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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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  NathanKell said:
ThorBeorn, I take it you're not on High terrain detail?

Also I don't seem to get it with parachute-landing capsules...

Nope updating to .25 apparently set detail level to default. I only got the bug when landing airplanes. Never with capsules/parachutes.

Will do some more testing tomorrow.

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It is now, yes. regex ported the Alternis Kerbol light shifting code. You can add sunlightIntensity = $SOMETHING to RealSolarSystemSettings.cfg, and also scaledSunlightIntensity and IVASunIntensity (as well as various other keys, see each if() test here and below for supported keys, like setting shadow intensity, color, etc.).

Edited by NathanKell
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  NathanKell said:
It is now, yes. regex ported the Alternis Kerbol light shifting code. You can add sunlightIntensity = $SOMETHING to RealSolarSystemSettings.cfg, and also scaledSunlightIntensity and IVASunIntensity (as well as various other keys, see each if() test here and below for supported keys, like setting shadow intensity, color, etc.).

Ah man! Wicked! :D

Might you be able to add these variables to the rss in-game GUI? and maybe the beginnings of a node in the RSS config?

When I look at the original source code my mind just goes blank.. :P

EDIT: this is what I've got so far, haven't tested in-game yet..

%SSFStart = 94000
%SSFEnd = 100000
%PQSfadeStart = 100000
%PQSfadeEnd = 120000
%PQSSecfadeStart = 100000
%PQSSecfadeEnd = 120000
%PQSdeactivateAltitude = 125000
@SSColor32 = RVE/RSS/EarthColor
%SSBump = RVE/RSS/Earth_NRM
%useSphericalSSM = true
sunlightColor =
sunlightIntensity = 10
IVASunColor =
IVASunIntensity = 100
scaledSunlightColor =
scaledSunlightIntensity = 50
sunlightLensFlareColor = 1,1,1,1
ambientLightColor = 1,1,1,1
@vertexColorMap = GameData/RVE/RSS/PluginData/EarthSurface.png
%innerRadius = 6357290 // 0.99
%outerRadius = 6496000 // 1.025
%waveLength = 0.65, 0.6, 0.5, 1.0
//invWaveLength = 0.75, 0.82, 0.89, 0.55
%ESun = 20
%Kr = 0.0008
%Km = 0.0006
// CameraValues
%cam00NearClip = 1
%cam00FarClip = 500
%cam01NearClip = 300
%cam01FarClip = 30000000
%camSSNearClip = 9
%camSSFarClip = 3000000000

Edited by pingopete
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The light values for the Sun are set in RealSolarSystemSettings.cfg; they do not belong in the PQS settings config file and are not individual to each body.

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sunlightIntensity = 14
IVASunIntensity = 140
scaledSunlightIntensity = 70


Edit: BTW, I'm assuming that is a esthetic option, or this is important for solar panels and so on?

Edited by Proot
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  Proot said:

No. https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/wiki/Lighting-Parameters

sunlightColor = 1.0, 0.74, 0.49, 1.0
sunlightIntensity = 0.44
scaledSunlightColor = 1.0, 0.74, 0.49, 1.0
scaledSunlightIntensity = 0.44
IVASunColor = 1.0, 0.74, 0.49, 1.0
IVASunIntensity = 0.44
sunlightLensFlareColor = 1.0, 0.74, 0.49, 0.85
ambientLightColor = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0

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  RandomJeb said:
Where do atmospheres end anyway? The wiki was extremely unhelpful and google is entirely perplexed about what I want.

Good question!

Not too hard to figure out, check out /GameData/RealSolarSystem/RealSolarSystem.cfg, each planet has a 'maxAtmosphereAltitude' parameter that sets the height of the atmosphere in meters.

For example Venus is 140km.

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  Proot said:
BTW, I'm assuming that is a esthetic option, or this is important for solar panels and so on?

I missed this earlier, yes, it is purely aesthetic. Solar panel effectiveness is handled through a float curve in RealSolarSystemSettings.cfg.

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  ThorBeorn said:
Nope updating to .25 apparently set detail level to default. I only got the bug when landing airplanes. Never with capsules/parachutes.

Will do some more testing tomorrow.

Ok I've done some more test landings (with airplanes) in the vicinity of different launch sites, both on high and default texture settings.

I slip through the ground and explode every time, just like I used to do earlier. I have no idea why it worked that one time though.

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Having lots of trouble with RSS, The textures on the new version are EXTREMELY worse than before, even using the exact same textures.

New Version: WLTf9WA.jpg

Old Version: 0AlRisq.jpg

They're both using the 8192 texture packs, any ideas on how to fix this?

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  NathanKell said:


*Fix typo in camera clipping that made the ground flicker (at least it wasn't another loader bug).

*Correct version this time in assembly info.

So, I was experiencing this problem and didn't even know I had it for a long time (been testing rover wheels for lo-fi) and so after a lot of searching, I finally figure out that it is this mod. Now, I use this mod because it seems to have the ability to turn off the white horizon that plagues the stock game. Anyway, I saw this update and installed it thinking my flickering problems were over. Well, they actually got worse. Now I can get flickering just by zooming out from my rover. Used to be I would only get this effect when over 10k. Could there be a configuration option I need to specify to make the fix work properly?

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So I've just discovered that the KSC only exists at the current set launching point, so my little plan to fly from one runway to another was foiled by the destination runway not existing.

Is there any way to get all the launch stations to persist even when they're not the active space center?

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