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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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How about an option to disable the parachute warning, hidden in a config file so the user has to deliberately search for and personally edit it? That way newbies see the warnings, and non-newbies can have an uncluttered screen if they want.

I love the mod, but that warning that can't be turned off is very annoying.

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Neat feature on the chute warning. Now if only MechJeb could read it :D

Does this always warn, or only on Kerbin? I think it'd be neat if the other planets were a bit of an unknown.

The message is active any time that opening the chute will result in failure. If you don't see the message then it's safe to open the chute. Density, pressure and velocity are factors. You can get away with much higher speed deployments over Duna than on Kerbin, so using Real Chute, you could well create a hypersonic chute such as Curiosity used.

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So, thinking of adding Deadly Reentry for my 0.90 restart, anyone have a list of heatshields that work with DRE???

There's several shield packs. I don't have a list handy, but one of the things I intend to do is put a list up on the first post of compatible shield packs.

Here's one to start you off: The NASA ADEPT. It's a deployable shield similar to the one that DRE itself comes with. However, I've found DRE's deployable (inflatable) to have some issues that frankly, the ADEPT shield doesn't share. (one flaw being that the inflatable gets stuck in a deployed state such that if you inflate and deflate it in the VAB then reload the craft file, you will find it deployed again. And it will launch deployed as well)



Edit: Added a link to the Oblivion pack. There's a third one that should probably go there but I can't think of what the name of it is... anyone have a clue? Or at least an opinion on a heat shield pack they'd like to see links added to in the OP? (I added links to the Adept and the Oblivion pack already)

Edited by Starwaster
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So, thinking of adding Deadly Reentry for my 0.90 restart, anyone have a list of heatshields that work with DRE???
I'd be very surprised if there were any heatshield parts around that don't support DRE. DRE itself comes with a selection.
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Are there any resources that describe the new settings in DRE?

Especially the "legacy thermodynamics"?

Now that you mention it, I think that was all described in the 6.3 beta change logs and info files. Which were all removed for 6.4 :(

I'll rectify that this week sometime.


  • Difficulty settings work by modifying the same settings in the debug menu except that changes to the debug menu only affect the difficulty setting that you currently have selected. So you can edit each level individually.
  • Open Debug Menu does what you expect. It takes the place of Alt+D+R (that shortcut is now obsolete and has been removed)
  • Damp Heat Shield Temp tries to clamp a heat shield's temperature to its max temp. It's not foolproof and is in fact more of a soft clamp. The closer a shield gets to its max temp, the more heat it dissipates through ablation. *
  • Use Legacy Aerothermodynamics: The last version of DRE before I took over assumed all planets had the same atmospheric properties and density which affects heat transfer and heating. (DRE only uses it for modeling heat transfer). Now however, each planet has differing atmospheric properties which means each atmosphere has differing density. An example of when this would matter is Jool (which represents Jupiter in RSS). Previously, you would probably have burnt up with FAR + RSS + DRE trying to enter Jool's atmosphere no matter what you did or how many shields you stacked up. Now however, a Joolian reentry is ferocious but survivable. Enabling Legacy Aerothermodynamics will revert back to the old system where each planet has the same characteristics.

*A poor approximation but not without real life precedent: a material that ablates/evaporates/sublimates away carries away the heat that it absorbed that caused it to ablate.

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I just updated to the new version for .90 and im noticing that im losing more ships, or in danger of losing more ships on re-entry on the medium difficulty. When I set it to hard, my stuff breezes through re-entry with barely a tick. That is the only setting I changed, is anyone else seeing this behavior?

If im the only one noticing this, i'll throw up some logs, if I can remember how...

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I just updated to the new version for .90 and im noticing that im losing more ships, or in danger of losing more ships on re-entry on the medium difficulty. When I set it to hard, my stuff breezes through re-entry with barely a tick. That is the only setting I changed, is anyone else seeing this behavior?

If im the only one noticing this, i'll throw up some logs, if I can remember how...

Hmmm, not an issue for me as far as the medium settings. Most of my reentries I try to shoot for a 20km Per. seems to work well, I usually get about 20-30% ablation with 5-7 Gees. Most likely you are simply coming in at the wrong angle for your speed and/or mass.

As for hard mode make sure your "alternate density calculations" setting is off as this is mainly for non stock sized Kerbin. (I had the same issue with hard mode) See post #3017 for hard mode and density calc explanation from Starwaster.

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DRE on medium is definitely 'harder' than the default settings from before. If you take a mk1 pod, mk16 parachute, and an untweaked RT-10, it explodes on the way up. Previously, the parachute alone would explode, and the rest would survive until lithobraking.

As to whether or not this is a problem, well, I haven't played enough to find out.

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DRE on medium is definitely 'harder' than the default settings from before. If you take a mk1 pod, mk16 parachute, and an untweaked RT-10, it explodes on the way up. Previously, the parachute alone would explode, and the rest would survive until lithobraking.

As to whether or not this is a problem, well, I haven't played enough to find out.

Yes it requires some finesse in speed. I've found keeping my acceleration right around 12-14 until above 35000M works well. Throttle control is almost a necessity. Of course I am using Far but before it was updated I think I was running around 14-16 or 1.7 to 2.0 TWR. Anything higher resulted in either chute exploding or whole craft overheating.

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Hmmm, not an issue for me as far as the medium settings. Most of my reentries I try to shoot for a 20km Per. seems to work well, I usually get about 20-30% ablation with 5-7 Gees. Most likely you are simply coming in at the wrong angle for your speed and/or mass.

As for hard mode make sure your "alternate density calculations" setting is off as this is mainly for non stock sized Kerbin. (I had the same issue with hard mode) See post #3017 for hard mode and density calc explanation from Starwaster.

Okay, retried hard mode with alternate density calc's off. result: Mk1 pod will not survive re-entry from 500k orbit, if periapsis set to 30k. poor Dunbar lost his life in this test. We're going to need a bigger heat shield. :) Previously, I had been trying re-entry on a 75k orbit, and wasn't seeing much of an effect, but now harder mode seems to be, well, harder-er. I love the extra challenge, so... my space program's death rate is probably going to spike while I learn to build pods that survive re-entry. :):D:wink:

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Okay, retried hard mode with alternate density calc's off. result: Mk1 pod will not survive re-entry from 500k orbit, if periapsis set to 30k. poor Dunbar lost his life in this test. We're going to need a bigger heat shield. :) Previously, I had been trying re-entry on a 75k orbit, and wasn't seeing much of an effect, but now harder mode seems to be, well, harder-er. I love the extra challenge, so... my space program's death rate is probably going to spike while I learn to build pods that survive re-entry. :):D:wink:

I hope the trajectories mod gets updated soon as I usually used that to calculate my reentries. Set man. node to about a quarter of the way around Kerbin and adjust timing for placement. Usually worked out pretty well. I really wish we had a tool that would give us a graph readout of projected trajectory on the vertical plane once we hit reentry threshold though, it would take out a lot of guesswork/trial and error from diff orbits.

I think we need crash test Kerbals for testing. :D

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Starwaster would you consider an option to put the config button on blizzy's toolbar instead?

I do like being able to hide stuff that I don't need all the time.

Maybe at some point in the future, but my immediate plans for new features are complete for this phase. The only planned development right now is maintenance, tweaking and bug fixes. Now I have to turn my attention to other mods.

I just updated to the new version for .90 and im noticing that im losing more ships, or in danger of losing more ships on re-entry on the medium difficulty. When I set it to hard, my stuff breezes through re-entry with barely a tick. That is the only setting I changed, is anyone else seeing this behavior?

If im the only one noticing this, i'll throw up some logs, if I can remember how...

Logs won't really help with solving your reentry problems unless they're being caused by errors.

I'm just wondering. When you talk about unsupported 64 bits versions, do you mean Windows 64bits or is Linux 64bits unsupported too ?

Referring only to the 64 bit KSP Windows client. I don't care if you're running on Linux or 64 bit Windows. (*I* use 64 bit Windows 8 and many others here probably have 64 bit OSes as well)

Okay, retried hard mode with alternate density calc's off. result: Mk1 pod will not survive re-entry from 500k orbit, if periapsis set to 30k. poor Dunbar lost his life in this test. We're going to need a bigger heat shield. :) Previously, I had been trying re-entry on a 75k orbit, and wasn't seeing much of an effect, but now harder mode seems to be, well, harder-er. I love the extra challenge, so... my space program's death rate is probably going to spike while I learn to build pods that survive re-entry. :):D:wink:

Assuming of course that we're talking stock Kerbin since RSS isn't out yet :P

I'll rerun a 500km orbit but I've done Munar returns in stock before and that's survivable.

Edited by Starwaster
Amended 64 bit explanation. Sorry!
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Logs won't really help with solving your reentry problems unless they're being caused by errors.

Assuming of course that we're talking stock Kerbin since RSS isn't out yet :P

I'll rerun a 500km orbit but I've done Munar returns in stock before and that's survivable.

Yes this was stock Kerbin, having only adjusted difficulty to hard mode, and turning off the A.D.C. my mk1 pod lost all built in heat shield and exploded.

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KSP Linux x64 is perfectly fine.

That's right. Sorry guys, I amended my reply. I should have specified that it is the KSP 64 bit client for Windows that is unsupported.

And I also just realized that vardicd was having trouble with a 'Hard' reentry with the alternate density off.

As I was saying before, the Hard difficulty setting needs some adjusting for a stock setting. It's tough to balance between both worlds (stock and KSP) and in constantly switching between one and the other to test.... well what's good for one isn't necessarily good for the other, so that needs addressing.

And on the parachute warning issue, I'll see about making it optional.

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That's right. Sorry guys, I amended my reply. I should have specified that it is the KSP 64 bit client for Windows that is unsupported.

And I also just realized that vardicd was having trouble with a 'Hard' reentry with the alternate density off.

As I was saying before, the Hard difficulty setting needs some adjusting for a stock setting. It's tough to balance between both worlds (stock and KSP) and in constantly switching between one and the other to test.... well what's good for one isn't necessarily good for the other, so that needs addressing.

And on the parachute warning issue, I'll see about making it optional.

ah, I missed hard mode needs adjusting somewhere along the line. k, no worries. :)

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