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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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Hey, so I was messing around, editing some of the 8k .dds textures for planets, customizing them to my liking and got to earth. After pulling it up I remembered "Hey, I don't care much for the bright cyan spots scattered about the map". They have no bearing on biomes and to me they seemed kind of sightly, so I took the time to smooth out the textures (they are at the edges of certain shorelines) of the water. The difference between the original and the one without those bright spots is negligible, but noticeable when seen side-by-side. If anyone else has noticed this and is interested, I've uploaded the edited EarthColor.dds to my dropbox (link below). Just pop it in RSS-Textures and replace the original (or rename original as a backup).


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16 minutes ago, Jimbodiah said:

I installed the RSS mod as well as the textures, but everything is as good as flat. There are height differences, but definitely nothing that resemble ridges or valleys.

I just checked in game, and the heights of planets are fine. While the heightmaps are somewhat mushy due to the huge size of real world planets, and the deformity is more realistic compared to the radius, there are definitely visible mountains and valleys. Hyperedit a craft to the Grand Canyon's lat/lon co-ordinates. Or to Olympus Mons, or to virtually anywhere on the Moon. If you're using the 2048x1024 textures then that would be another problem, and fixable by getting the 4096 or 8192 textures.

Real world planets are much flatter than Kerbal planets.

Edited by GregroxMun
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I found a problem with the RealSolarSystem\RSSKopernicus\Mars config related to the "flat duna" mars issue.

removing the second PQS line fixed the issue for me.


            maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.001
            minLevel = 3
            maxLevel = 12
            deactivateAltitude = 167000
            fadeStart = 102000
            fadeEnd = 127000
            maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.001
            minLevel = 3
            maxLevel = 12
            deactivateAltitude = 167000
            fadeStart = 102000
            fadeEnd = 127000
            materialType = AtmosphericOptimized


Edited by Arcturusvfx
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6 minutes ago, Arcturusvfx said:

I found a problem with the RealSolarSystem\RSSKopernicus\Mars config related to the "flat duna" mars issue.

removing the second PQS line fixed the issue for me.

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Starwaster Edit: Posted prior to the clarification (hey, guess what, I can't edit outside of the quoted text. I hate when this happens :()

Edited by Starwaster
Posted prior to the clarification
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4 hours ago, SkyKaptn said:

are we talking about the line minLevel = 3 or the entire entry (6 lines) that are identical?

There shouldn't even be a duplicated section like that and the Mars config doesn't have a second PQS section in there at all. (not mine and not looking at the repo either)

Edit: Duplicate on repo got removed recently so that's what he was talking about. Just download the updated file and copy it over the mars.cfg file in your install: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/master/GameData/RealSolarSystem/RSSKopernicus/Mars/Mars.cfg

Edited by Starwaster
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