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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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Seriously NathanKell, you ARE the best. (Now, if only Kragrathea would follow your example).

Thank you VERY much


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On the subject of launches, I know there isn't a fixed terminal velocity with FAR, but what would you say is generally a good speed to be under for the first 20-30km? I'm guessing I shouldn't be getting re-entry effects that's for sure.

The re-entry effects aren't at all realistic I think... They're tuned to kick in during reentry on stock Kerbin, where orbital speed is a fraction of RealKerbin. Good question about drag losses on ascent though.

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The general rule with drag losses in FAR is that you don't worry about them too much. NathanKell did a launch where he broke down the dV numbers, and out of a total of ~8.9 km/s expended, most went to velocity, ~1.2 km/s lost to gravity, and 230 m/s lost to drag. So basically, don't worry too much about drag losses (unless you're flying something phenomenally draggy).

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The general rule with drag losses in FAR is that you don't worry about them too much. NathanKell did a launch where he broke down the dV numbers, and out of a total of ~8.9 km/s expended, most went to velocity, ~1.2 km/s lost to gravity, and 230 m/s lost to drag. So basically, don't worry too much about drag losses (unless you're flying something phenomenally draggy).

These number are well in line with what happens in reality as far as I know.

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- Orbital lines disappear if Ap is close to body (during launch, for instance), requires zoom out and back in to reappear (is fixed when you can see the line through the body).

to update: I was wrong, it simply happens everytime I open the mapview, no matter what distance seemingly.

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FanaticalFighter, make sure you're tracking actual dV expended (not how much vac dV you have at the start of the flight, for example).

If memory serves, drag losses on Saturn V launches were around 100m/s. If it gets over 500, you're doing something drastically wrong, IMO, as asmi says.

Note that in MJ in order to find your actual drag losses, you have to take total dV expended, subtract your present surface velocity, your gravity losses, and your steering losses: that yields drag losses.

Visari: are you using the clouds and city lights mod? Zoom far out on map view and zoom back in. Orbital tracks should reappear.

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Visari: are you using the clouds and city lights mod? Zoom far out on map view and zoom back in. Orbital tracks should reappear.

So that's the mod causing it? guess I can remove another bug from the rescale bug counter, unless it happens to be a compatibility issue between the two.

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@Nathan: Yes, I was tracking delta v expenditure. It was gravity losses in the end, because I ended up turning a little too late for the new resized Kerbin :P

So... I've run into a bug. I got some small satellites into orbit, I decided to get some kerbals up there. However, the launch clamps just can't hold the new, larger rocket and it falls over. I've never seen the launch clamps fail. Ideas?

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Visari: are you using the clouds and city lights mod? Zoom far out on map view and zoom back in. Orbital tracks should reappear.

Just had this bug as well and this time zooming did not make them reappear.

1st out of give or take 50 times but thought id let you know.

Also while we are mixing threads: When you zoom to certain levels in the map view, the orbital line gets overlayed with a cloud texture.

Zoom in as far as you can an carefully zoom out, you'll see what I mean.

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So I'm having loads of fun with this playing career mode, but I ran across a problem.

I went to Minmus, got there just fine. While I was diving towards the Pe of 10km, suddenly Mun happened. It seems that Minmus SoI crosses Mun SoI. I got thrown off in a random direction, instead of keeping my previous speed relative to Kerbin, which was weird.

You might have intended the SoIs crossing eachother, but it seems KSP can't really handle it well. Or rather, at all. :<

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I love you. Just a question... with the rescale, you mean REAL-REAL 1.00 Earth scale or some made-up scale with an accurate atmosphere, atmospheric scale-height, same delta-v to orbit etc...?

K after being too excited to read I somehow managed to read the 1st 5 or so pages, so yes, 1.0 scale

TBH I dont think that matters too much, if you scale the rockets properly (to 64%, with 0,26 of their mass and thrust) you should be able to launch stuff with historical rockets without trouble...(that is, IF the atmosphere is okay, with the proper scale-height and max height... which I still couldnt find an answer about... the 0% drag loss on one of the screenshots however frightens me...) ofcourse, in their scaled mass, so 0,26 of the original (say hello to 20kg sputnik... lol)

Anyway, real-life scale rockets would be insane... the Proton with a Salyut on it already breaks the Assembly building (yep, I tried that craziness... but with Kerbin-scaled thrust and fuel quantity)

Edited by dimovski
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I love you. Just a question... with the rescale, you mean REAL-REAL 1.00 Earth scale or some made-up scale with an accurate atmosphere, atmospheric scale-height, same delta-v to orbit etc...?

Right now it's all identical to the Earth, except for the lack of upper atmosphere (I mean _really_ upper, beyond 120-150 km).

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I managed to FRAPS that settling bug a few have been talking about (Sorry for Justin blaring in the background)

Also the position of this launch was new to me but stayed the same after reverting to launch.

Reverting back to VAB and then launching again fixed it :S

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I managed to FRAPS that settling bug a few have been talking about (Sorry for Justin blaring in the background)

Also the position of this launch was new to me but stayed the same after reverting to launch.

Reverting back to VAB and then launching again fixed it :S

I think your Kerbals are committing suicide because of the music... :(


Try without launching clamps, apparently they are murder right now. I often get them offset and it really causes massive stress throughout the rocket.

Actually Nathan suggested something to last night. Instead of launching clamps, take the largest decoupler you have, use it as a base. And attach to it radial girders that extend outwards. It'll acts a more "stable" base. Depending on how you build it, results may vary. (obviously)


Edited by MedievalNerd
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I think your Kerbals are committing suicide because of the music... :(


Try without launching clamps, apparently they are murder right now. I often get them offset and it really causes massive stress throughout the rocket.

I've also noticed that when you warp time on the pad the rocket stops shaking and when I go back to normal speed, the rocket gets a huge kick.

Also occasionaly 1 of 4 clamps just comes loose on settling.

While writing this I realised this might not be related to this mod but with FAR?

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