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[0.24.2] TiberDyne Aerospace R&D Division - Shuttle System 3.6 Career Update!


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Any chance you could remove the face on the back of the extending docking ports? No idea why the model is double-sided anyway, you can't see the faces on the inside of the model except if you clip into it, or are trying to use the JSI/RPM docking camera:


That's extended btw, you're looking at the back of the top surface you attach onto a docking port with, if it wasn't a double-sided surface you'd see straight through the middle of the port as expected.

I'd fix it myself if I could but importing the .mu into blender and then opening the modified mesh back into unity and getting the animations to still work etc is dicey at best.

Edited by K3|Chris
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  • 3 weeks later...

Actually I am updating this first (I was already working on it before I had to suspend for the 0.24 testing session) - I have the costs mostly done (It is a little tricky for the actual shuttle parts that have 3 or 4 functions) then I want to finish covering all the engines to the new FX and fix the docking port as requested above, and that should do for now. I don't think FAR compatibility is viable at this time.

No ETA right now, I needed a few days away from KSP. But Soon.

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How well will these fly? Because I noticed that the Shuttle's engines are tilted to compensate for being to the side of the giant orange tank, but how will that affect flight without it? Also, the Buran is also piggybacking but the engines dont fire, so how do these crafts keep control? A really powerful reaction wheel system? If Someone answers me then I will consider downloading, as I don't want possibly uncontrollable rockets or overpowered parts.

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SHould be fine, other than the costs not being balanced for career mode. There are a few annoyances, but nothing game breaking nor are they new to 0.24+ - I'm still working on an update for this as time allows.

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SHould be fine, other than the costs not being balanced for career mode. There are a few annoyances, but nothing game breaking nor are they new to 0.24+ - I'm still working on an update for this as time allows.

Working on that that new shuttle? How's it coming along? What did it look like again? Can you repost the link or give me the location of the link please.

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You mean This?

No, I'm not ready to tackle that one, I am going to try something smaller first. But right now I'm only working on some part tweaks and the career balancing. Then I need to do it for NP. After that I can work on new things hopefully.

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At long last, Tiberdyne 3.6 is released, fully compatible with KSP 0.24.2 and its expanded career mode. I can't believe the last release was at the end of of November. Sorry about that.


Features and changes in 3.6 (Latest version) KSP 0.24 Compatibility update


1. All engines re-exported to support new stock engine FX and new FX module - they now use the updated FX.

2. Many small tweaks to internal engine setup (thrust placement, symmetry, etc) to alleviate some Center of Thrust balance issues, especially with Orbital engines. Also adjusted gimbal ranges to reduce oscillation during SAS and Mechjeb control.

3. tweaked extending docking port modules to remove excess polygons internally to better support dokcing camera visuals.

4. Removed some excess parts (like extended AND retracted landing gear) since the tweakable system allows one part to serve both roles. This breaks old saved craft using the old landing gear - you should remove any from saved games before updating if this is a problem.

5. Other balance tweaks and things I have forgotten.

6. Most importantly, all costs were calculated based on stock scaling and approximations to balance vessel costs for career mode. Adjusted some parts' posotions on the research nodes to improve unlocking scheme. Shuttle should be fully unlockable during the mid-to-late tech tree. Entire shuttle launch stacks may be expensive.

7. Added 2 agencies to give out career contracts. Also added Part testing contract modules to various parts, so you will see those offered as test contracts. May be challenging if entire shuttle is not unlocked.

You can find it on KerbalStuff - You can also follow the mod there to receive update emails when I post new versions. If anyone really has any issues downloading it from there let me know and I can post a mirror. You really shouldn't, though.

I added the agencies and part testing contracts, so please let me know how those are working, if they are working, etc. Also let me know how you think the costs are set on the parts. They unlock later in the tree and you should have lots of money by then, so it shouldn't be an issue, but I will take any feedback on that.

Like I said in an earlier post, there is still not complete FAR compatibility.

Let me know what you think.

(And now, the new shuttle won't be based on Explorer (I've only just messed around with the base model a small amount, so nothing is set in stone. I'll work on that more after a quick Novapunch update for career balancing.)

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It is not 64 bit compatible, i have crashes even before i enter the game (even with mem reduction, and deleted LARGE mods), with the 32 bit exe it works fine, but the tweakable support does miss a few things (cargo bay door, docking port extension). FAR and DR needs further testing but it flies kinda OP.

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It's literally impossible for it to not be 64bit compatible, you need to look in your logs to see what is causing the crash. I did 100% of my updating and testing on 64bit KSP, so it's definitely something on your end.

Like I specifically said, it is NOT FAR compatible, you need a completely new set of balance configs for that, and those do not exist.

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Additional testing suggests you are right, with a clean 24.2 install with only MJ, MM and your mod it worked fine. Some other weird issues i had was also nonexistent. Aside from the few missing tweakables, the CoM marker, prices, mass and thrust values get NaN displayed. I traced the problem to the radial Zenith booster, as it has many yellow warning, followed by a NullReferenceException in the debug log upon loading the prebuilt craft files.

Here is the log file for the errors http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=00008260453547344017

Edited by MilkDust
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Yeah it seems like you perhaps had an old version of the models installed. something named model.mu always seems to override a different name, so a stray file could have been loaded by a config file, and the errors caused by the old model not having the right objects that the config was looking for. Everyone should definitely do a clean install, the engine models were all updated. Not sure if I stated that in the readme or anything.

I guess no one else has had any issues so far? Has anyone played through career yet and started receiving Tiberdyne or KSA missions?

Oh I did notice I forgot to clean out the tiberdyne "extras" folder from inside Parts. It only had the cloned nosecones that work with Mechjeb2 and they still load without MJ installed. You can safely remove the folder if you arent using them though. They're still in the proper "Extras" folder in the zip file too, if you need them later.

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Well I get NaN in the Career mode Price thingy when i add and then right click on the Mark 4 Shuttle engine & RCS structure, And/or TS-25 Jupiter main engine cluster . Logs and all that funstuff below.


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Okey so after some tinkering and editing i changed the Part files and added electrical charge so its not NaN/0 and so far i think it fixed it =/. Is it a Collision with MM ? or a tweakable mod?

Edit#2 : Okey so in every part that had the line



name = ElectricCharge

amount = 0

maxAmount = 0


I changed to



name = ElectricCharge

amount = 0

maxAmount = 5


And that fixed it, For those that have the same problem as me, Download Notepad++ Take the entire Parts folder and drag it into Notepad++, it will ask if you really want to open 212 files, click yes, then Ctrl + F (word search) and then search for maxAmount = 0 You will get a "hit list" just doubble click each hit and then edit it =)

Edited by Sutima
Edit found out the reason (i think)
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Also check your "ShuttleExtras- See install notes" in the zip, the install notes States that i have to download "Mk3 IVA", TT left his mods to die with spaceport IIRC, and all your links are Outdated.

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Yep that is true, the mk3 cockpit mod is dead, I'll need to remove that. I don't think that old canada arm works either. So I'll probably just leave the MJ2 nosecones in there for next release.

I'll poke the configs to eliminate those nan errors too, I think those old empty electric charge containers can be removed, it was a workaround for when electricity was first introduced.

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All that use a part that had RESOURCE


name = ElectricCharge

amount = 0

maxAmount = 0


Even tho i changed it in the Part cfg it still show Nan/0 until i remove and put it back. By removing i mean click on it remove it by clicking in the part menu and then pick it from the part menu and put it back.

Basicly what you saw it the pictures from my first post.

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