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Radially Attached Experimental Data Storage Container (New download link)


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  • 1 month later...

Hello this is my 1st post in KSP forums! :)

Okay I'm posting because I am confused as to amount of science results that each of your mod's containers can carry. Again, how much science results can each of your mod's containers carry EXACTLY? I ask because I often use spacecraft that regularly have the science lab module as a core part for storing my science results. The storage amount usually can run into the 100s!

For example, on my last playthrough my spacecraft with the science lab (named Skylab) I made a trip to Minmus to gather all science results and exhaust them to absolute completion. This trip I gathered Mystery Goo, Science Jr., Temp, and Surface Samples, 8 for each of these twice for Temp.

So with Minmus having 9 biomes plus 40 science results to gather from the above mentioned science parts I would have at minimum 360 science results in my Science Lab by the time my mission was completed. This count doesn't include global science results which would be 40 more altogether would make 400 science results!

So TLDR I'm simply asking how many of the mod's containers would I need for putting 400 science results in a delivery probe to return and recover at Kerbin rather than landing my Skylab down on Kerbin and recovering the whole spacecraft?

Also, how many science results can the mod's container carry exactly?

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  Rokkid said:
TLDR I'm simply asking how many of the mod's containers would I need for putting 400 science results in a delivery probe to return and recover at Kerbin rather than landing my Skylab down on Kerbin and recovering the whole spacecraft?

Welcome to the forums!

As far as I know, any part that has ModuleScienceContainer (such as this mod, but also includes the stock command pods) can hold an infinite number of unique results - you can't store, for example, two temperature readings from Minmus' Great Flats. The lab can store more than one non-unique result, but this mod doesn't.

But the good news is that you can change it if you want! Just add the line "allowRepeatedSubjects = True" under the line "storageRange = 1.3" in the part.cfg.

TL;DR - you'll only need one. If you want to store more than one result from the same experiment and place, you'll need to either edit the cfg or use more than one.

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
Welcome to the forums!

As far as I know, any part that has ModuleScienceContainer (such as this mod, but also includes the stock command pods) can hold an infinite number of unique results - you can't store, for example, two temperature readings from Minmus' Great Flats. The lab can store more than one non-unique result, but this mod doesn't.

But the good news is that you can change it if you want! Just add the line "allowRepeatedSubjects = True" under the line "storageRange = 1.3" in the part.cfg.

TL;DR - you'll only need one. If you want to store more than one result from the same experiment and place, you'll need to either edit the cfg or use more than one.

Thank you for the welcome and thank you for the response! I needed this and couldn't find anywhere with Google, Yahoo, or Dogpile so now my game will be much easier! :D

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That's why I have 4 containers and my pod so I can make five experiments of the same type. Why? Cause you need often more than one experiment to drain all the science even with returning the science report. Usually it's around 3 or 4 experiments so I placed 2 per side so I will have no worries about the science reports stack.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Hey here. Since I'm totally fond of this little part I would like to know if it needs some update to work well. With the new aerodynamic changes and the reentry effect I'm not that in hurry to find out the container can't sustain reentry :sealed:

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You can always put it in an service bay. You can also transfer data into pod before reentry.

One of the huge benefits of this unit is that you don't fill the pod with lots of science you want to return and have to cycle trough it all then doing biome jumping and have stored lots of data.

One of my must have mods :)

Unfortunately it does not load in 1.0 :(

However if you open


and replace the line:

TechRequired = scienceTech


TechRequired = basicScience

it will show up, it might be that its still load but is stuffed far to deep in the tree.

Edited by magnemoe
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  • 3 months later...

I doubt that will happen, at least not the OP. He hasn't posted to the forums since last year. If it's to be updated I'm guessing someone else (not me! :)) will have to take it over (if that's even possible).

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Here is alittle update if you want it https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/Test%20Parts/ModsByTal.zip licensed http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US

changed ( maxTemp = 5000 ) to ( maxTemp = 1200 // = 2900 ) & ( breakingForce = 10000 ) to ( breakingForce = 200 ) & ( added bulkheadProfiles = srf and allowRepeatedSubjects = True ) and changed the TechRequired = start put it where ever you want and converted textures to DDS.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 10 months later...
  On 6/26/2014 at 2:18 PM, Vahal said:

That's why I have 4 containers and my pod so I can make five experiments of the same type. Why? Cause you need often more than one experiment to drain all the science even with returning the science report. Usually it's around 3 or 4 experiments so I placed 2 per side so I will have no worries about the science reports stack.


is this okay to download, because the download site has an expired security certificate

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This is an ancient mod.  It hasn't been updated since 2014.  Indeed, the last time the author posted anything in the forums anywhere was 2014.

Therefore, it's fairly safe to say that it's dead now, and further updates are unlikely to happen any time soon.  Locking the thread to prevent further confusion.

To the author:  @Talisar, if you'd like the thread to be opened up again, please let us know and we're happy to do so.  The easiest way to tell us is to just report this post.

Thank you for your understanding.

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