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The Internet norms you despise.


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As in all social circles there are also norms on the internet, and sometimes, those norms are the most annoying,

down-right idiotic things we see, and we are all going to complain like our asses where on fire about them right here.

So, let's get some things straight before we go:

1.) Defending a norm Everyone is different, some people are likely to dislike what you use on a daily-basis, don't get offended and take it personal, don't respond to them defending what ever it might be they are talking about (it's a thing on the internet; it doesn't deserve the energy from someone defending it.) These are people with their own opinion and they should have the right to have said opinions. Plus, they are only humans corresponding across the internet, you shouldn't even care in the first place.

2.) Groups and people in general Groups and people are not norms, that means groups like bronies, and people like children on the internet, Are NOT to receive ANY sort of hate on this thread what-so-ever! If I spot any sort of hate on this thread I will immediately ask a moderator to lock this thread, I ask anyone who sees any bashing of groups or people to do the same thing! Come on, these are the kerbal space program forums, we ought to be mature enough to not bash another group of people.

3.) In case the thread gets locked. I don't even know if this thread is going to be allowed to exist, it treads a fine line between being hate and simple expression of opinion, I wouldn't be surprised if it was to get locked now or later because the moderators deemed it to be a bad thread. This is their domain, they do not answer to us, they simply moderate. If the thread grows big and is then suddenly locked do not cause an up-roar, it honestly isn't worth it.

That is all, on a last note, this is supposed to be a thread where we just let our hearts out when it comes to norms on the internet, please, do not let this turn into a cockfight, we all see things differently, we a bound to have our differences, and as ironic as this request is, I still request that we tolerate each others opinions, please.

That is all that, spill your opinions to your hearts content (if the thread survives any way) and lift what little weight it might have on your chest.

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I'm not offended by this thread merely the fallacy in the first place, I think it's important to talk about things that bother us.

Aye. Even as a boy, I think that the idea that there are no girls on the internet not only is offensive, but also defies basic logic.

Anyway, what really grinds my gears about the internet is the amount of racial and homophobic slurs thrown around. Things like the F word and S word I don't mind, but words that you can lose your job for saying? It just makes me pumped, not only because they are offensive, but also because when you say them because you can, that just makes you a childish jerk.

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Thank you for bringing up the homophobia... I may have mentioned around here once or twice I am in a relationship with another woman, so I am especially bothered by the casual homophobia on the internet, but really I hope I would be just as offended if I were straight.

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i haven't liked the internet much since about the end of the 90s when normal non-geek types started using it.

im really starting to have an issue with kickstarter. flaky promises covering up what essentially is a giant money sink, only to bring products which are so expensive due to lack of mass production.

individual mod makers with donation buttons also annoy me. i do modding because its a hobby that almost never costs anything (unlike electronics, or rc choppers, or (the irony) my most expensive hobby, lego), now people want to be paid for doing their hobbies. sometimes i think the money goes to all the dope they are smoking. people almost never did this back in the quake modding world. modding communities are different though, since they need to pay for hosting and stuff.

another thing that pisses me off is online stores that do not tell you how much shipping will cost (or even what provider they use) before you give them all your information. i live in a rural area and prefer shipping through the post office, which is the like 4x cheaper than any other service, but you usually have to create an account just to figure how much shipping will cost.

online video players that suck under low bandwidth conditions. a couple years ago i only had a 1 megabit connection. youtube worked fine, but any other video provider almost always had stuttering and buffering that doesn't buffer enough stuff to allow continuous play. i dont mind hitting play, then pause and wait for it to buffer a couple minutes before continuing, but then the thing only buffers like 10 seconds of video before stopping. im at 4megabit now so this is less of a problem. you think they would test these things under low bandwidth conditions.

social networking. in my day (mid to late 90s) you wanted a website and didnt have any cash you would go to one of several ad supported systems that gave you a small bit of webspace. you could then throw up some html, insert some banner code (if you didnt they would do it for you and make your page look ugly). you could even run little scripts and stuff on some of those services, i had a little asteroids clone applet on mine. that was how we did personal websites back in the day. its also how you knew who your fellow geeks were. as crude an unfriendly as that system was it worked. needless to say someone introduced me to myspace, and found that while you were greatly restricted to a common interface, it was a way to sidestep the whole creation process one had to go through to get their face on the internet. for awhile i played along, you could still tweak the style sheets so you could do some customization, but it still sucked. it really doesnt do anything for your social life either, it just gives you the illusion that you have one. i stopped updating my profile and went to more bars, then i deleted it.

decline of instant messaging has bugged me for awhile. i keep pidgin running with 3 or 4 accounts. though i always question why. i never talk to anyone on there. you never meet people through it anymore. this was kind of the result of it turning into a spam channel.

email is pretty much useless, but you have to keep accounts around to accomplish anything on the internet. well i guess you can log in with another account now, but you still encounter the form element tagged email. now all the email providers want me to have a cell phone for this 2 factor security. i dont like cell phones. the reason i got on the internet on the first place is because i dont like phones. now you have to have a cell phone to use the internet. thats a cult i will never join. id sooner move to the woods and eat squirrels for a living.

people under the age of 30. nuff said. i think they should get their own internet and have a big firewall between it and my internet.

get off my lawn!

Edited by Nuke
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I'm in my mid-thirties, started on the internet in the mid nineties, had my lovely little ad supported website on angelfire and even I look at that rant and go WOW

online video players that suck under low bandwidth conditions. a couple years ago i only had a 1 megabit connection. youtube worked fine, but any other video provider almost always had stuttering and buffering that doesn't buffer enough stuff to allow continuous play. i dont mind hitting play, then pause and wait for it to buffer a couple minutes before continuing, but then the thing only buffers like 10 seconds of video before stopping. im at 4megabit now so this is less of a problem. you think they would test these things under low bandwidth conditions.

This part however... this part.... for years I was on a 3/4 mbit connection, and youtube played fine. Now I've got a 6 mbit connection and it stutters and buffers and GRRRRRRRR

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Regarding YouTube sucking on huge bandwidth connections: Do an end run around the BS and install this:


I run Firefox JUST to do YouTube. I download the videos and then watch them in my favorite video player that actually works the way I want it to instead of the way they want to let me do it.

Regarding the Internet in general:

I hate it when people block images from hotlinking. You're participating in the largest infomation sharing system in all of Human History, and you're mad that people are trying to share the information you put on it. Inevitably someone points out that the company is just trying to make money and I'm taking their stuff for free, and to them I point out that THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE INTERNET! It's not here so you can make money. It's here so people can make an interconnected web of information. Sometimes I miss 1995.


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Advertising on myriad sites that used to have no advertising at all, examples: various email providers, Google, Youtube, various wikias, various gaming forums, etc., etc.

I predict that in 5 years (or less) the Internet will be like watching TV was in the late 1980s (around the time I stopped watching TV altogether)--a mind-numbing cavalcade of very creative, head-turning advertising, interspersed with the occasional glimpse of whatever it is you were actually seeking to view. I think I might have watched a sum total of 40 hours of TV [not counting movies] since 1989, and 37 hours of that was when I was in a traveling on business and either did not have a laptop or did not have a game on a laptop that I wanted to play, so had no choice but to watch a hotel TV.

There are still a few enclaves of true Internet left: sites like this, Wikipedia, a small number of diffuse special-interest sites. Other than that, the multi-nationals and 'entrepreneurs' continue their slow inexorable acquisition and shifting of the culture to suit their symbiotic parasitism with consumers.

This actually makes me rather sad. A service like Youtube is rather exceptional. It allows the average Joe and Sally to be creative and it allows people of like interests to communicate and share. There is also a lot of history on Youtube, and one might even go so far as to say it is a sort of 'digital archive' of the late 20th century and even earlier. But instead of retaining those pure features it is of course, like all good things being overrun with advertising.

Edited by Diche Bach
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Ok so this turned in what i hate on the internet.


1. Grammar Freaks, English isnt my first language, and iam slowly improving my knowledge in it, but people keeps harrasing me for improper grammar, wich discourages me from learning it, because to me it sometimes feels like english people are douchebags.

2. Advertisements that even addblock cant block.

3. False moralism and hipocrites, but thats not only internet thats just people.

4. CAPTCHA. I hate it! This thing is the stupidest, most annoing, ****ing bul**** on internet.

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The thing that annoys me the most is how people do not understand what internet is. Since it has become accessible to the non geek public it has become more social. People treat it as a right to access it. A few months ago our city was upgraded to fiberglass internet. We got a few letters, was posted in the local newspapers and was mentioned on the local television that internet may be slow or inaccessible because of testing and migrating the internet.

A lot of people (including my little brother) where furious about this. Someone denied them the access to the internet! How dare they... Yet these people have absolutely no idea how the internet works(or what it is). That feels kind of weird to me. We need to get a drivers licence to show we know how traffic and the rules that come with it works. But on the internet, where we do our communications, our agenda's and our financial management(!!) We do not give a damn abut how it works and what it is doing. A lot of people use the internet daily. On the job or at home. But I am sure that at least 80% of all the internet users never stand still and ask them self how internet work. For these people they got the mouse, the screen, the keyboard and 'the box that does magic'.

A few weeks ago there was a story about a 14-16 year old girl who was bullied into suicide on the internet. This of course is very tragic. But what struck me is that she had absolutely no real connection to the bullies. Before the internet you had a connection to your bullies. They either lived in your neighbourhood or where in your school class. You had no choice but to deal with it. Yet on the internet it is just a simple action. Close the web browser and do something else. It is almost as if she felt it was her human right to visit that page with the bullies.

The internet is taking over our lives more and more and we all do not care about it. Either because it is ignorance or because it is convenience. Another story :

A few months ago I kinda rolled into a relationship. During work I introduced my girlfriend to a colleague of mine. My colleague tilted he head a bit to the right, looked at me and my girl and said "But facebook says you don't have a girlfriend". I was dumbfounded. She believed the internet more than what I personally told her.

We need to treat the internet as a tool again. A great network to share and collaborate on scientific and technical subjects. For that purpose it was designed. when timBL designed the HTTP protocol that was his idea. To share information from different systems on one network. Not to post pictures of your food.

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1. Grammar Freaks, English isnt my first language, and iam slowly improving my knowledge in it, but people keeps harrasing me for improper grammar, wich discourages me from learning it, because to me it sometimes feels like english people are douchebags.

We notice the noticeable. Those people harassing you are abnormal, and just trying to make themselves feel better. Humans are naturally kind, and one of the few creatures that go out of their way to help total strangers, even to the point of risking their lives. We will even go out of our way to save members of other species, which I think says something remarkable about how we think. Almost all of us help another creature at some point.

Noticing the noticeable is something that will probably never be taken out of our society, as all living things are meant to react to the most "noticeable" stimuli. It does help for survival on many occasions for almost all creatures, but on other occasions, it can lead to things like racism and sexism in human society. We all notice the woman who drives her car off the bridge into the river, but we all tend to forget what could possibly be thousands of women that crossed that bridge, all driving politely and safely. This is something we all do, no matter what.

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People who insist on using improper grammar and spelling.

Over the internet, all you have to express yourself with is your words. Why seem like a simpleton when it takes very little effort to at least try to achieve some degree of propriety in your posts?

And if carrying yourself with dignity isn't important to you, future employers or even current friends/ family can see what you type online. You might as well attempt to seem literate for the sake of continuity.

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it seems this what somewhat of a failure, people still talked about other people in the negative sense, and that wasn't the purpose of the thread.

I'm going to request a lock now, maybe it wasn't a good idea in the first place, talking negative about things is only going to create more negativity.

Anyways, it was fun while it lasted, stay positive.

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