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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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Nathan, would it be possible for you to work around the click bug by having DR zero out all the reentry flames just before it applies the "exploding" to the root part of a vessel or in the reentry heat's OnDestroy method? If it is reentry-flame linked then that may be able to fix it.

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Ferram: per report, it's not even the explosion, it's the flame effects (or something like; got it stock with no explosions, just a warm mainsail and some flames). My guess is the picking algorithm resets on staging, else we'd get the bug too when we land capsules safely.

I basically disabled all my code and was still getting it; asmi suggested I try pure stock. I was disappointed that I couldn't get my mainsail to overheat and explode (we still thought it was part.explode() ) but when I reverted to try again, I got the bug!

FlowerChild: yep, it's not the exploding, it's the why.

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v4 === \/

*Removed :Final from custom.cfg

*Moved tech defines to part cfgs

*Added decouplers, used Sentmassen's new texture.

*Fixed explode-on-launch/switch bug

*Added possibility to manually set G Tolerance (Add a ModuleAeroReentry, with the key gTolerance = x , to your part cfg)

*Fixed volume to use Ship volume setting.

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FlowerChild: Thanks. :) Here: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/1806#change-6603

A note regarding the 0.625m shield. An early version of Realism Overhaul failed to include the RSS config for it. That also might have something to do with the problem...

What are those config values, so I can check to see if they are correct?

EDIT: It seems there is only one version of Realism Overhaul released- are the bugfixes labelled v1 or is there anything else I need to get?

Edited by andqui
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In RealismOverhaul/DRE_ShieldsFix.cfg, is there an entry for 0.625 shield?

It should read:

@mass = 0.05

@direction = 0, -1, 0 // bottom of pod
@reflective = 0.05 // 5% of heat is ignored at correct angle
@ablative = AblativeShielding
{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
@key,0 = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
@key,1 = 2000 40 // peak ablation at 2000 degrees C
@key,2 = 5000 50 // max ablation at 5000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
@key,0 = 300 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C
@key,1 = 800 1920 // maximum dissipation at 800 degrees C

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Thanks, and no there isn't, and it's not there if you download from the first post of the RO thread. I'll add it. It might be a good idea to upload a v1.1 of RO or something like that fixing the various omissions?

Is coming in a 70k too high to reenter? Would 50 or so be a better value to use, or lower still?


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andqui: Oh, I thought that was fixed. Anyway, I was planning to update v2 last night but got sleepy. I'm working on the last few touches now.

70 is a bit high. Reenter at the maximum G load your crew can stand, I'd say.

erbmur: That looks like you have a bad install or heat multipliers set wrong. Did you download DREC v4, and follow the install instructions to the letter?

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@NathanKell Yup, just deleted the DR folder and pretended to be a new user, copied it across, didn't change any of the settings, and that is the result I get.

@nullreference Just leave him in space for a few hours without a razor...or use the universe replacer mod, either one works fine

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Just redownloaded and it looks like dropbox was updated about 10 minutes ago, so a newer version. installed again, now it seems to work. Didn't change any of the settings and it seems ok. Glad to see that this mod is still alive and kicking and has even more right-click numbers to confuse me!

Could you just explain what the differences are between the shockwave and temperature values and the acceleration and cumulative G values and how the cumulative G is calculated as it just appears to show 0 throughout flight?

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erbmur: Cool!

So: the values are:

Shockwave: How hot the air molecules are after they hit the part (i.e. the ambient temperature)

Temp: how hot the part is.

Acceleration: current accel for the part, in Gs.

Cumulative G: a value that tracks how much "damage" your crew in the part (if any) have sustained from high Gs. From the readme (it's the "tracker" I talk about):

Kerbals have human-like G-force tolerance, which means they can survive 5Gs for about 16 minutes, 10 Gs for 1 minute, 20Gs for 3.75 seconds, and 30+ Gs for less than three quarters of a second. The tracker is reset when G load < 5. All these are tweakable in the cfg or in the ingame debug menu. It's done by tracking cumulative Gs. The formula is for each timestep, tracker = tracker + G^crewGPower * timestep (where ^ = power). G is clamped to range [0, crewGClamp]. When tracker > crewGWarn, a warning is displayed. When tracker > crewGLimit, then each frame, per part, generate a random number 0-1, and if > crewGKillChance, a kerbal dies in that part. If G < crewGMin,

EDIT: try without DRE, see if you still get the spin.

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Found the issue. Get into space with the shuttle imaged previously, seperate so its just the pod, then activate the debug menu, random spinning insues.

The debug menu isn't something I'll be constantly using, but maybe something to look into?

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I am so sorry!

I found the issue was summy my fault, when activating the debug menu, the first part, alt+d causes the yaw control to be locked slightly to the right, causing the spinning to occur.

Not an issue, but maybe change the keybindings to overcome this?

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*Removed :Final from custom.cfg

Thanks a million for remembering to do that man. I was planning on putting out a release of my mod tonight, and that will allow me to eliminate an annoying install-order dependency with DR (I was shipping my own version of DR's config file with the mod previously).

Much obliged :)

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I think the node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 should go back to node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 on the 1.25 decoupler part and purhaps the 2m part, which I don't think I would ever use.

With 1.0 the decoupler exposes a lot of the heatshield on top and makes a large gap in between, doesn't look very talored. Even though 0.05 reveals a lot of to heatshield tip model through the decoupler model, 0.05 looks better.

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