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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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One other question,

maybe it's a tiny little bug. On Kerbal, when you reach space at 70km, the music changes. The same happens on Earth at 70km.

Shouldn't that happen at 130km?

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RSS v10.1 pack it use Kopernicus 0.1 or Kopernicus 0.2 coz if it is 0.1 & not have 0.2 i will want to know coz reading patch note from K 0.2 it make me point to 2 very important thingy:

>>>> E.V.E clouds work again in MainMenu <<<<< hell yaa then i bet few moder will be super happy :cool:

>>>> Fixed altEnd value in HeightColorMap landclasses <<<<< if it is what i think it is yuuuuumy :D

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Either should be fine.

RSS doesn't use landcontrol so that's not relevant, and (unless it changed) EVE Overhaul doesn't add clouds to mainmenu anyway.

They're relevant to using Old-EVE, or people using 6.4x, 10x, whatever, but not RSS. :)

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Well most important change is >>>> E.V.E clouds work again in MainMenu <<<<< what can fix annoying problem what cause problem to Eve to assign correct layer to correct planet coz that Kerbin name is hardcoded & i can say something is improve with RSS 10.1 about that after i play with new Pingopete pack setting ;) i still have some problem but i will figure :D aka clouds config are give me some headhake not want to work corectly ... but for sure agen i make a silly thingy :D

About say "Either should be fine." well in K Changelog description it say "You need to update your System.cfg!" but i will belive u :)

p.s. for future it will be good to set a Kopernicus.version it will not hurt much :)

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...the clouds in mainmenu have literally nothing to do with planet names, or clouds during the game proper. It's that when Thomas P swapped planets around in the mainmenu scene the new body wasn't instantiated quite right for EVE to find, IIRC.

The stuff you see in the main menu doesn't come from the set of bodies, it's a separate scene with just some meshes. Thoma's change to Kopernicus does make the stuff in mainmenu come from (your homeworld) and (your homeworld's moon(s) ) and, per above, had a bit of an issue with EVE to start with, but that issue has nothing to do with the whole cbNameLater thing.

Well, in Kopernicus Beta 0.2 (and Beta 0.1) the System.cfg was last changed on June 5th. And since System.cfg is supplied by Kopernicus itself, not RSS, you'll always have the correct System for your version of Kopernicus when you install Kopernicus....

Yes, Kopernicus probably should have some kind of metadata, though that's probably best a discussion for the Kopernicus thread, not here. ;)

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Is anyone getting very weird re-entry behaviour with regards to heatshields? Using Heat Control, I deplete most of my ablator in the thinnest part of the atmosphere, where I am only decelerating at 2m/s2, while the remaining 1% of ablator takes several minutes to be used up, despite decelarying up to 8g and having a heatshield skin temperature of 2300K.


The problem was physics warp.

I sent a re-entry pod on a 140x140km orbit with a parachute and 968units of ablator, then brought it down to a periapse of 40km. The consumption rates and temperatures were quite normal until I tried physics warping through the exceedingly slow 140-90km descent phase.

Temperatures went bonkers. Ablation rate exploded. The skin temperature of the heatshield descended to 4k, and when I left timewarp at around 20 units remaining, my temperature reading was bonkers (oscillating between 4K and 1600K at about 5 times a second). Ablation rates returned to normal, so I had no ablator from 70km altitude onwards.

Despite having no ablator and still travelling at about 6500m/s, I managed to survive re-entry with a 1200K pod and 2800K heatshield.

Edited by TruthQuark
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My KSC is umm, in the middle of the ocean in RSS. I installed all the mods recommended in RO and RSS and my KSC is floating in the water for some reason. Did I do something wrong?

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My KSC is umm, in the middle of the ocean in RSS. I installed all the mods recommended in RO and RSS and my KSC is floating in the water for some reason. Did I do something wrong?

You have to increase terrain detail.

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Something is wrong with Venus. I landed on it's dark side and waited daylight for 12 years!

Sounds like you're still on Kerbin time. Go into settings from the main menu and change the time scale, otherwise you're on a timescale where 1 day = 15 minutes

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Hello again!

I have that problem with RSS on a Linux version of KSP 1.0.4 again. RSS just don't work at all, there is a stock Kerbin, named Earth and all stock planets.

Here is my player.log:


I have this exact same problem (but on windows) every single planet mod I have attempted to install never works. I think it's a problem with Kopernicus

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I have this exact same problem (but on windows) every single planet mod I have attempted to install never works. I think it's a problem with Kopernicus

I can see every planet just fine, even in 64bit, so it must be on your install

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Thanks for the great mod! So much fun to have the real system and learn about how it actually works.

I read comments about scaled down version of the real solar system. But I only could find one old one (1/10) that doesn't work.

Is there a recent config file somewhere that would allow playing with anything between 1/10 to 1/2 rss?

I m having too many issues with RO and stock parts are really painful to go interplanetary.

Sorry to ask but just spent a few hours looking in vain.

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You're asking the wrong question. Is something wrong with the Mars sattelites... or is something wrong with every other celestial body?

Think about it.

Edited by Temeter
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Hey, the old problem where the game crashes every time I try to return to the space centre or load a save is happening to me again. Wasn't that fixed in a recent version. The fix used to be to set loadonmissing in rsskopernicus.cfg to false but that's been done in default now. Any ideas?

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