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[1.1.2] Station Science (v2.0: New models by SpeedyB)


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Yeah, I understand that.

On another note, does anyone else have problems with the stationscience docking port and ven's stock revamp?

yeah, it seems like stationscience ports are not working for me at all, not sure if it's the issue with ven's revamp though.

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i need some help, this mod doesn't work for me at all: with the experiments i don't get a right click menu and with the rest i can at the most choose to do a crew report (but there is no addional info like kibbals per day)

does anyone know how to fix this? i would really like this mod to function

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i need some help, this mod doesn't work for me at all: with the experiments i don't get a right click menu and with the rest i can at the most choose to do a crew report (but there is no addional info like kibbals per day)

does anyone know how to fix this? i would really like this mod to function

I too have this issue.


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Help. My experiment doesn't start!

I have - Launch new experiment Plant Growth - cheked, and next is Complete in orbit around Minmus.

Experiment part docked to station (stock ports) in 50km Minmus orbit, station has Lab and 2 kerbals within, but when i push Start Experiment it says Started Experiment but nothing is happening. Help!

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Help. My experiment doesn't start!

I have - Launch new experiment Plant Growth - cheked, and next is Complete in orbit around Minmus.

Experiment part docked to station (stock ports) in 50km Minmus orbit, station has Lab and 2 kerbals within, but when i push Start Experiment it says Started Experiment but nothing is happening. Help!

Do you see a dark-green resource bar when you right-click the experiment? is it showing 0/50? is your lab running? is it the station science lab or did you bring a mobile processing lab by accident (the stock lab)?

The experiment should fill up slowly, try to accelerate time and see if something is happening.

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Help. My experiment doesn't start!

I have - Launch new experiment Plant Growth - cheked, and next is Complete in orbit around Minmus.

Experiment part docked to station (stock ports) in 50km Minmus orbit, station has Lab and 2 kerbals within, but when i push Start Experiment it says Started Experiment but nothing is happening. Help!

Two Kerbals you say?


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Please post the output_log.txt file from KSP_data. That's the log that's most useful. Not sure why KSP.log even exists.

You have a ton of exceptions that appear to be from other mods, so I'm not surprised that things aren't working. The output_log.txt should give a better indication of what mods are at fault.

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Same issue here. Posted logs in the support thread.

Edit: It's probably not Station Science doing it, even though it's breaking the TH-NKR. Station Science alone in a clean install works fine.

Edit2: Confirmed as a SETI issue. My fully modded install minus SETI works fine. I've posted in the SETI thread to let the dev know.

Edited by Wiseman
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I m the author of the SETI-BalanceMod.

It looks like StationScience uses the index of the modules to refer to them in the dll, instead of the name.

The problem seems to be, that I added a module to the TH-NKR using "insert" from modulemanager (the module that boosts transmission efficiency, like the stock mobile science lab), and that this module is not (as written in the modulemanager documentation) added to the end of the list, but at the front, thus screwing with the indexing.

Is there any chance you could use the module name instead of the index for reference? That would be great!

I could work around the indexing and specify where the extra module should be placed, but then other mod authors would run into the same trouble in the future.

edit: Alternatively, you may consider adding the module to your part, it would fit nicely.

The module is currently balanced to be a larger mobile science lab, heavier, requires more kerbals, but gives a higher transmission boost.

The dataTransmissionBoost is however balanced for SETI (where the stock mobile science lab provides a 2.5 boost).

If you want to balance it for stock, I could then simply change this value per modulemanager edit (@), which should not result in ordering problems.

name = ModuleScienceLab

containerModuleIndex = 0
dataTransmissionBoost = 3.00
crewsRequired = 3

canResetConnectedModules = True
canResetNearbyModules = True
interactionRange = 10

name = ElectricCharge
amount = 60

Thank you very much!

Edited by Yemo
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The last post was a false alarm.

I misinterpreted the debug message.

The actual problem was introduced by myself by copying the ModuleScienceLab module config from the stock mobile science bay.

In this config the varialbe containerModuleIndex = 0 refers to the science science container in the stock lab, which is at index 0.

In your large TH-NKR, the science container is at index 1, which caused the problem.

I corrected that in my mm config.

The suggestion to include a the ModuleScienceLab into your config is unaffected, the following should work if you put it at the end of the modules list:

name = ModuleScienceLab

containerModuleIndex = 1
dataTransmissionBoost = 1.25
crewsRequired = 3

canResetConnectedModules = True
canResetNearbyModules = True
interactionRange = 5

name = ElectricCharge
amount = 15

The config above is now more in line with the stock mobile science bay (which gives a transmisison boost of 1.15 compared to 1.25 suggested above, and requires 10 compared to the 15 electric charge.

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The suggestion to include a the ModuleScienceLab into your config is unaffected, the following should work if you put it at the end of the modules list:

I've gotten this suggestion before, but it doesn't make much sense to me. The point of the mod is to encourage building big stations out of big modules. Why would I want to make redundant an existing stock module suitable for building space stations?

I do, however, plan to open up the Spectrometron to work on all science experiments. It requires a great deal of mass to get it going, and it still won't clean non-reusable experiments, so that would have much less conflict with the stock MPL.

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I've gotten this suggestion before, but it doesn't make much sense to me. The point of the mod is to encourage building big stations out of big modules. Why would I want to make redundant an existing stock module suitable for building space stations?

I do, however, plan to open up the Spectrometron to work on all science experiments. It requires a great deal of mass to get it going, and it still won't clean non-reusable experiments, so that would have much less conflict with the stock MPL.

Imho it would not be a redundance but a meaningful choice between an effective station lab, weighing 10 tons and needing 3 kerbals, and a more mobile and thus more efficient but overall less effective (lower transmit value) 3.5ton, 2 kerbal mobile science lab.

Eg for biome hopping right now, players just strap a mobile processing lab to their Jool mothership and move around with it.

If the 10 ton lab has a higher effectiveness, they might be tempted to alternatively build a space station in Jool orbit as a base for biome hopping around the Jool system.

It maybe encourages more big station building. If they ferry 10 tons anyway, it is not so much more effort to strap other stuff on the station as well, decreasing the relative marginal costs for station upgrades.

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I have another problem, and I can't quite figure out what I can do to work around it:

I have a large station in orbit around kerbin (due to a minor problem, it has 4 cyclotrons, 2 nuclear reactors, 1 lab, 1 stock lab and 1 zoology bay, aswell as 15 kerbals). I can start a creature comfort experiment, I can finalize it, and when I try to transport the pod back to kerbin, it is empty and awaits starting the experiment.

it even forgot the experiment the second after I finalized it. so how do I get the system to remember that the experiment was done?

I had similar issues with the creature kuarq experiment (which worked after starting it a second time, and cheating the kibbal in via editing the persistent.cfg), but the plant growth worked normal.

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I have another problem, and I can't quite figure out what I can do to work around it:

I have a large station in orbit around kerbin (due to a minor problem, it has 4 cyclotrons, 2 nuclear reactors, 1 lab, 1 stock lab and 1 zoology bay, aswell as 15 kerbals). I can start a creature comfort experiment, I can finalize it, and when I try to transport the pod back to kerbin, it is empty and awaits starting the experiment.

it even forgot the experiment the second after I finalized it. so how do I get the system to remember that the experiment was done?

I had similar issues with the creature kuarq experiment (which worked after starting it a second time, and cheating the kibbal in via editing the persistent.cfg), but the plant growth worked normal.

Empty as in no science data, or as in no bioproducts? Or both?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey ethernet,

Was just wondering if you'd consider releasing some revised slimline modules that would fit in a MK3, cargo bay? They're about 0.5m too wide right now (the windows clip through the sides), and they're the only thing I can't cram into a spaceplane. So far they're the only reason I've gone up to 3.75m rockets, but the actual weights of the early pieces are relatively tiny for this class of launcher :D

Also, are the experiments biome specific if landed on the surface? I was about to drop a lab and f-rry bay onto my Minmus ground base, but I could be convinced to turn them into a rover instead... :)


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A balance issue:

The cyclotron at 30t is too heavy to launch under stock restrictions when you only have the 140t launchpad. The mass needs to be cut down to only 20t (which gives enough breathing room to add docking ports to the ends, plus a bit more). The upper limit for a 140t launchpad is about 23-24t of payload to low Kerbin orbit.

All of the other modules are under 20t (or can have their mass adjusted by removing kibbal) to launch with a 140t launchpad.

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If you're making new models, you might as well make them a little skinnier so they fit into the Mk3 cargo bay.


It would be great to deliver these massive science modules with a shuttle. They look to only be just a tad bit too big for the cargo bay.

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I have been playing with this mod for some time and have enjoyed it loads, i'm updating now and have been contemplating weather i want this mod again. Heres my .25 station :


From left to right :

The origional final stage which put the 2 cyclotrons in orbit > 2x cyclotrons > 2x Science labs docked 90 degreese > 1x Zoo-ology bay > 4 way docking node for individual experiement docks > (infernal robotics) foldaway giant sized solar thing

A more crap screenshot :


With a kibbal supply on the far right. The solar hinges have been retracted. And you can see 3 experiment landers docked.

I tell you, the launchers I made for these behmoth monstrosities were hilarious, cant believe i got that stuff up their haha.

When you say remodeling, you mean so when i put parts directly onto, say e.g. the cyclotron they actually attach to the part and not attach outside the "model" like theres some empty space between the attached parts where the model is slimmer. I hope i made sense there.

Anyway, great mod, I need a useful space station so I'll take it!

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I've got this mod installed but don't seem to get any contracts? Just the normal standard build a station supporting X kerbals etc.

Any idea what i can check? I've got contract configurator and the scansat contract pack.. could that be the issue?



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