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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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Deadly Reentry 7.8.2, for KSP 1.12.* - The Barbie Edition

What Deadly Reentry does!

(especially with KSP's new handling of thermodynamics)

  • Deadly Reentry balances part thermal properties (max temp values of skin and internal as well as various conduction properties: skin-skin, skin-internal, emission, etc)
  • If parts get too hot then they may catch fire. (or begin to melt; depends on if they are logically flammable or not). This begins to happen at 85% of its max temp. Some parts have had their max temp increased to compensate. Basically, think of the 85% mark as being a soft failure point leading to hard failure. As of DRE 7.6.0, this is implemented on a per area skin damage system (X+-, Y+-, Z+-). As the exterior is damaged, the interior becomes more exposed to direct reentry or supersonic heating. (the interior usally has less resistance against heating)
  • Parts and Kerbals that experience excessive G forces for excessive periods of time may fail/die.

Download latest version! (official release)


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ialdabaoth (who is awesome) created Deadly Reentry 2, based on r4m0n's Deadly Reentry; this is a continuation. This continues NathanKell's work on Deadly Reentry continued, and he might contribute more at times.

License remains CC-BY-SA as modified by ialdabaoth.

Also included: Module Manager (by sarbian, swamp_ig, and ialdabaoth). See Module Manager thread for details and license and source: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219

Module Manager is required for DREC to work.



  1. If you currently have Deadly Reentry installed, go to KSP/GameData/DeadlyReentry and delete everything (files and folders). Also delete any old versions of ModuleManager (modulemanager.dll for example) in your KSP/GameData folder.
  2. Extract this archive to your KSP/GameData folder

* ModularFlightIntegrator is not currently required or used by Deadly Reentry as of about DRE 7.2.2. 



Be careful how you reenter. Make sure your craft has a heatshield (the Mk1 pod has a built-in heatshield, as do stock spaceplanes; the Mk1-2 needs a heat shield from the Structural tab). For a low Kerbin orbit reentry, try for a periapsis of about 10-20km over Kerbin. do not deploy your parachute until speed has dropped below ~350m/s. (typically you should be at a safe velocity by the time you reach an altitude of 7km)

Note: Deadly Reentry no longer interferes with chutes. Both stock chutes and Real Chutes have adopted their own implementations of punishing deployments at unsafe speeds. The above warning still applies except you don't get to blame Deadly Reentry about it.

Compatible shield/reentry packs!

Deadly Reentry Frequently Asked Questions.

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Old Legacy Changelogs!

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DRE menu icon created by lajoswinkler

Download (latest official)

Source on Github

Edited by Starwaster
Updated post for DR 7.9.0
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  • 2 months later...

I see your name, Nathan, on an awful lot of the best mods, do you ever get any time to actually play? Or eat?! Cheers for the hard work.

Quick question - the global scalar for g-tolerance: set to 2.5, does this mean that all parts will explode at 2.5g's? Or is it a multiplier to some other property? How would I "turn off" g-induced damage?

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  p1t1o said:
Quick question - the global scalar for g-tolerance: set to 2.5, does this mean that all parts will explode at 2.5g's? Or is it a multiplier to some other property? How would I "turn off" g-induced damage?
As an addendum to this question, have the g values changed significantly from the 2.3 version? I've only just started dipping my toes into DR and it seems wise to be aware of significant changes of that sort.

Semi-related: re-entry effects are positively terrifying now and I love it.

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Play? Heh, not really, no. :]

Eat, yes, at least. ^_^

Yes, this is DRC^2.

Regarding g-tolerance multiplier. Thus far I have not changed ialdabaoth's g tolerance formula, which is sqrt(6 * impact tolerance). The multiplier is just a global mult afterwards, so the formula is now gToleranceMult * sqrt(6*crashTolerance)

Since gToleranceMult is now 2.5, they have indeed, the limits are 2.5x what they were. So you really needn't worry until, oh, 12-15Gs.

I hope at some point to give parts rational G limits, even bearing in mind (see the old thread) that acceleration really isn't what we should be caring about per se, it's force on the part from all angles.

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I'm happy to see this revived, and hope the options are easier to tweak this time around. I always found the default settings for DR were too unforgiving to operate.

EDIT: Weird, the parts don't appear in the VAB--not as unresearched, they're just not there. Wonder if it's a conflict with something. I added tech requirements and everything, I think the reentry mechanic itself works though.

Edited by Synthesis
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  Synthesis said:
I'm happy to see this revived, and hope the options are easier to tweak this time around. I always found the default settings for DR were too unforgiving to operate.

EDIT: Weird, the parts don't appear in the VAB--not as unresearched, they're just not there. Wonder if it's a conflict with something. I added tech requirements and everything, I think the reentry mechanic itself works though.

Thats funny, I have only lost 2 craft to re-entry over heat or G issues.

But I tend to come in at a pretty shallow angle and speed.

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Is anyone but Synthesis running into part troubles?

Synthesis, maybe you had an error in how you added the tech requirements--that would kill PartLoader and make the parts not show up.

What techs did you use, btw? I should add them. But since I haven't actually played .22 yet, just been modding it, no idea where.

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TechRequired = start

entryCost = 0

use this for now it will put them on first node of the tech tree. that should prevent any problems. the bigger sheilds if u want u can just look at bigher stock rocket parts and put them in the nodes with them

without any tech node put in cfg they wont show up in career but will show up in sandbox.

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I'm using this config for now:

TechRequired = survivability

TechRequired = survivability

TechRequired = advLanding

TechRequired = advLanding

TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics

TechRequired = largeProbes

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  Chestburster said:
I'm using this config for now:

TechRequired = survivability

TechRequired = survivability

TechRequired = advLanding

TechRequired = advLanding

TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics

TechRequired = largeProbes

*tilts head* So ... that would be the way for me to create my own personal tech tree and/or tweak some parts more to my liking, just by adding a .cfg for MM?

Will I ever really play the game or just find new ways to play WITH the game? :P:D

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That the g limits were sometimes a bit odd (random breaking apart at about 6 g), was the only thing that bugged me a bit, I hope it will be better now :) either way iadaboath 's work on Deadly Reentry ist just awesome and that someone finally continues it as long as iadaboath is absent is a a dream come True :D that you don't even played for yourself to bring us all that awesome stuff is truly heroic :D keep on with that

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  Chestburster said:
I've wrote my own tech tree with MM xD. Was the first thing i did after finishing the stock tree.

As I started to explore Kerbins biomes with planes, I thought about editing the tech tree to start out with planes and gradually introducing rocket parts.

But we are getting off topic here! :)

Glad to see this is being worked on, deleted the last version again when I found out about the ship-exploding-on-load problem and also found the G-stress a bit to much!

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One question.

Why exactly is the g-force damage formula based on crashTolerance (which is only applied on impact by the stock physics) instead of, say, breakingForce (which is applied to sustained structural stress by the stock physics)?

Wouldn't that be more appropriate and remove most issues with parts getting destroyed when they shouldn't?

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  Miller said:
Great to see a talented modder like you Nathan continuing deadly reentry! I have a technical question though. Does this mod work properly with non-stock parts?

I play with a ton of mods, and it works for all of them. KW, kethane, just to name a few.

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  NathanKell said:
Is anyone but Synthesis running into part troubles?

Synthesis, maybe you had an error in how you added the tech requirements--that would kill PartLoader and make the parts not show up.

What techs did you use, btw? I should add them. But since I haven't actually played .22 yet, just been modding it, no idea where.

It could totally be something on my end--I have VetTech enabled which, for all I know, may be breaking it (though VetTech is supposed to account for this mod by design...). I really don't like the default tech tree.

I just assigned everything to to Advanced Construction (same as SDHI's heat shield, which appears just fine). Lazy way out, just to make sure everything's in order. I only did that after it wouldn't appear without modification--perhaps VetTech error?

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