exist and can happen.

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You did technically launch. You went from a prelaunch condition to an EVA condition. So MCE in the simple terms did nothing wrong, but yeah it is a little annoying that this exist and can happen.

Hence why I called it unintended behavior and not an outright bug. Guess its more of a fringe case considering you wouldnt normaly have the pilot get back out on the launchpad other than that first time for EVA/samples. Exploitable but then agian if someone wants to cheat in a mod of a single player game thats their business.

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Sorry if this is a noob question but I can't find any indicators that tell me the answer. Which folders in my KSP install do I put the toolbar and the MissionController folder? Do they both just go in GameData?

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Sorry if this is a noob question but I can't find any indicators that tell me the answer. Which folders in my KSP install do I put the toolbar and the MissionController folder? Do they both just go in GameData?

Yes, put both folders in GameData.

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Hey there. I'm one of the deluge of people checking this out cause of Mr.Manley video. Looks like a great mod, and I'm excited to give it a go! Unfortunately, I immediately encountered gamebreaking bugs that I haven't been able to overcome so far. At this point I haven't even made it past the menus of this mod because any sub-menu that I open is oversized and unclickable, in some cases even persisting after reloading the save. The example that I first encountered was when trying to accept my first mission. I could click on the mission, but the accept button was slightly (not completely) off the bottom of the screen. When I clicked it the window would "wobble" up and down as it tried to adjust to fit the screen. In any case, I cannot click accept as it is unresponsive, and any attempt to interact with the window just makes it jump up and down the Y-axis again. After this begins the window can't be interacted with in anyway, and I can't close it without restarting KSP completely. After doing a bit of perusing the forums I found a couple of similar issues that seemed to have been cleared up in previous patches, but I failed to find anyone who had the exact issue that I am having. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Hey there. I'm one of the deluge of people checking this out cause of Mr.Manley video. Looks like a great mod, and I'm excited to give it a go! Unfortunately, I immediately encountered gamebreaking bugs that I haven't been able to overcome so far. At this point I haven't even made it past the menus of this mod because any sub-menu that I open is oversized and unclickable, in some cases even persisting after reloading the save. The example that I first encountered was when trying to accept my first mission. I could click on the mission, but the accept button was slightly (not completely) off the bottom of the screen. When I clicked it the window would "wobble" up and down as it tried to adjust to fit the screen. In any case, I cannot click accept as it is unresponsive, and any attempt to interact with the window just makes it jump up and down the Y-axis again. After this begins the window can't be interacted with in anyway, and I can't close it without restarting KSP completely. After doing a bit of perusing the forums I found a couple of similar issues that seemed to have been cleared up in previous patches, but I failed to find anyone who had the exact issue that I am having. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

I'm having the same problem, all the other windows seem fine it's just the package window seems to want to be too big to fit on the screen. Had a look at the config.xml file and found this

<rect name="packageWindowPostion">

Unfortunately my screen res is 1280x720 and I've tried changing the settings to zero and also tried changing them to something that would fit, but it keeps resetting the window to being 750 pixels high. Also tried adding a packageWindowStatus setting but it just got deleted.

Anyone know of a way to fix this?

Edit:Forgot to add I tried deleting the config.xml and using the reset window button in the settings as well.

Edited by Aramazia Kin
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I'm having the same problem, all the other windows seem fine it's just the package window seems to want to be too big to fit on the screen. Had a look at the config.xml file and found this

<rect name="packageWindowPostion">

Unfortunately my screen res is 1280x720 and I've tried changing the settings to zero and also tried changing them to something that would fit, but it keeps resetting the window to being 750 pixels high. Also tried adding a packageWindowStatus setting but it just got deleted.

Anyone know of a way to fix this?

Edit:Forgot to add I tried deleting the config.xml and using the reset window button in the settings as well.

The screen sizes are preset in the code for Mission Controller. But I have never heard of the package window being to big before. I can make a quick patch for it to see if it helps though reducing the screen sizes again.

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Small Update .67 released

fixes the resolution problems with the packages screen being to large for smaller resolutions.

Right now only available on my dropbox. Kerbal Forge thing is not working.. Imagine that.

Edited by malkuth
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I have a dumb question. Once upon a time when I used this mod, you were able to attach parachutes to your boosters and you would be awarded some money back for "recycling" those parts. I see in the budget screen that recycle income is still there, but I have yet to get any income from it.

Looking through the change logs I see you support Real Chutes, at first I thought that was the issue...

So what am I doing wrong?

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Small Update .67 released

fixes the resolution problems with the packages screen being to large for smaller resolutions.

Right now only available on my dropbox. Kerbal Forge thing is not working.. Imagine that.

That's fixed it, thanks for the speedy response!

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Here is a screenshot of my current budget window after a few missions.


If my profits are 115,609.00 then why do I have a bank loan for 139,391 ? Shouldn't that be 23,782 in loans? Or does it only pay-off the loan once you've profited the full amount of the loan?

As you can also see i've had zero in recycling, which I haven't figured out yet either.

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As you can also see i've had zero in recycling, which I haven't figured out yet either.

You're using a version of RealChute after v1.1 right? That's probably the issue. The MCE Real Chute recovery code was based off what I did for Kerbal Construction Time. Starting with the 1.1 update to Real Chute, Stupid_Chris removed most of the things I was referencing to get the drag from the parachutes and I had to come up with a new way to extract the information.

Malkuth, the code for KCT is on my GitHub if you want to look at it again, or in this spoiler tag

if (p.partRef.Modules.Contains("RealChuteModule"))
Debug.Log("[KCT] Found realchute module on " + p.partInfo.name);
PartModule realChute = p.partRef.Modules["RealChuteModule"];
Type rCType = realChute.GetType();
if ((object)realChute != null)
System.Reflection.MemberInfo member = rCType.GetMember("deployedDiameter")[0];
float area = (float)KCT_Utilities.GetMemberInfoValue(member, realChute);
area = Mathf.PI*Mathf.Pow(area/2, 2); //Determine the area manually since the "deployedArea" parameter no longer exists in RC
Debug.Log("Chute area: " + area);

member = rCType.GetMember("material")[0];
string mat = (string)KCT_Utilities.GetMemberInfoValue(member, realChute);
Debug.Log("Material is "+mat);

Type matLibraryType = AssemblyLoader.loadedAssemblies
.SelectMany(a => a.assembly.GetExportedTypes())
.SingleOrDefault(t => t.FullName == "RealChute.Libraries.MaterialsLibrary");

System.Reflection.MethodInfo matMethod = matLibraryType.GetMethod("GetMaterial", new Type[] { mat.GetType() });
object MatLibraryInstance = matLibraryType.GetProperty("instance").GetValue(null, null);
object materialObject = matMethod.Invoke(MatLibraryInstance, new object[]{mat});

float dragC = (float)KCT_Utilities.GetMemberInfoValue(materialObject.GetType().GetMember("dragCoefficient")[0], materialObject);
Debug.Log("dragC: " + dragC);
isParachute = true;
realChuteInUse = true;
totalDrag += (1 * 100 * dragC * area / 2000f);

public static object GetMemberInfoValue(System.Reflection.MemberInfo member, object sourceObject)
object newVal;
if (member is System.Reflection.FieldInfo)
newVal = ((System.Reflection.FieldInfo)member).GetValue(sourceObject);
newVal = ((System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)member).GetValue(sourceObject, null);
return newVal;

The GetMemberInfoValue function was because I couldn't get the data by casting to what I thought it was and I found that method online and it just worked, so I kept it. You could probably figure out whether it needs to be FieldInfo or PropertyInfo and forgo that function.

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