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Mods you think should become vanilla ksp

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The fustek station parts expansion. They look amazing.

KASPAR packs just 'cause I want to grab containers, open up little airlocks and put the supplies in there like a dubmwaiter. Then take out the waste products, load them onto my garbage capsule and drop it into the atmosphere to burn up. Just like real life.

TAC fuel balancer...or a better version of it or something. It kinda bothers me how slow and imprecise it is in vanilla to move fuel about between parts or sections of a ship.

Magic Smoke Industries' stuff 'cause I likes me some robotic parts, hinges and spinny wasters and stuff....not to mention the thing they're working on with landing gear, where you can raise and lower them individually.

Kerbal Attachment System 'cause it just adds more depth to EVA, grabbing things, hookin' stuff up to other stuff. A game like this can always benefit from having more depth of gameplay.

There's a few more, but my response is gettin' kinda long...not that that's shut me up before, but whatevs. Wee~

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ISA MaptSat - More science = more fun

Kethane Pack - If Kethane is not last material and its scan method will change into ISA scan style with searching for some hints of methane and then surface probing and collecting samples = OK

Ion cross crew support - It is obvious isn't it = Kerbals needs to breath something so it needs to be in there

Rocketry - Not necesseraly in state it is but for sure bigger sizes of parts which KSP needs pretty bad

MechJeb"like" - Not directly MechJeb at first, but some primitive version of programable like kOS mod which you could develop into something like MechJeb

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  Khalashnikovf said:
ISA MaptSat - More science = more fun

Kethane Pack - If Kethane is not last material and its scan method will change into ISA scan style with searching for some hints of methane and then surface probing and collecting samples = OK

Ion cross crew support - It is obvious isn't it = Kerbals needs to breath something so it needs to be in there

Rocketry - Not necesseraly in state it is but for sure bigger sizes of parts which KSP needs pretty bad

MechJeb"like" - Not directly MechJeb at first, but some primitive version of programable like kOS mod which you could develop into something like MechJeb

On Autopilots:

I think an autopilote would hurt the game a lot. It actually pretty much negates a big part of the game and as we all know people tend to use the tools they have at their disposal as efficient as possible so chances are most people would use it all the time. Which woul lead to the game beeing boring within a short amount of time. At least thats how i play games - i dont create random restrictions myself. From my point of view using an autopilot in KSP and arguing with the random arguments ppl use is like saying "Yeah i play Call of Duty in SP with an aimbot because im more into the walking arround part of the game".

The real reason is probably that most people think its too difficult to pilote their rockets and give up. And i have to admit i have played a lot of games and "learning" KSP actually consumes a lot of time. KSP doenst need to get easier - its actually not that hard - but there have to be way better tutorials to teach people the basics and functions in a motivating way that wont overwhelm them. There are some good youtube-tutorials etc. but its hard to find them amongst all the other KSP videos.

On the other hand as i said in a nother thread i would have no problems with an "autopilot" that has to be "programmed" in KSP by the user specifically for each built rocket. That would actually be realistic. An Autopilot that is made by a third person and can do anything even launches that shouldnt be possible is not realistic (just to counter the but NASA does it - no they dont have an autopilot programmed by one random person that works for every single rocket etc.)

Mods i would add:

- most of the mods for new parts that are balanced

- procedural parts mods

- im not sure about the better aerodynamics mod (Ferram Aerospace Research)

- lights mods

Things that need to be in the game:

- Chatter Mod

- Kerbal Engineering Data things

- Alarm Clock mod

- Part organizing mod

Edited by SpaceHole
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Generally speaking I think not *entire* mods are needed in the stock game but rather some subsets of things mods do are needed. Most mods do more than just one thing such that including the entire mod in the stock game might be overkill.

For example, the entire detailed readouts and scientific analyses of something like Mechjeb or Kerbal Engineering data is probably a bit much, but at least being able to see the really BASIC stats about a sub-assembly (the sum of all parts in this stage is this many tonnes, and the sum of all thrust in this stage is this much.)

Along similar lines, and this isn't a mod but just a pet peeve... SHOW THE UNITS in the stats for things. The game will tell you, for example, that a Mainsail engine has a thrust of 1500, but it doesn't say 1500 *whats*, making it necessary to get Kerbal Engineering to tell my the TWR NOT because I'm incapable of calculating it myself, but because I wasn't given the information needed to do so. 100 Newtons isn't the same thing as 100 Tons of weight-force, or 100 pounds of force, etc. PUT units on things.

Similarly, the Alarm Clock mod. Not necessarily automated alarms on manuever nodes are needed in stock, to preserve the manual feel of the stock game, but the ability to simply pick any arbitrary time you like by clicking on a calendar timeline and set an alarm for it that will drop you out of timewarp if you happen to be in timewarp, and will give a chime would be good. As it is, in the stock game it's very hard to simulate a space program's realistic parallel operations. You tend to launch a years-long mission, timewarp to the destination, do a thing, and timewarp back home. A real space program would be doing other things in that intervening year but it's hard to do that in this game in stock because you'll miss your narrow window for important burns while doing something else.

The ability to transfer crew between parts of a vessel without EVA'ing them because they can tunnel INSIDE the craft. This is one of the things Crew Manifest had but it was too arbitrarily easy - allowing any kerbal to go to any part on the vessel, even moving through intervening fuel tanks and engines. What I have in mind is a more limited version of that that only allows transfer if there's a path to follow between the parts that goes entirely through 'crewfeed' capable sections. (It would work just like the crossfeed-capable flag but it would be a flag for the ability to transfer crew instead of fuel. Things like habitats and capsules and fuselages would be crewfeed-capable but engines, tanks, etc would not be.)

And again I have a similar response for TAC fuel balancer. The stock game was meant to have a lot of manual player involvement so implementing a perfect balancer may be a bit too much but at least give us a better system than there is now. Right now it's impossible to transfer anything precisely because you have to click the mouse on one button, then move it to a new button that only appears after clicking on the first, a centimeter away, and click it again in order to do fine movements and this just isn't precise enough The act of going click-move-click in the shortest humanly possible time still moves something like 15-30 units of fuel at once making it impossible to move just a BIT of fuel. Something allowing direct control in little bits would be better. Like instead of turning the flow on, moving to a new button, and turning it off give a method by which it's possible to click, hold-button-while-transfering, let-go to transfer, or open up a slider for the two tanks where you can move fuel with left/right cursor arrow keys. That's a lot easier to transfer precisely that way as you can "tap" a little fuel over with single quick clicks or key presses. So this is SORT of like TAC fuel balancer but not quite as automated.

And there are a few mods that have some sort of programmable autopilot (No I don't mean an autopilot someone else programmed, like Mechjeb, but a scripting language and API that provide the framework for a player to make their own autopilot programs), and while I really want to get into doing that (waiting for the next RemoteTech for this), I can see the argument against having it in the stock game. The number of players who enjoy programming will be small. The game needs to remain accessible to a larger audience.

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I would really like to see P fairings and Kw rocketry Pack in vanilla Ksp,because the Stock parts look generic and bland. The Three meter parts are so good,because it reduces part count and it contains more fuel and oxidizer so you don't have six or eight 2 m Rockomax 64x Fuel tanks strapped together and it increase Part count to a 100 or 200. The p fairings reduces part count.

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  SpaceHole said:
On Autopilots:"Yeah i play Call of Duty in SP with an aimbot because im more into the walking arround part of the game".

This would make sense if alt+f12 was not a stock part of the game.

For an X3:Terran Conflict (and I suppose Albion Prelude too) example, undock your ship into space, then type (with a capital T): Therewillbewings.

You have now enabled the "Manual Ship Computer Interface", basically a game scripting language that allows you to give yourself a fleet of destroyers and a bajillion credits in a few lines of code. All stock. Incidentally, "Makeanapplepiefromscratch" is a galaxy editor.

And yet, few people use them unless they are modding the game, or just can't be bothered with the grind. A bit like me when I use a certain controversial currently-not-stock mod for KSP that isn't even a cheat compared with "give me three billion credits, and bump my reputation up with all factions so everybody loves me".

TL;DR: If you don't want a mechjeb, don't fit one. Let the rest of us have fun.

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- Procedural Fairings

- Kerbal Alarm Clock, as is. I disagree with disallowing automated alarm clocks. Give player option to use these; let the player decide.

- Crew Manifest

- SelectRoot

- DockingPortAlignment

- Kerbal Scripts (KOS)

Edited by Apollo13
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Kerbal Alarm Clock (with all the features). The planetary transfer alarms are really useful, letting me focus on other things instead of having to check constantly for windows. The mod really changes your playstyle, letting you have multiple missions running at the same time.

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Kerbal Alarm clock: for keeping track of burn windows

KAS: Fuel transfer (you can have a kerbal grab the line and attach it to another vehicle like a fuel hose) and running a reusable space program (cranes and such for loading things)

B9: I love this part pack, making some big sexy IPV ships

Kethane: Give me something to do when Im out there in the void, harvest materials to make self sustaining outposts

Mechjeb: Real space ships have autopilots, you can either use it for full autopilot (which I do sometimes for starting transfer burns), or use it to set up your targets on the navball and fly manual. If you think they launch ships to the ISS manually your crazy.

Hooligan labs: Yes, the airships can be a bit cheaty, but the firespitter pack is fantastic for making all sorts of craft

Bobcats HOME modules: This is a fantastically sexy parts pack, in fact anything bobcat is awesome

Sub-assembly Loader: Would make it easier to make a series of lifters and choose whats appropriate for whatever you are trying to launch.

Life Support: Theres like 3 half decent life support mods, someone needs to pick and choose the best parts and make something sexy

Remote Tech Relay: Adds some realism to running probes, and forces me to set up a com network before I explore the stars.

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  Temerik said:
KAS: Fuel transfer (you can have a kerbal grab the line and attach it to another vehicle like a fuel hose) and running a reusable space program (cranes and such for loading things)

Good one. Stock really needs an easy way to transfer resources while on the ground. (docking while on the ground is a pain.)

I didn't include FAR or Kethane in my post because those (or similar behaviors) are already planned

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things like kethane and extraplanetary launch pads. parts (not all) of mechjeb, such as smart a.s.s., robotics features, autom8 (with better integration for controlling robotics, action groups, animations, sensor data, etc), but not any of the autopilots. also all of the procedural mods (wings, fairings, tanks).

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Sub-assembly Loader, mining and FAR-like air drag improvement is on the go, then I think some mechanical arm/piston/attachment system thing is a MUST to make complicated and functional structures (gates, robotic arm, etc)

Nothing else I can think up is as important as this

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I only have 3 mods I feel are must have regardless of anything else.

-B9 Aerospace Pack, which contrary to B9's own statements, does match the current feel of the KSC. It's pretty much just an expansion pack for stock KSP, and in the next update, it should be the top of the tech tree.

-Kethane, to be honest, is near 'bout perfect. If Squad today released it as the stock basis for all further resource expansions, I highly, extremely, doubt they could do better. Kethane's maker has hit the nail perfectly.

-Kerbal Attachment System, while not as perfect as the other two(look at your detachable fueling port), it's just so good. And like as been said by previous posters, it removes the massive difficulty of docking while landed to refuel.

Other than that, there's a few mods that would be nice to see added to the game, but these three? Squad, just add them and be done with it.

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  • Kethane (but needs some balancing to make it more desirable to build stationary or semi-stationary mining stations instead of just adding drills to your landers, my Kethane SSTO planes have infinite range because they can always land on a moon and refuel)
  • KAS because it adds an entire dimension to playing with physics
  • Infernal Robotics for the same reason (but really all that's needed is some basic hinge(s))
  • Procedural fairings (procedural parts in general)
  • Lazor Cam (no need to restrict it to docking ports)
  • B9 for more variety in aircraft (but I would prefer procedural parts instead of having different parts for slightly different items or different sizes)

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I think that the game will became more realistic so:

-Deadly Reentry

-crew Manifest

-Procedural Fairing

-Ferram Aerospace Researc

-generic crew life support (it's not a mod, I hope it will became a feature)


Those mods don't eat a lot of RAM too, so they may be implemented. I don't say that mods as Novapunch or B9 aren't so good, simply in a stock game they're VERY expensive in terms of resources (RAM, GPU, CPU...) and so they aren't accessible for everyone

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I think some people are misunderstanding the purpose of this thread. In my mind, at least, the OP is asking us to list mods we think belong in the stock game. Not just mods that we like. Then again this is an opinion question and other peoples' opinions are merely differing from my own which is not the same thing. Nevertheless, it is a mistake I would like to avoid, so I want to just be clear that I am listing mods I think should be in the stock game. Even if they are mods I use and like, they may not necessarily fit the utility or aesthetics of the stock game, so I do not list them here. A good example in my mind is the B9 and Firespitter packs.

Anyway, now that I have that disclaimer out of the way, I think the mod I would like to see most in the stock game is procedural fairings. It is such a deceptively simple mod, but makes rockets seem so realistic and clean-looking. On their own, however, that's about all they add. There are some tweaks I would make: I would like to be able to customize how many fairing segments can be placed, and I would like to see the fairings reduce physics load in some way. I know there was a massive debate recently about whether fairings should disable part physics entirely for payloads inside the fairing. I'm not so sure about that, but I do think a partiall implementation or compromise is possible. Finally, I would like to see fairings improve the aerodynamics of the rocket, a la FAR, which helps me segue into my next choice of mod...

...Ferram Aerospace Research (FAR) would be cool to see at least a partial implementation. I don't think the myriad readouts and ability to select specific control surfaces for secific tasks are really necessary for the stock game, and would be better served as a mod in and of itself. I'm sure this is on the way, as the devs are well aware of the limitations of their current aerodynamic model. I also figure that the implementation of this will either accompany or shortly precede the implementation of deadly reentry, which I would also like to see implemented.

I know Mechjeb is a point of contention among people so please do not take this next paragraph to be an entry in the ongoing Mechjeb debate one way or the other. I use, and enjoy Mechjeb, but like FAR I feel that some of the features it offers are outside the scope of the stock game. We don't really need all of the readouts or preprogrammed routines that it offers, but I think some capacity to select crew members to automatically execute certain tasks based on their skill level is not only consistent with the theme and premise of the game, but has been specifically mentioned by HarvesteR to be at the very least a considered feature.

Kethane and Extraplanetary Launchpads provide a lot of options for players to design their own missions, and incentive to colonize and occupy other worlds. Because of this, I think they are some of the most important mods in the game, and absolutely would have a place in stock.

ISA Mapsat similarly provides some things for players to do. I think the ability to generally glean information about a planet by sending probes there is also an important part of spaceflight, and therefore KSP.

I have not listed all of the mods I think should be stock, because others have already listed some of the obvious ones like docking cam or engineer redux. These were the biggest ones I could think of, and the ones I wanted to most provide my input about.

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  Beeman said:
The fustek station parts expansion. They look amazing.

KASPAR packs just 'cause I want to grab containers, open up little airlocks and put the supplies in there like a dubmwaiter. Then take out the waste products, load them onto my garbage capsule and drop it into the atmosphere to burn up. Just like real life.

TAC fuel balancer...or a better version of it or something. It kinda bothers me how slow and imprecise it is in vanilla to move fuel about between parts or sections of a ship.

Magic Smoke Industries' stuff 'cause I likes me some robotic parts, hinges and spinny wasters and stuff....not to mention the thing they're working on with landing gear, where you can raise and lower them individually.

Kerbal Attachment System 'cause it just adds more depth to EVA, grabbing things, hookin' stuff up to other stuff. A game like this can always benefit from having more depth of gameplay.

^^ THIS x2!!


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