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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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Having a strange problem between this an KSP Interstellar. The IR Telescope in that mod is heating continuously as if it was in reentry even when sitting on the launchpad. All other parts behave normally and debug shows ambient temperature at 19C yet the part continued to heat at about 1C per second while sitting surpassing 800C. In launch this heat increases and eventually smokes and blows up. I couldn't see any reason for this single part to have this problem with DR. Any ideas?

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If it's the overheat gauge going up on the engine it's KSPI, adding a precooler should fix that. If it's the "temperature: XX C " it's something with DR. With the telescope I found it stops heating once in space so changed the max temp in the deadlyreentry.cfg to 250000 (a stupid high temp) so it didn't blow up. I did find the opposite side once in space the temperature is -2000C, but at least freezing isn't a part of the mod :)

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Is there an alternate download location? The Dropbox link is just giving me 5xx errors.

EDIT- Never mind, it worked now, but it didn't for 5 minutes. Probably just Dropbox having problems.

Or maybe a swarm of KSO downloaders swarming to also download DRE to use with KSO..... maybe....

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a__gun: I'll check that out.

Had any luck with this?

I looked at the config for the inflateable heatshield and found this:

name = ModuleHeatShield
animationName = heatshield
key = 0 0.1 0 0
key = 0.8 0.2 0 0
key = 1 1 0 0
direction = 0, -1, 0 // bottom of pod
reflective = 0.25 // 25% of heat is ignored at correct angle

A curve within the heatshield module itself - going to try it on the 2.5 shielded when I get the chance.

Edited by a__gun
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About the KSO:

My DRE custom.cfg has two modified parameters:

@shockwaveExponent = 1.06


@temperatureExponent = 1.05

Temperature are a bit higher, but that works just fine with vanilla DRE heat shields and all, but the KSO keeps loosing control and burns, landing gear first.

What am i doing wrong? Any advise?

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Can i download older versions of this mod anywhere? this one makes my fps drop to 2?!? i just updated to this and deleted the old one.

I tried this even with vanilla kps and it just becomes unplayable..

Edited by Jarkko279
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Can i download older versions of this mod anywhere? this one makes my fps drop to 2?!? i just updated to this and deleted the old one.

I tried this even with vanilla kps and it just becomes unplayable..

When you say Vanilla KSP I assume you mean this was the only mod installed. If that's the case then have a look at turning down your Aerodynamic Effects Slider.

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Ihave mods now. it didnt work althou i had a fresh install. as for installing i just extract the game data folder to kps/game data. like all the other mods. Output log? is this the loading screen. it never crashes. just plays extremely slow..

loads the game just normal. if i only put lets say mk1 pod to the launch pad it instantly drops fps to 2-4. i crashlanded on kerbin due to slow fps. as soon as the ship exploded the fps jumps back to normal althou the "gameworld" is still running..

again if i only delete the reentry.dll the game runs just fine..

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WTF? It seems the physics are all messed up. Launched a mk1 pod on my fresh career. i press EVA and Jebediah just pounces all over around my pod. If i press EVa again it respawns a new KERBAL. had like six jebes pouncing all over my pod!

it works fine if i delete the mod. PLZ. how does one fix this?

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WTF? It seems the physics are all messed up. Launched a mk1 pod on my fresh career. i press EVA and Jebediah just pounces all over around my pod. If i press EVa again it respawns a new KERBAL. had like six jebes pouncing all over my pod!

it works fine if i delete the mod. PLZ. how does one fix this?

Yep reinstalled everything. works well. I guess this is one way to spend youre fridays :)

You found a way to clone Jeb and then you fixed it????

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On RSS no matter how shallow my reentry, my crew always die from gforce maxing out. Changing the custom or default config gToleranceMult doesn't make any difference what so ever. Even on the most shallow, suborbital reentry's I'm getting way beyond 15'gs? Does anyone know how to fix this? I've got the DRE 4.3 and farram aerospace running. I like playing realistically and not running this mod would feel like cheating :( Any help greatly appreciated

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