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dumbest missions


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My dumbest mission I started yesterday, take a ship to Jool with a probe for each moon, I ran out of fuel before I've even got an intercept but luckley (or not) I fitting 4 emergency Ion engines, 2 hours burn to just get an intercept, this is going to be interesting getting it into an orbit.

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Making my first mission to Moho manned, without sending any kind of probe there first to make sure I knew what I was getting into. Hoo boy, was that "fun"...

In a previous save, I also had a kethane miner / transporter that burned far more fuel on a round trip to and from the surface than it carried to the station, which sort of defeated the purpose of having it. I ended up just junking the design entirely.

one of the reasons why Minmus is such a nice place to mine Kethane.

For me it would have to be when I tried to go to Duna and figured out how much Delta V i would need if i burnt directly at it. Good times when you thought you could go to a different planet by buring at it.

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Failed landing on the Mun. Sent rescue ship, but it had no ladder and I used all the fuel in the suits to get to the ship by hopping. Sent a third ship to the moon, it tipped over and was too far away to be of any help. Fourth ship crashed. Fifth as well. Sixth landed close enough to rescue a few of the guys. Seventh crashed. I think that was when I gave up.

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I don't think it's dumb... just not really possible for me at this time... without docking ports that can rotate to get things alined...


I wanted an array of 9 of these... with those power and xenon gas modules between them. Each of the 9 have 4 ion engines. It was going to be my last nearly forever... go anywhere in the system repeatable taxi...



Getting things to line up proved impossible for me. While the xenon power modules don't really need to be alined ... each of the 9 cores with engines have to all be pointed in the same direction... and so I've tabled the idea for now... I'm waiting for the game to either add stock rotating parts or for 1.0 to come so I can get mods that I can be confident won't break at the drop of a hat.

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I took a ship to the Mun and decided I would rather visit Minmus. Burnt most of my fuel doing so before then landing in two locations on Minmus (flag in each) before burning for home. Waste of fuel but I had more than enough.

Funnily enough my prior mission was even dumber, I used the same rocket as the above Minmus mission to do just one Mun landing and failed to get back to Kerbin due to a poorly thought out return path which ate ALL my fuel, only getting me to 400,000km.

I have no idea how I failed to return on the shorter mission and succeeded on the inefficient longer mission with two landings, using the SAME rocket! I could even have docked and done a rescue with the second mission but forgot, even though I meant to do so, I had that much fuel left!

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Current project in progress: massive Mun Train.

Also my space program has a long history of landing rovers on their tails. Still working that one out.

Dunno, if you use mechjeb or not, but that souonds like you have your control pod in the wrong orientation.

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I don't think it's dumb... just not really possible for me at this time... without docking ports that can rotate to get things alined...


I wanted an array of 9 of these... with those power and xenon gas modules between them. Each of the 9 have 4 ion engines. It was going to be my last nearly forever... go anywhere in the system repeatable taxi...



Getting things to line up proved impossible for me. While the xenon power modules don't really need to be alined ... each of the 9 cores with engines have to all be pointed in the same direction... and so I've tabled the idea for now... I'm waiting for the game to either add stock rotating parts or for 1.0 to come so I can get mods that I can be confident won't break at the drop of a hat.

Obviously you're using all stock, but if you use Hydrojeb and go all manual, you can set the cameras on the docking ports to ensure proper alignment.

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Dunno, if you use mechjeb or not, but that souonds like you have your control pod in the wrong orientation.
I had this problem for a while too...two words: roll bars.

It was a design flaw, my rovers were basically inline at the top of their lander and had to tilt over to unload them. Pretty stupid :)

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The station itself wasn't bad, but that antenna on the end...... It took two launches to put it up there, and then it took my station from being decent to fly near to just being an impossible lagfest. I actually had to abandon that station just because there was too much lag for me to get rid of that antenna.

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Burning directly up and not retrograde during my first mun landing was an experience.

Oh yeah, and that one time I jettisoned all my engines from my station so it would be more aesthetically pleasing. Several LKO rescue missions ensued.

And of course, I have to throw in the moment I realized a mun lander could be under 240 parts.

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I'd be happy to try to work with you on this one, I'm looking to set up a Mun-wide network of things in general myself.

any input at this point would be good...seriously need an answer. I am also trying to rescale my duna plane but the atmosphereless plane is still my holy grail


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First trip to Minmus, I understood pro an retrograde markers and used maneuver nodes. However I did not know about trusting sideways from orbit.So I aimed at Minmus and after entering Minmus SOI I found I was on impact path. I tried to use the nodes to increase or reduce speed but would hit anyway, so I decided to brake anyway and almost landed, yes I thought about it but it was an probe, tank and LV-N so it would not work well, I got an ballistic trajectory I was able to make into an orbit :)

Second was my trip to Moho without meeting it close to Pe in solar orbit, intercept speed was 6Km/s so I landed instead.

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maybe no dumb but we've all tried it at one time or another...you know what I'm talking about yes trying to get to space by strapping stage after stage of Srb's together...

That's not dumb, that's just being like Jeb!

I did the same thing once also, then I said to myself "I wonder if I can get a Kerbol escape with these" after about an hour of adding more boosters, I finally succeeded. I forgot the name of the Kerbal on that ship, but he seemed pretty happy about it!

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I managed to land Bob on the wrong side of Kerbin, and got the bright idea to create a mission to go get him. I thought I'd do a quick suborbital flight to get there, but since my precision landings aren't, I thought it'd be a good idea to bring a solar powered rover along to cover the remaining distance. This led to a few rover tests at the pad, then a few straight up shots to test the parachutes. I put the rover on the top of the launch vehicle and finally took off, went up and got a suitable trajectory. I detached the rover (it had a command module on it with the Kerbal inside) and I did a spectacular reentry with the rover, parachuted down, and landed 30km from Bob. I was feeling very pleased, and happy that I'd remembered to have two seats on the rover. Then it dawned on me that I'd completely forgotten the return journey and would just have Two Kerbals on the wrong side of the planet. Bah.

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I managed to land Bob on the wrong side of Kerbin, and got the bright idea to create a mission to go get him. I thought I'd do a quick suborbital flight to get there, but since my precision landings aren't, I thought it'd be a good idea to bring a solar powered rover along to cover the remaining distance. This led to a few rover tests at the pad, then a few straight up shots to test the parachutes. I put the rover on the top of the launch vehicle and finally took off, went up and got a suitable trajectory. I detached the rover (it had a command module on it with the Kerbal inside) and I did a spectacular reentry with the rover, parachuted down, and landed 30km from Bob. I was feeling very pleased, and happy that I'd remembered to have two seats on the rover. Then it dawned on me that I'd completely forgotten the return journey and would just have Two Kerbals on the wrong side of the planet. Bah.

It's the little things that can really annoy you in this game. For example, guess what happens when you try send a Kerbal on a sub-orbital hop... and you forget to set the launch clamps to deploy after the engines fire.

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