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Kerbin City Community Project - Phase B - New Islands


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so how do yall do this? I like 3d modeling, but i cant texture and would like to learn in the context of Kerbin City so i can be a model maker for it. I have experience modeling in Autodesk Inventor, CATIA, and a bit of Solid Works...(thanks to my schools engineering program) If someone could walk me through building a building for KC that would be awesome

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Nothke, what do you think of a residential area with lots of low-detail houses? I could try to do that, since I'm not that good at high-detail stuff.

Edited by POTKC
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  TouhouTorpedo said:
Curses, looks like someone else had the same idea!

Ah well, still got a few unique ones I plan to try out as well. :)

If you mean about the garage, someone mentioned it as an idea on the thread, and a few people started building it xD I think Cooly also has one. Doesn't matter xD Less congestion is better.

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  nothke said:
If you mean about the garage, someone mentioned it as an idea on the thread, and a few people started building it xD I think Cooly also has one. Doesn't matter xD Less congestion is better.

nothke, please remove some messages from your inbox folder. I can't write to you =(

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  B787_300 said:
so how do yall do this? I like 3d modeling, but i cant texture and would like to learn in the context of Kerbin City so i can be a model maker for it. I have experience modeling in Autodesk Inventor, CATIA, and a bit of Solid Works...(thanks to my schools engineering program) If someone could walk me through building a building for KC that would be awesome

Texturing varies depending on what programs you use. There should be online tutorials.

  POTKC said:
Nothke, what do you think of a residential area with lots of low-detail houses? I could try to do that, since I'm not that good at high-detail stuff.

I wouldn't mind, but I suspect it depends on how much memory usage. Low density houses would make sense, but perhaps something like that could be left to the procedural cities mods.

IKD. Wouldn't mind having a few scattered around.


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  Tw1 said:

I wouldn't mind, but I suspect it depends on how much memory usage. Low density houses would make sense, but perhaps something like that could be left to the procedural cities mods.

IKD. Wouldn't mind having a few scattered around.


Man, it's cool =D

looks like typical russian countryside)) (just kidding)

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I just watched the progress-video and I think you should stay with that combined passenger/freight-airport, but without an integrated harbor,

a supplie-chain over the highway is much more realistic! :)

Since we are in the conception-phase for the following islands, I quickly took your layout-scetch and drew some things over it! :sticktongue:


My Ideas:

  • Moving the train-depot to to industrial area
  • No Freight-Airport
  • Instaed of the Airport and depot a large residential area, split into normal and a noble
  • splitting the commercial area in two
  • small island on the left as a designated Government-Area (Capitol, Memorials, Embassys

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  MrTheBull said:
Man, it's cool =D

looks like typical russian countryside)) (just kidding)

Since I dont have a clue about programming (except a little HTML and SQL in School) I dont know if that would be possible,

but i think blocks consisting of big houses like those might be good to generate procedural?

Maybe only 3 different models and multiple textures, for the different wall colors! :)


When we work with bumpmaps for the stucco (those decorational bits on the walls),

the polycount on those models can be really low (around 20-30)! :cool:

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  Mettwurst said:
I just watched the progress-video and I think you should stay with that combined passenger/freight-airport, but without an integrated harbor,

a supplie-chain over the highway is much more realistic! :)

Since we are in the conception-phase for the following islands, I quickly took your layout-scetch and drew some things over it! :sticktongue:


My Ideas:

  • Moving the train-depot to to industrial area
  • No Freight-Airport
  • Instaed of the Airport and depot a large residential area, split into normal and a noble
  • splitting the commercial area in two
  • small island on the left as a designated Government-Area (Capitol, Memorials, Embassys


The small island is supposed to be a university campus, but I didn't note it back then. I don't yet know about govenment district but most likely I'd do it in the downtown somewhere but separated so it can have big parks. So similar to your proposal but maybe a different island.

You shouldn't put a train depot there cause "in my head" there's a river =) Here is how I imagine the river is going: At least that's how it looks like, there are lakes, shallow areas and a big rift in the mountain. Looks like there used to be a river.


If we ever find out how to modify terrain PQSmods, the first thing I'll do is dig those passes and make a river there =)

Also my map was quite vague, residential and commercial are supposed to be mixed on the downtown island where commercial would be more dense in the south and residential in the north. The industry that's meant to be just over the canal is supposed to be like high tech manufacturing, no big pollution, and more polluting stuff on the north, on the edge of the city.

It's very nice that you're contributing to the masterplan, that's what I wanted everyone to do in the first place (for phase B), but looks like people prefer modeling =P

  MrTheBull said:
nope. 12

polygon is triangle.

Actually "polygon" is anything that is a surface of any number of vertices or edges. It can be a triangle or a quadrilateral or any n-gon.. But in 3d graphics when you say "polycount" or "polys" it is the same as triangles or "tris" cause all computer graphics made with mesh modeling is made with triangles cause when you have 3 vertices you know that the surface between them will lay in the same plane. so your question is confusing just like mixing polygon and triangle in computer graphics is.

Edited by nothke
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  nothke said:

You shouldn't put a train depot there cause "in my head" there's a river =) Here is how I imagine the river is going: At least that's how it looks like, there are lakes, shallow areas and a big rift in the mountain. Looks like there used to be a river.

If we ever find out how to modify terrain PQSmods, the first thing I'll do is dig those passes and make a river there =)

Ah, I see what you mean now! With those landforms, there's a pretty good case for a river, not just a tidal channel.

I didn't look at that scale in my analysis! Derp.

Well, there's a lot more data available on such things IRL.

The first thing I'd do with a terrain altering system is give airstrip island a gentle slope again..

  Mettwurst said:
I just watched the progress-video and I think you should stay with that combined passenger/freight-airport, but without an integrated harbor,

a supplie-chain over the highway is much more realistic! :)

My Ideas:

  • Moving the train-depot to to industrial area
  • No Freight-Airport
  • Instaed of the Airport and depot a large residential area, split into normal and a noble
  • splitting the commercial area in two
  • small island on the left as a designated Government-Area (Capitol, Memorials, Embassys

I'm liking these ideas, especially the thought of using the area for residential rather than an airport. But still needs some modifications worked out to ensure the river can flow.

Not sure about tucking the train depot away like that, depends how tight the line will be able to turn. It does need to pass by/through the central station.

Curves haven't been tested with Railway mod's parts in KSP yet, (But look good in Unity), so I can't say what the minimum radius will be.

It would sense for the depot to be better linked to the industrial areas.

Actually, I've got a spare minute, I'll do a quick ideas diagram.

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  nothke said:
You shouldn't put a train depot there cause "in my head" there's a river =) Here is how I imagine the river is going: At least that's how it looks like, there are lakes, shallow areas and a big rift in the mountain. Looks like there used to be a river.


I never though about a river on that place, but seeing that map it really makes sense! :)

Hopefully we'll get the opportunity to change the map, specially to get those bridge- and island-foundations right!

  nothke said:

Actually "polygon" is anything that is a surface of any number of vertices or edges. It can be a triangle or a quadrilateral or any n-gon.. But in 3d graphics when you say "polycount" or "polys" it is the same as triangles or "tris" cause all computer graphics made with mesh modeling is made with triangles cause when you have 3 vertices you know that the surface between them will lay in the same plane. so your question is confusing just like mixing polygon and triangle in computer graphics is.

Like my Father said; you never stop learning :)

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It was going to be quick, but I kinda landscape architect'd out a little, and went on and came up with a park system, buffer zones, and stuff like that. Government buildings can be in, or around that central park.


(Clicking this will eventually get you to a larger version. )

I took the rail alignment in one of Nothke's earlier diagrams, and modified it a little, so it could end closer to the port, and industrial.

Central Railway ended up in a position kind a similar to where it would've been if I had gone and build it for simcity all those years ago.

I didn't come up with much for the residential area, apart from pointing out that the river needs a clear link to the sea.

It is 12:30am here, and I have got hundreds of uni assignment words to write before 4pm...

Edited by Tw1
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From watching nothke's video, one of the concerns is the depth of water upon which the islands and bridges are built. Would it be feasible to add a seabed to the whole thing to give it a more realistic depth, and give the islands more realistic slopes into the water?

If the residential areas could have a subway connection to the train depot, that would be nice.

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  Tw1 said:

Government buildings can be in, or around that central park.


Great Idea, I like it! :D

How About we mix some research-buildings into the University-Island?

Rocketengine-Laboratories, New-Fuel, Solar Panels, lots of Stuff to do research on!

I already got some cool ideas for some Buildings! :cool:

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  colmo said:
Would it be feasible to add a seabed to the whole thing to give it a more realistic depth, and give the islands more realistic slopes into the water?

That would be my Idea to, doesn't need to be any detailed,

only 2 slopes from the two costs down and a flat plane as the ground? :)

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A simple house:


I've counted 33 tris, might be a bit more if I add more detail, let's say 40. So a residential area with 20 of these would have 800 tris. Add some more for benches, signposts, fences and additional decoration - you've got 1000 to 1200 tris. With different textures and bump maps this could turn out quite pretty.

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