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[0.21] ICBM Launch Silo


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I found a bug when ever i have this mod installed and i try to launch a ship on launch kerbin disappears and gets replaced with The blue ball?

Any suggestions?

I wasn't able to reproduce the bug, could you tell me, what you did before, what may have caused the bug?

Feel free to PM me...

Also, It's propably something with the kerbtown tools, I will ask raz, If I don't find any answer.



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I figured out how to fix the ship not appearing in map view problem, just use a probe core on the warhead, If you don't the game treats it like debris and doesn't show it in map view.It also may be related to the fact that the root part is the first stage fuel tank and not a probe core/command pod.

Edited by DarthVader
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So now, that the R-36M is nearly finished, I've started working on a Silo for it.

Some first pictures of the opening animation:





For the ones, who have problems with the R-36M, report them to me with PM.



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The R-36M seems a bit OP. Unless its supposed to crash into teh mun at 6 KM/S?

Also, it has no generator so it dies quickly.

I agree, only the first stage and half of the second stage are necessary to go three quarters of the way around Kerbin, and I start getting re-entry effects at 8 kilometers, running at full throttle with two thirds fuel left in the first stage.

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it's slightly overpowered(much). I haven't had time to test and edit the cfg's this week (+weekend), so I have to do that next week.

But the texture is ok for everyone else?

PS: you can already use the R-36M as carrier rocket... Just put a decoupler on the top of the warhead. It should have enough delta-V to get a sattelite into a 500km orbit...



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Themorris, I can play around with the .cfg values to make it more realistic and send it to you if you want...

You can send it to me, I might use it, if it's good.

I haven't had much time at the weekend, but maybe this week.

thanks for the offer


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Amazing, I was thinking about something like this and how it could be done with the terrain. I'm immediately going to try this, fun time! :D I think I'm going to create something like Thunderbird 3 from the Thunderbirds. That would be awesome... Now I think about it... we could recreated the whole Thunderbirds scene with KerbTown. :D

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Somewhat related are my missiles for the submarine I'm working on. Themorris once I release this you might be able to adapt one of your cool missiles to use the code. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24845-Boat-Parts-Carrier-Parts-R3-UPDATED!/page91 I didn't want to link the video directly in here without asking but the link above is to my thread, the video is on that page.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That would be great! But first some updates:

I've finished the modeling of the R-36M silo, but didn't have the time to import it into unity and set the animations, but I think I can do it next week. Also I want to start modeling the Minuteman III. (Ok I've already collected some reference data and started doing correct sized raw model, but the non-metric units are driving me crazy!) Until then, I'll perhaps post some pics of that...



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That's somehow strange... I thought I uploaded it as a .zip file...

I will take a look at it. If you are able to unpack it, it's just like any other mod, drag the gamedata folder into your ksp folder.



well, since it is a .rar, it wont download.

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