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[1.0.2] Navball docking alignment indicator v7


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  RoboRay said:
That would be redundant.

The prograde marker already shows you your relative lateral velocity by its position... If it's to the right of your target, you're moving towards the right relative to your target. If it's below your target, you're moving downward relative to your target. You can infer the rate of the lateral component of your velocity by the distance between the markers in respect to your total relative velocity displayed at the top.

Fair enough. I didn't really think about that. Also, my scheme wouldnt work for the forward/backward relative motion which seems to be the only information missing I guess.

Edit: Maybe I'm missing something, as I've mentioned that I use Romfarers plugin even though I have your's installed as well. I'm trying to ween myself off the docking camera :) The docking camera shows relative orientation, in addition to relative velocity. The NavBall docking indicator only shows relative velocity? In either case, there should be a set of directional vectors missing compared to the docking camera, right? If this is the correct interpretation, than perhaps my suggestion could still be useful to indicate the missing set of vectors.

Anyway, if I'm way off base, please disregard my comments. I'm at work, and can't really log in to check how the two systems actually work.

Edited by Desrtfox
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AFAIK, docking involves 9 degrees of freedom:

- Rotation relative to the target, as indicated by the alignment indicator position and roll on the navball

- Velocity relative to the target, as indicated by the target velocity marker position on the navball and total target velocity number above the navball

- Position relative to the target, as indicated by the target position marker on the navball and displayed target distance

Thus, all information is provided when using just stock KSP with this Plugin. Well, except for singularities.

The most annoying singularity is when the forward velocity is close to 0 m/s. Then, the target velocity marker is invisible, dancing around or at the very edge of the navball, making it unusable. I usually fight this by constantly 'keeping in motion'.

A similar singularity would exist when the distance approaches 0, but at that point you're basically docked, anyway.

Fighting this singularity would be possible by using the 'forward velocity independent target velocity marker' that I was talking about in an earlier post. Maybe I should make that plugin. Just for the sake of its name: Navball forward velocity independent target velocity marker. Yeah, by this time you can probably guess what my Vessels are usually named like.

Edit: There are, of course, 3 more degrees of freedom: The relative rotational velocity of the ship you're docking with. I think if that is not 0 from the beginning, you're screwed anyway :P

Edited by mic_e
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  Desrtfox said:
Fair enough. I didn't really think about that. Also, my scheme wouldnt work for the forward/backward relative motion which seems to be the only information missing I guess.

If the Prograde marker is directly on the Target marker, the Relative Velocity displays the actual closure rate.

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Excellent mod, its what I always wanted from a docking mod (no offense NavyFish).

Its a default ksp mod now.




works great

One request might me the opposite vector marker and ghost markers, but that might also be unnecessary as it is usually obvious which general direction the docking port is in.

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  • 1 month later...
  DerekL1963 said:
You'll have to be a bit more specific than that... because your image appears to show them being correctly handled.

I believe his picture shows how the Docking Port Alignment Indicator shows it correctly, but the Navball doesn't show the COM in the right place. Sadly what appears to be a bug with this mod is actually a problem with the base game that I do not know is solvable. Well, I'm sure it's solvable but I don't know how hard it would be to change the way the game renders the target on the Navball.

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Unfortunately I have to agree with 5th Horseman - while the Red Marker is drawn correctly (I think), the target marker, which is drawn by the stock game, is unfortunately wrong...

One way to fix this would be to prevent the stock game from drawing the target marker, and drawing it myself...

Drawing it myself wouldn't be a problem, but how to prevent the game from drawing it?

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The issue is far too minor to stress over. I use both indicators primarily because the NavyFish instrument is easier to use when the target is far away or offscreen and the Navball indicator is more precise when the range in very close. I pointed it out just in case it was an easy fix, and if its not keeping the ports parallel while swinging the camera around to do the final approach stock-style is still helpful.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  breakthrough said:
The issue is far too minor to stress over.

I don't think so... it's an issue that has personally bugged me even before you mentioned it, and, in fact, even before I wrote this mod. It can get really annoying to dock massive unbalanced craft such as space stations, and I'd really like to fix it, so if anyone can think of a reasonable way to remove the stock target marker, I'd very much appreciate it.

So far, the best thing I can come up with is 'replace the stock target marker texture with an empty/translucent texture, but tbh that'd be too intrusive for my taste.

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  mic_e said:
So far, the best thing I can come up with is 'replace the stock target marker texture with an empty/translucent texture, but tbh that'd be too intrusive for my taste.

If you add to that "And then put in my own target marker that looks exactly the same as the stock one but actually points at the thing we're targeting," then that doesn't sound intrusive at all.

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  • 1 month later...

I never took the time to mention this before, but this is a really useful plugin which I actually like better than NavyFish's version. They're both good, but I find when I'm already looking at the navball when docking it's a lot more convenient to just have the indicator there. I'm glad it works with 0.23.5! ;)

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MechJeb's docking AP is currently broken as it backs me up about 1 km from my space station before it starts in to dock. I can manually dock the stock game but it takes an age and often involves knocking off a solar panel here and there.

OK I thought, what else can help me to dock better? I found this, download/install, put my capsule about 20 meters off the station dock. Next, watch the navball, 4 fingers on the RCS keys and I just drove straight in for a perfect docking.

Amazing! Faster, simpler and more entertaining than AP docking. I highly recommend this utility, thanks.

Edit: Gosh, and I used only 3 units of monoprop as well!

Edited by Kaa253
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It took me a while to get the hang of this, but now that I get it it is extremely useful! Much like the enhanced Navball, this is just one of those things that deserve to be integrated in to the stock game :)

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