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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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  On 10/7/2019 at 7:01 AM, IronKerbal said:

Im playing RSS With DeadlyReentry, Some command pods and parts that would be rated for 2000K in stock blow up when exposed to the slightest amount of heating. I tried to edit the .cfg's in the parts to something like 2700K and it showed up in the VAB to be 1300K. 

Is there a .cfg that halves the heat tolerence?



The plugin is what does that. During startup, the code walks through all the parts and does sanity checking on max temps.

But it exempts anything with ModuleHeatShield on it. So for something like a command pod you should probably think about adding that. If it's something that is meant to have a separate heat shield part attached to it then I give the command module itself a small percentage of the larger shield. That's what I did with the Mk 1-2 / 1-3. Which also  emulates the Apollo capsule backshell which had about 1/10th of the shield thickness of the main heat shield.

Things like shuttle tiles are handled with a little more complexity and you should check out the various space plane configs that DRE use. If you look at them you'll see another way of exempting the max temps but they still have sensible attributes.

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  On 10/7/2019 at 8:37 AM, Starwaster said:

The plugin is what does that. During startup, the code walks through all the parts and does sanity checking on max temps.

But it exempts anything with ModuleHeatShield on it. So for something like a command pod you should probably think about adding that. If it's something that is meant to have a separate heat shield part attached to it then I give the command module itself a small percentage of the larger shield. That's what I did with the Mk 1-2 / 1-3. Which also  emulates the Apollo capsule backshell which had about 1/10th of the shield thickness of the main heat shield.

Things like shuttle tiles are handled with a little more complexity and you should check out the various space plane configs that DRE use. If you look at them you'll see another way of exempting the max temps but they still have sensible attributes.


@Starwaster I tried Doing what you said using by adding ModuleHeatshield to the command pods via MM , The Maxtemp stayed the same.

MM Config:

  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by IronKerbal
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  On 10/11/2019 at 4:21 PM, New Horizons said:

DR 7.7.3 gives an incompatibility warning with KSP 1.7.3, is it just overcautious?

Nice match of numbers I guess. DR 7.7.3 with KSP 1.7.3 :-)



It only compares version numbers. Somewhere in the source code there's a set of numbers to be compared to the KSP assembly version and if the minor version number doesn't match it returns false.

That's all it cares about. I've personally tested the current version with 1.7.3 and it works fine. Getting rid of the compatibility warning is as simple as me editing the source and changing a 6 to a 7 then recompiling then zipping up the files (oh and making sure the .version file is changed so that CKAN and AVC knows what version is for what...) and then putting it up for release.

Not terribly difficult but it is time consuming and most of my KSP time has been taken up by Real Fuels and getting that caught up for 1.7.3 and vetting the demands of the RO crowd, etc etc and so forth.

And my non-KSP time has been taken up with caring for cats. As you may or may not know I am a full time volunteer at a cat sanctuary and several of them have needed more attention than usual so I haven't been able to get to DR yet.

But, I will be taking care of updating it soon because as everyone knows, KSP 1.8 is diligently being worked on so I don't want DR to get too far behind.

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  On 10/11/2019 at 11:18 PM, Starwaster said:

And my non-KSP time has been taken up with caring for cats. As you may or may not know I am a full time volunteer at a cat sanctuary and several of them have needed more attention than usual so I haven't been able to get to DR yet.

But, I will be taking care of updating it soon because as everyone knows, KSP 1.8 is diligently being worked on so I don't want DR to get too far behind.


Gaming cannot be as important as caring about our beloved ones. Nice to learn that about your activities, had cats myself for a long time.

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  On 10/12/2019 at 3:12 PM, Shaddow Phönix said:


I downloaded this mod for the first time.


What is the difference between Ablator and Ablative Shielding ?


What do I need for re-entry with this mod ?  


Functionally the two resources are identical.  AblativeShielding is the legacy resource used by Deadly Reentry for as long as the mod has been in existence.

Ablator is the stock resource. When converting stock heat shields, DR uses the stock resource. It retains its original resource so as not to break save games or saved craft.

Reentry works the same as in stock except that parts are balanced so as not to have overpowered max temps. There's not a whole lot about it that is different except:

Some parts that can survive a reentry in stock with no shielding will not survive such a reentry in DR. The Mark 1 Cockpit starts out weak but is later upgraded to withstand reentries. (in sandbox make sure that upgrades are applied automatically. In career mode, research hypersonic flight)

Some parts will require a heat shield with a larger diameter than their own. These tend to be cylindrical shaped parts like the material bay. which is particularly vulnerable. It should have a 1.8 or 2.5m shield. 


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  On 10/12/2019 at 7:22 PM, Starwaster said:

Functionally the two resources are identical.  AblativeShielding is the legacy resource used by Deadly Reentry for as long as the mod has been in existence.

Ablator is the stock resource. When converting stock heat shields, DR uses the stock resource. It retains its original resource so as not to break save games or saved craft.

Reentry works the same as in stock except that parts are balanced so as not to have overpowered max temps. There's not a whole lot about it that is different except:

Some parts that can survive a reentry in stock with no shielding will not survive such a reentry in DR. The Mark 1 Cockpit starts out weak but is later upgraded to withstand reentries. (in sandbox make sure that upgrades are applied automatically. In career mode, research hypersonic flight)

Some parts will require a heat shield with a larger diameter than their own. These tend to be cylindrical shaped parts like the material bay. which is particularly vulnerable. It should have a 1.8 or 2.5m shield. 



Ok ty.

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  On 10/11/2019 at 11:18 PM, Starwaster said:


And my non-KSP time has been taken up with caring for cats. As you may or may not know I am a full time volunteer at a cat sanctuary and several of them have needed more attention than usual so I haven't been able to get to DR yet.


@StarwasterThat is amazing to hear. You must have a pure heart!


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So the internal temperature here is reaching it's max WAY before the skin temperature even approaches its max. What can I do about this? I'm using the same config as posted here by @Starwaster

	@maxTemp = 850
	@emissiveConstant = 0.85
	@thermalMassModifier = 1 // if thermalMassModifier ever changes then skinThermalMassModifier must be multiplied by the same value
	%skinMaxTemp = 2706
	%skinThermalMassModifier = 0.436
	%skinInternalConductionMult = 0.0000105
	%skinMassPerArea = 0.815
		name = ModuleAeroReentry
		leaveTemp = True


Edited by subyng
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  On 8/3/2013 at 10:48 AM, Starwaster said:


Be careful how you reenter. Make sure your craft has a heatshield (the Mk1 pod has a built-in heatshield, as do stock spaceplanes; the Mk1-2 needs a heat shield from the Structural tab). For a low Kerbin orbit reentry, try for a periapsis of about 10-20km over Kerbin. do not deploy your parachute until speed has dropped below ~350m/s. (typically you should be at a safe velocity by the time you reach an altitude of 7km



Stock spaceplanes have built in heat shields? How does this work exactly?


Also is this mod supposed to have a settings page in the difficulty menu or is it just the menu accessible  from the toolbar?

Edited by subyng
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  On 10/22/2019 at 2:20 PM, subyng said:

Stock spaceplanes have built in heat shields? How does this work exactly?


Also is this mod supposed to have a settings page in the difficulty menu or is it just the menu accessible  from the toolbar?


Spaceplanes (all stock Mk2/Mk3 profile and most spaceplane type mods such as OPT and Nertea's spaceplane parts) have their thermal characteristics modified to provide shuttle tile-like performance. (high radiation, low thermal mass, low thermal conductivity)

The Mk1 cockpit starts out weak in career mode but gets an upgrade when hypersonic flight is researched. (basically it gets the same as that patch you used on it but not until hypersonic flight tech)

The toolbar menu is the only one available.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 11/7/2019 at 9:53 AM, gap said:

Thank you for the update(s)!

Should player who have not yet updated their game to KSP 1.8 stick to v7.7.3.1 of Deadly Reentry?


Yes. Code-wise it's identical to and possibly won't even run given that it's compiled for .NET 4 instead of .NET 3.5

The dll and its classes probably won't load.

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  On 11/7/2019 at 1:42 PM, Starwaster said:

Yes. Code-wise it's identical to


Okay thanks, good to know!

  On 11/7/2019 at 1:42 PM, Starwaster said:

...and possibly won't even run given that it's compiled for .NET 4 instead of .NET 3.5

The dll and its classes probably won't load.


I suppose this is a general rule applying to all the mods that in the meanwhile have been updated to KSP v1.8. Is my supposition correct?

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  On 11/7/2019 at 1:54 PM, gap said:

I suppose this is a general rule applying to all the mods that in the meanwhile have been updated to KSP v1.8. Is my supposition correct?


Perhaps, it's true for most (DLL-based) mods. References and .NET platform changed for all plugins in KSP 1.8, so don't expect them to load in 1.7.3 and earlier (and vice versa).

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  On 11/7/2019 at 2:09 PM, garwel said:

Perhaps, it's true for most (DLL-based) mods. References and .NET platform changed for all plugins in KSP 1.8, so don't expect them to load in 1.7.3 and earlier (and vice versa).


I’ve actually had some 1.7.3 mods load up and function in 1.8. And some that didn’t. 

Definitely YMMV but this time around updating mods is going to be more important than most prior updates. ESP for mods that have other mods as hard dependencies 

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with the latest version of the mod I have some serious trouble with reentry from my first orbital flight. The problem I have is that Mk16 parachute attached to the top node of Mk1 pod quickly overheats if there is a slightest wobble in pod's attitude. Unless the pod perfectly aligned with the reentry trajectory, the chute always melts. It's like the hot reentry gas flows attached to the pod. I never had this problem in earlier versions. Is this the way things should work in DR or should I look for a culprit among my other mods?

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  On 11/8/2019 at 9:50 PM, JebIsDeadBaby said:


with the latest version of the mod I have some serious trouble with reentry from my first orbital flight. The problem I have is that Mk16 parachute attached to the top node of Mk1 pod quickly overheats if there is a slightest wobble in pod's attitude. Unless the pod perfectly aligned with the reentry trajectory, the chute always melts. It's like the hot reentry gas flows attached to the pod. I never had this problem in earlier versions. Is this the way things should work in DR or should I look for a culprit among my other mods?


Hi. You don't provide enough information to give intelligent answers to your questions. For example, PE / AP, your reentry heat settings, mods that might have an effect, etc. You also might want to turn on the thermal debug menu and see what's causing the overheat. Is the skin being exposed (poor trajectory alignment) or is it conduction? And I presume the chute isn't deployed.

Generally, more information is better. I used to be loathe to post links to logs and screenshots because I didn't want to inundate the community with too much information, but it's better that than to be too general, and in the event that there is a genuine bug, having more info at the outset helps to chase it down and kill it.

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Here is a screenshot. I did not touch thermal settings, so I guess they are stock. Starting AP/PE was around 200k/0. As you can see the pod is at a slight angle to the reentry path. I do not have any means of controlling pod's attitude at this point in my games, so the pod literally crosses 70k at a 90 deg angle and aerodynamic forces soon turn it ablator side first (here I used a heat shield that comes with the pod, but with a separate heat shield the situation is only slightly better). At 40k the pod still wobbles slightly and the chute starts overheating whenever the pod is tilted more than just a few degrees from the flight path. 

The point is - that's as standard vessel in KSP as they come and I never had any problems with chutes catching fire during reentry. I often use radial chutes with Mk1 later in the game and never had any problems with them or science instruments attached to the sides. Even goo pods, if attached close to the top, were inside "aerodynamic shadow" of the pod and were able to survive reentry (from a low orbit at least). I did not try this so far by I guess they will melt instantly now. 

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