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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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on the note of making kerbals into humans that was mentioned

texture replacer seems to be able to "re-skin" a kerbal, fairly easily really, so could we find a simple way to alter the form that is re-skinned into something slightly more human like and then apply them an average mass equal to 70kg, 154lbs in the american system, (the average weight of an average adult human) from the 0.03125 "in-game" mass units applied to them? Seeing the great work done to kerbal suits and heads in many TR packs i'm sure someone could create reasonable looking humans in short order if it was requested. Even if they look "cartoony" they would be a step up from huge headed, long limbed, pot-belly kerbals with green skin. Just a thought, i myself lack the ability to attempt this

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on the note of making kerbals into humans that was mentioned

texture replacer seems to be able to "re-skin" a kerbal, fairly easily really, so could we find a simple way to alter the form that is re-skinned into something slightly more human like and then apply them an average mass equal to 70kg, 154lbs in the american system, (the average weight of an average adult human) from the 0.03125 "in-game" mass units applied to them? Seeing the great work done to kerbal suits and heads in many TR packs i'm sure someone could create reasonable looking humans in short order if it was requested. Even if they look "cartoony" they would be a step up from huge headed, long limbed, pot-belly kerbals with green skin. Just a thought, i myself lack the ability to attempt this

Personally, I'd rather have them as weird little green creatures than some sort of half kerbal/half human hybrid. If we really want to make them human, let's do it right, but that means new body meshes, textures, and animations.

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I got a bug the second time I played KSP since the RSSv.6 update. Kerbin has the new Earth texture. But it has shrunk to the original Kerbin in size. Orbiting around it is Mun and Minmus waay inside my four geostationary communication satellites. Earth, Moho and Eve are at an inclinination just like before. The other planets are lacking an inclination and their orbits seems to be just like in stock KSP. Earth is furthest out in the solar system. Does anyone know what is causing this? I know it's my own fault probably. I changed some cfgs in the RT2 folder and maybe something else. But those changes have been reverted and they shouldn't cause this behaviour should they?

Maybe updating RSS just borked my career save? It worked fine the first time I loaded with RSS v.6 though. Man I don't want to reinstall KSP + 45 mods.

Edit: In fact Minmus is orbiting at about 40000 km just outside the GSO orbit of 35786 km.

Edit2: Reinstalling RSS and RO solved the problem. I still wonder what caused it.

Edited by ThorBeorn
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I would love that aswell, but its outside my ability to give them new body meshes, textures, and animations. I was thinking that the basic TR skinning method could be used as a stop-gap measure until such a time a more professional job can be done, much like how we're using stock planets as place holders until the planets for RSS are officially released.

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Quick question. Is there going to be a rerelease of the stock size RSS? I really never understood the point of making the planet bigger and then resizing parts to suit. But I would love those Earth and moon textures in my game.

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Quick question. Is there going to be a rerelease of the stock size RSS? I really never understood the point of making the planet bigger and then resizing parts to suit. But I would love those Earth and moon textures in my game.

Have you tried realistic sized RSS? With realengines .cfg by SFJackBauer or RftS .cfg by NathanKell + Realfuels and the other recommended mods in the RO thread (plus ofcourse other mods you enjoy) getting into orbit becomes a challenge in the beginning. Your rockets will adopt realistic sizes and shapes. Just try it, it's fab! :)

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I got a bug the second time I played KSP since the RSSv.6 update. Kerbin has the new Earth texture. But it has shrunk to the original Kerbin in size. Orbiting around it is Mun and Minmus waay inside my four geostationary communication satellites. Earth, Moho and Eve are at an inclinination just like before. The other planets are lacking an inclination and their orbits seems to be just like in stock KSP. Earth is furthest out in the solar system. Does anyone know what is causing this? I know it's my own fault probably. I changed some cfgs in the RT2 folder and maybe something else. But those changes have been reverted and they shouldn't cause this behaviour should they?

Maybe updating RSS just borked my career save? It worked fine the first time I loaded with RSS v.6 though. Man I don't want to reinstall KSP + 45 mods.

Edit: In fact Minmus is orbiting at about 40000 km just outside the GSO orbit of 35786 km.

Edit2: Reinstalling RSS and RO solved the problem. I still wonder what caused it.

Ok so I recreated the issue with half of the solar system returning to the stock KSP version/size. It happens when I download and replace the normal map of Earth to the high resolution one in the OP. I renamed it to "Earth_NRM" writing out the underscore and omitting the ".png" extension since it already is a .png file.

What am I doing wrong? I'd really like a high res Earth texture.

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Ok so I recreated the issue with half of the solar system returning to the stock KSP version/size. It happens when I download and replace the normal map of Earth to the high resolution one in the OP. I renamed it to "Earth_NRM" writing out the underscore and omitting the ".png" extension since it already is a .png file.

What am I doing wrong? I'd really like a high res Earth texture.

What's happening is that halfway through parsing the RealSolarSystem.cfg file, it's looking for that file you renamed. Not finding it, it generates an error that you will see if you go look at the output_log.txt file. It does not parse anything after that. That's why half of your solar system is munged.

Don't rename things. Especially don't omit extensions.

Edit: Oh, you downloaded a file and you had to rename that. Ok. Make sure it matches EXACTLY the name of the file that you're replacing. That file is named in the RSS config file and it better find it if you want to see your solar system ever again.

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The issue with the offset lighting is that for some reason, KSP (Unity?) rather than wanting your average RGB normal map, wants a weird RGBA normal map where RGB is old-G inverted, and A is old-R inverted. I fixed the maps AndreyATGB posted (see screenshot of my attempt upthread) and will work on the other planets too.

Here, btw, is how you make CB textures.

For all maps (color, normal, heightmap): flip horizontal, then offset left 1/4 of the map width, wrapping around.

For normal maps: then invert R and copy to Alpha; then invert G and copy to R and B.

Aazard: there's a big difference between changing textures and changing models. We could make the heads dark-skinned or light-skinned rather than green, for example, but they'd still have all their old proportions. That is, they'd still be "huge headed, long limbed, pot-belly" things, just not green-skinned. To make a serious change, we have to *at least* rescale the parts of the model, if not replace it altogether.

coldblade2000: I see no reason it wouldn't. Nothing had to change for .23.5.

ThorBeorn: as Starwaster says, it's likely a file naming issue.

Download the file, and change its pre-extension name to EarthNRM. If you have extensions hid, it should appear as EarthNRM, and if you have extensions visible (i.e. you can see the extensions on files) it should appear as EarthNRM.png.

Then move it into RealSolarSystem/Plugins/PluginData and replace the existing EarthNRM.png

Note: this is ONLY the normal map; you already have the high-res Earth color texture, this will only make the mountains (and other terrain relief) appear a bit sharper from orbit.

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ThorBeorn: sorry they were confusing!

Corovaneer: For RSS, since RSS makes Kerbin Earth, it's an orbit with a period of 23h 56min 4.1s, or an altitude of 35,786km. For the others...no idea, you'll have to calculate them based on whatever the planetary rotation and mass are.

Sandworm: awesome pics, and thanks so much!

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Thanks NathanKell and Starwaster! I read the instructions in the OP too literally I guess.

You're welcome. And rereading my reply I feel compelled to make sure you understand that although it was meant to be informative there was also some tongue in cheek...

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So I'm working on a config to make a standard KSP sized RSS. The aim is to bump up the difficulty factor of the standard game to be more like RSS and I've succeeded in this respect.

I do however have a problem with not being able to do science. Is this something I did wrong?

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So I'm working on a config to make a standard KSP sized RSS. The aim is to bump up the difficulty factor of the standard game to be more like RSS and I've succeeded in this respect.

I do however have a problem with not being able to do science. Is this something I did wrong?

Do you mean a Kerbol System with Stock planets and orbits but in RSS size , so 10x sized Stock System or RSS in KSP stock size, so 1/10 sized RSS....Your first sentence implies the latter.the second one implies the first :D If the first, "KSP in RSS size" or "KSP in 10x size" would be clearer to understand :wink:

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KSP sized solar system. Real planets. Real atmosphere. Real orbits. Stock game sized. So RSS but 10x smaller...

Makes standard game look like real solar system. Adds difficulty on re-entry when used with FAR, deadly re-entry etc

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coldblade2000: will fix, sorry. The planetfactory cfg...I dunno. I think the one from AndreyATGB is probably more up-to-date.

splooshman: your video card doesn't support 8192x4096 textures. Open EarthColor.png and scale it down to 4096x2048.

Greeen Skull: you might want to look at metaphor's config in the OP; does what you want. For science, check the science params in the cfg and rescale the altitudes as appropriate.

Also--why would this be adding difficulty on reentry? If you scale Earth down to Kerbin's size, it will have Kerbin's level of difficulty on reentry (aka nearly nonexistent :) )

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splooshman: your video card doesn't support 8192x4096 textures. Open EarthColor.png and scale it down to 4096x2048.

Cool man , so that fixed the blue but my land is white , just like the png file , its always been green up till today , no idea what ive done lol


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Greeen Skull: you might want to look at metaphor's config in the OP; does what you want. For science, check the science params in the cfg and rescale the altitudes as appropriate.

Also--why would this be adding difficulty on reentry? If you scale Earth down to Kerbin's size, it will have Kerbin's level of difficulty on reentry (aka nearly nonexistent :) )

Thanks for the advice. Metaphor's config isn't quite what I'm after (no offence to anyone here) so I'm doing my own. I thought the atmosphere settings were different in RSS to stock and if they are I want to use those or similar. Astrophysics, thermodynamics and any kind of real science related to this aren't my strong point but if I don't try I'll never learn now to do cool stuff like this :D

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The atmosphere of Earth is somewhat deeper, yes; this makes reentry easier rather than harder--more atmosphere to brake in. What makes reentry harder (i.e. hotter) is that the orbital velocity of Earth is almost four times that of Kerbin.

Good on you for working on this, btw! That's indeed how to learn. :)

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