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HMV Plays KSP! New series for 1.2: PreRelease!

Superfluous J

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Like your episodes so far.

I would suggest you check out the Modular Kolonization Mod.


You are doing a lot of bases, with extraplanetary launchpads, which is cool, but this one ties into TAC Life support which i think might be also very cool to see, especially since noone had this mod shown on youtube (at least not what i saw)

Also, which software are you using for recording ?

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Like your episodes so far.

Thank you! I like them too :P

I would suggest you check out the Modular Kolonization Mod.


You are doing a lot of bases, with extraplanetary launchpads, which is cool, but this one ties into TAC Life support which i think might be also very cool to see, especially since noone had this mod shown on youtube (at least not what i saw)

I'll consider it. Now that I"m doing Kerpollo in the current version (I had considered it being my 0.24 playthrough), I'll be looking for a new cocktail of mods. I'm not sure I want to go through the trouble of life support, but if I do I'll consider this mod as well :)

Also, which software are you using for recording ?

That's actually all detailed in the second post of this very thread :)

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That's actually all detailed in the second post of this very thread :)

I knew i read it somewhere :-).

I was thinking of making a video series, but did not want to hassle with editing and stuff so for now it is only text series

On the subject of your Ike Launchpad. How did you attach containers to the vertical craft. Radial attachment points ?

Edited by Grunf911
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I knew i read it somewhere :-).

I was thinking of making a video series, but did not want to hassle with editing and stuff so for now it is only text series

On the subject of your Ike Launchpad. How did you attach containers to the vertical craft. Radial attachment points ?

I'd have to check the ship again but I think I used the Cubic Octagonal Strut, aka the really little one :) It (and a real strut or two) does exactly what a radial attachment point does for about 1/10,000th the mass. Actually I think now in 0.23.5 it's closer to 1/infinity.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

So, do you have to have Modulemanager for these config files to work I have never gotten the blasted thing to work, and have just been handling that task myself.

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So, do you have to have Modulemanager for these config files to work I have never gotten the blasted thing to work, and have just been handling that task myself.

Yes, though it's super easy to use. Go to the correct thread (Google lies!) and download the file. Put it in your gamedata folder. Then take those configs and put them in another folder (I have one named ZZZ_Misc) named [anything].cfg

Modulemanager will handle the rest.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello 5thHorseman,

Could you please tell me how you managed to remove the science rewards from contracts in Quest for snacks! I think having the science in contracts makes the game to easy (Yes I unlocked the science tree with just shooting engines into space / out of kerbin soi / into kerbin orbit / into water / upto altitude x).

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Hello 5thHorseman,

Could you please tell me how you managed to remove the science rewards from contracts in Quest for snacks! I think having the science in contracts makes the game to easy (Yes I unlocked the science tree with just shooting engines into space / out of kerbin soi / into kerbin orbit / into water / upto altitude x).

It's a huge pain, and you simply cannot use it in conjunction with Fine Print. So, you have to choose between Fine Print or No Science In Contracts. Before I abandoned Quest for Snacks, I actually stopped scrubbing science gains and instead just cut them down to (I think) 30% across the board and accepted contract science gains.

Here's the original post, follow it at your own risk. As I said it's a huge pain :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
So you're not going to finish it afterall. You should update your signature then, it still says "Ongoing" :P

Yeah, I need to update that (and this thread). I'll probably wait until I'm done with Teamwork and start a new series though, considering that'll all happen in the next week or so.

But I should restate that: I didn't really abandon QFS. It abandoned me.

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  • 1 month later...
I've been watching "Bases 2". Which plugin gives the orbital info in the upper left and right of center on the screen?

That's Kerbal Engineer Redux. Click the KER icon and you can turn on and off HUD1 and HUD2. HUD2 overlays over my ever-increasing stock toolbar, so I disabled it.

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That's Kerbal Engineer Redux. Click the KER icon and you can turn on and off HUD1 and HUD2. HUD2 overlays over my ever-increasing stock toolbar, so I disabled it.

Just got it. You can edit config files to change the location of the HUDs

Edit Gamedata\KerbalEnginer\Settings\SectionLibraty.xml in your favorite text editor.

Search for HUD 1. A few lines down you'll see



(the n's are numbers)

If you run 1600 x 900, I found



for HUD1.

Do the same thing for HUD 2. Again, for a 1600 x 900 display,



is pretty good for HUD 2.

If you are not running 1600 x 900, edit \GameData\NavHud\Plugins\PluginData\NavHud\config.xml

Find the <rect name="hud text position"> section and look at <ymin>630</ymin> and set your <FloatingPositionY>630</FloatingPositionY> to the same value.

You'll still have to tinker with the X coord, but this gets you halfway.



Edited by ThreeMartiniLaunch
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I will be doing a live stream on Youtube in about 20 minutes, aka at 9:00pm Eastern tonight!

This is my first live stream ever, so I expect I'll have endless issues. Come and watch me flail about.

Tonight I hope to catch an asteroid (unlike Maxmaps I think I'll actually make it!), slap wings on it like my old Astro-Glider, and then for the coup-de-grace add JET ENGINES to fly it around Kerbin and - if my 1-1000000 long shot pays off - land it on the runway at the KSC.


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True dat. It was like a room full of people watching me flail at the game. Which sounds horrific but was actually really cool.

Sadly I reloaded the quicksaves to take some better screenshots (It's so hard to remember to take them when I'm screaming through the atmosphere at 2km/s and trying to keep the "glider" upright) and they're totally busted. The orbit is still there but the ship is locked in place. You can timewarp forever and never get anywhere. I even tried to use Hyperedit to change the orbit and while it accepted the button click, the orbit remained as it was and the ship still didn't move.

So no more of that one. But I WILL be streaming more in the future. Probably FTL (which will likely not have the framerate issues KSP had being a much less framerate-intensive game) first.

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I was all "What is that wonderful resource overlay?" and then I remembered you keep a mod list. You're missing EPL, I think. Sorry I missed the live feed, suppose I should check here more often. And yes, stream more FTL, love your FTL series. Keep up the entertaining work!

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I was all "What is that wonderful resource overlay?" and then I remembered you keep a mod list. You're missing EPL, I think. Sorry I missed the live feed, suppose I should check here more often. And yes, stream more FTL, love your FTL series. Keep up the entertaining work!

I'll be posting a slightly edited version of the live feed. I don't know if it'll be very entertaining without being in the chat. After cutting out the dead air at the start and end, and a call from my girlfriend that interrupted me DURING RE-ENTRY (I swear she was watching and chose that time to call :D), it's just a few seconds shy of 2 hours.

I may also post a severely edited, 5ish minute version but that'll take a lot of work and I have to prioritize the actual episodes :)

And thanks for pointing out EL, I have no idea how I passed over that one in my list. It's there now.

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Funny how I missed LiveStream last week.

Funny because I was IN youtube refreshing it ever 5 minutes, and I never saw it go by. I even stayed up for one more hour in the hope it was just late... Then I realized it was at 9pm est and not PST. my bad... Those awkward moments when you realize after that you were just dumb.

PS: are you going to put the live stream up as a video upload ? I'd love to see what I missed !

Loving the series so far. I hope that with these many mods in *32, you don't run out of memory.


I keep repeating myself, but *64 is long overdue for this game... I want to run the best textures 1/10th RSS with many mods ! Soon I guess.

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